Requests and Updates!!

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Okay, first off, let me apologize 1,000,000,000,000 times for not updating!! I have been busy with school, and right now I am in a cast, but I figured what the hell, you guys deserve some updates.

Which brings me to my next point:
I know that a few of you have requested, but because of my inactivity, I don't know who all requested!! I'm so sorry again!!

So I have requests from


For those people, I'm trying to get your requests done soon, thank you for being so patient, all of you. If anyone else requested please comment on here! :)

Also, last thing, we are getting close to the 100th imagine! Yay! When I hit 100 imagines, I will be switching over to my second imagines book. Fight-The-Fairies- made an AMAZING book cover for it and I really want it to happen. So please, request as MUCH as you guys want, and let's make it happen!


I love you all and all of you are amazing!

Always Keep Fighting!


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