Sam Imagine

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This is a Part 2 to my last Sam Imagine. This was requested by Riddler9 so thanks for requesting and please don't forget to follow her and Lucis_babe. This one will be shorter.

Imagine: Dean and Cas walk in on you and Sam experiencing "lust"

I smiled as Sam laid another kiss on my lips. "There always lust," I remembered Sam's words perfectly. "Will you show me?" I asked him in response. Sam happily agreed and now here we were. I smiled and let Sam take control since I really didn't know what I was doing.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Sam asked me, pulling his lips from mine. I nodded my head, I wasn't really sure what exactly we were doing, or what we were going to do, but it felt right. It had only been a few minutes, when there was knock the door.

Sam didn't pay attention to it, so I ignored it too, not wanting Sam to leave to get it. All of a sudden, the door opened. Sam stayed still until we heard a small shriek. "Ah, my eyes! Sam and Cas' sister!" I heard Dean say.

Sam pulled away and we both looked at Dean and Cas. "Carli?" Cas asked. "Um, hello, Castiel," I said. We were all in shock, and nobody moved. Sam was still laying on me. "What are you doing?" Cas asked. Sam didn't look like he was going to answer.

"We are experiencing lust!' I told Cas with a big smile, letting him know I was excited. Cas looked between me, Sam, and Dean. Sam let out a small chuckle and Dean cringed his nose. There was silence once more, and Sam cleared his throat.

Dean shook his head, trying to get the image of Sam and I together out of it. "Right, well, uh, we will just go then," Dean said, walking to the door, and pulling Cas a little too.

"Yes, just carry on," Cas said. "My wayward son," I heard Dean mumble. (A/N) sorry I can't simply say carry on without adding my wayward son.)

They left and Sam looked down at me. "Do you still want to do this?" he asked. "Yes," I answered. Sam smirked and placed his lips on mine once more. However, I listened to what Cas and Dean were saying with my angel powers.

"I don't understand what just happened," Cas said. "I guess you could say we were just in the wrong place, at the wrong time," Dean said.

I smiled into the kiss a little at that. "Right," Cas answered. "We should probably go somewhere else, before they start breaking stuff," Dean said. That was the last thing I heard before I focused all of my attention back to Sam. I still wasn't clear on what lust was, but it sounded fun.

Hello my little monsters. I hope you liked this, sorry for the shortness. Thank you guys so much for the over 3K reads! Let me know what you thought of it by voting and commenting! ILY all and all of you are amazing!

Always Keep Fighting!


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