Dean Imagine

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Imagine going to a basketball game with Dean. (BTW this picture isn't of Dean but it's of Jensen and so adorable.)

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Dean Winchester was never the team sports game guy. He would much rather do things by himself. According to Dean, it was too much work and trouble to have a team, because nobody does what you want them to.

You on the other hand were the opposite. You loved to watch basketball, football, volleyball, baseball, and soccer games on the TV. Being a hunter, you never got to actually go and see a live game, but Dean knew how much you loved these games.

Your birthday was coming up, and Dean knew exactly what he was going to get you, although he didn't tell anyone. When your birthday finally arrived, Dean made you breakfast, and as you ate your breakfast, Dean handed you an envelope.

"What is this?" you asked. "Happy birthday Y/N. Open it," Dean replied. You opened the envelope and pulled out a card that read, "I have loved girls before, but never have I been so in love. Not until I met you. I hope this shows you how much I love you."

Your face and heart smiled as you read the card. Then, you opened the card, and saw two tickets to go see (YOUR FAVORITE BASKETBALL TEAM) that night. Your jaw dropped and you looked to Dean who had a dopey smile on his face.

"Are you serious? Is this serious?" you asked, completely shocked. Dean nodded and you smiled and kissed him. "I'll take it as you like your gift?" Dean said in a cocky voice. You nodded and laughed while you said, "I love it." You kissed Dean once more before going up to your shared room and getting ready for the game.

You wore jeans, a shirt that had a basketball with a basketball net on it, and your favorite tennis shoes. You wore your hair in a ponytail and you were ready to go...even though you still had five hours.

You spent those hours with Dean, watching basketball games, and explaining the game to Dean, since he didn't know that much about basketball. When the time came for you and Dean to leave to the game, you were both very pumped.

The stadium where the basketball game was taking place was an hour away, and you and Dean danced to classic rock songs the whole way. When you arrived to the basketball stadium, you and Dean hopped out of the car, and you dragged Dean behind you as you ran to the doors.

You got inside the place, and you were completely surprised to see that the tickets Dean had bought you were right up front. "Dean, the tickets must have cost you a fortune," you told him. Dean shrugged and said, "Your worth it Y/N. I just wanted you to have a good birthday."

You smiled before you and Dean took your seats. The first half of the game was horrible. It was filled with turnovers, missed shots, and travels. However, you were still having a great time, because Dean was making you laugh. He was always yelling, "That guy's open! That guy's wide open! Pass it to him!" or he was yelling, "Come on! You could have made that!"

Dean was getting so mad and your sides hurt from laughing at Dean so much. When Dean saw how hard you were laughing at him, he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "It's not funny Y/N!" Dean protested. You continued to laugh as you said, "Yes it is!"

Intermission began and you and Dean both took your seats. "This is why I hate team sports. None of them know what they are doing. They're idjits!" Dean told you. "I know babe, but thank you for coming anyways,' you replied.

Dean smiled at you and said, "Your welcome, and you know there might be one team that I don't mind." This made you curious. "Oh, and which team is that?" you asked. "Our team, me and you, against the world, always," Dean replied.

You smiled and said, "I agree, we definitely make the best team. Mainly because I know what I am doing when it comes to us, and I'm not an idjit." Dean let out a small chuckle and nodded his head in agreement.

After a couple of minutes passed, you realized that you and Dean were on the kiss cam. "What is that Y/N? Why are we up there?" Dean asked. You smiled and kissed Dean. He was surprised but relaxed into the kiss as everyone cheered.

You and Dean broke the kiss with smiles, and the second half of the game started. Your team was on fire the second half and they ended up winning the game, and Dean referred to him as "The Ultimate Team," every chance he got after that game, and you couldn't have been happier about it.

Okay, so a friend told me it would be nice if I made this imagine, but she want to remain anonymous so this for her. Sorry if it isn't that good, but I hope you like it! Please vote, comment, request, and follow. Thanks for reading! ILY all and all of you are amazing!

Always Keep Fighting!


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