Dean Imagine

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This imagine was requested by: -Laureen_San-

Imagine: Working as a stripper for a case, and having to dance on Dean, and then afterwards, Dean makes his "move."

Bakersfield, California. Five murders, happened over the past week in Bakersfield. They were all men. You read on about the death in Bakersfield, and then showed the newspaper to Dean and Sam. "Hey Y/N," Dean said, as you came into the dining room, where the boys were eating breakfast.

"What's up?" Sam asked. "Bakersfield, California," you replied. "What?" Dean and Sam asked, simultaneously. You showed them the news, and their confused faces, turned into focused faces, with still a hint of confusion visible.

"You think something supernatural might be going on here?" Dean asked. "Better, I already solved the case," you replied with a smirk. "How did you manage to do that?" Sam asked. "It was simple. All of the men went to the same strip club before they died, and they all talked to one person before they died -- one of the strippers. We are dealing with a siren," you stated, proud of yourself.

Dean and Sam let out a small sigh, and Dean said, "Alright, let's go to Bakersfield." You smiled at Dean, and then packed your things and got ready for the hunt.

The boys and you were ready within a few minutes and you all piled your stuff, and yourselves, into the car. Bakersfield was a little ways away, so you, Dean, and Sam decided to come up with a plan to trap and hunt the siren.

"Well we know that she is a stripper," Dean stated. "Right," you agreed. "So the only way to know which stripper she is, is to be a stripper," Sam continued.

"Well how is that going to work none of us are strippers," you told Sam. Dean and Sam shared a look and then they looked at you. "You could be the stripper, Y/N," Sam said.

You looked at the boys slightly disgusted at the thought and said, "No way! There is no way that I can be a stripper. I don't even know how to strip!"

Dean and Sam both gave a slight chuckle at your small freak our moment and then Dean said, "It won't be as hard as you think and you probably won't even have to strip, as long as you find the siren before the strippers come on stage, you will be safe."

You let out a small but exasperated sigh and said, "Fine, I will do it, but you guys can't make fun of me for it." Dean let out a slight chuckle before promising not to laugh at you, and Sam agreed.

You arrived in Bakersfield a couple of hours later, and you prepared yourself. Dean took you to a clothing store so that you could buy more revealing clothes. He stayed by the Impala, while you bought and put on a red crop top and very short shorts. You wore high heels, and did your hair and make-up elegantly, yet sexy with the help of a few workers in the store.

You walked out of the store, and back to the Impala. As soon as Dean saw you, his eyes scanned your entire body and his mouth dropped open. "Do I look okay?" you asked Dean. Dean stuttered for words as he continued to stare at your body.

He shifted his body weight and started slightly blushing. He finally made eye contact with you and gave you a small smile before he quickly got in the car and shut the door. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, and then got into the car as well.

"You alright there, Dean?" you asked. Dean still couldn't find words but nodded his head and sped off back to the motel to get Sammy, and then it was off to the strip bar. You stirred at the thought that in only a few minutes, you were probably going to have to strip.

But it wasn't the fact that you were going to have to strip that made you the most nervous, it was the fact that you were going to have to strip in front of your major crush - Dean. You didn't know how to strip, and you didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of Dean.

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