Winchester Imagine

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Requested by: Hollie_Lynx_Wolf_101

Imagine: You are a mother figure to Dean and Sam.

You were a lonely hunter on the road working on a demon case. You ran into some trouble, and ended up getting caught by the demons. You were tortured for information on your kind, hunters. You thought that this was going to be the end for you, when all of a sudden, the door to the open warehouse where the demons were keeping you captive was busted open.

A man who looked to be in his thirties, around your age, came into the warehouse and swiftly took care of the demons. He helped you up and cut the ropes that had been binding you. "Thank you," you told them man as he started helping you walk.

"Your welcome. How did you end up here?" he asked you. "I was hunting them down, and I got some information wrong," you replied truthfully. "Wait, you're a hunter?" he questioned slightly shocked. "Yes. My name is Y/N Y/L/N," you answered. "I'm John Winchester, come on, you can stay in my room at the motel for the night," he told you.

You thanked him again as he drove you to the motel he was staying at. He helped you inside, and as soon as he opened the door, he was approached by two kids. One who looked to be ten and the other, six. "Hey boys," John said hugging them both.

"Who's that, dad?" the ten year old asked. John looked at you and said, "This is Y/N, she's a hunter and needed our help. Now, go to bed, it's way past your bedtime, and Y/N and I need to talk." The boys obeyed their father and went to bed as you and John sat down at the small table that was in the room.

"You have kids?" you asked. John solemnly nodded his head and replied, "The ten year old is Dean, and the six year old, that's Sammy." "Why are still hunting, if you have kids," you  questioned. "Their mother was killed by a demon, and I won't stop until I stop it," he responded.

"But, what about your kids? Do they go on hunts with you?" you asked. "No, I leave them at the rooms that I rent out while I go on hunts. It's no life for a kid, but it's all that I can do," he answered. "So they are all by themselves most of the time," you asked.

John nodded his head and you told him, "I could watch them for you, if you would like." John looked at you slightly shocked and confused and said, "You have your own life, I don't want to drag you into mine."

"John, your kids need someone to look after them, and sometimes, hunts run a little long, you and I both know that, but if you let me, I can watch over them, and keep them safe while you try to avenge their mother," you explained. John thought about for a moment for asking "You would really do that? You would give up your life to take care of my kids?"

"It would be my pleasure," you responded with a small smile. The truth was, you wanted to get out of the hunter's life, and live a normal one. Maybe this was your chance. "Okay, I'll let you stay," John responded. You smiled softly and thanked him.

You and John both went to sleep then, and the next morning you and John woke up at about the same time. Dean and Sam soon woke up and you figured it would be best to leave John to talk to them. So you went out and got breakfast for everyone.

When you came back you gave everyone food, and then Dean came up to you, "My dad you were going to stay with us and take care of me and my brother. Thank you, Y/N." "Your welcome, Dean," you responded.

You then all finished your breakfast, and went on the road to find a new case in a new city. You took care of the boys pretty well for the next few years. They absolutely adored you and you loved them like your own kids. John and you also became very close friends.

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