Sam Imagine

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6K reads? This honestly more than I can imagine so thank you all so much! Also thank you Supernatural-24 for the idea ;)

Imagine: Soulless Sam saves you.

You left the Winchesters, well Dean, a few weeks after Sam had gone to Hell. It was too hard on you and you couldn't handle it. So you left to heal by yourself.

Little did you know that Sam was back and alive and he kept a close eye on you. You went to a diner one morning and got some breakfast. As soon as you were sitting, Sam joined you.

Your eyes widen and nearly filled with tears as you asked, "Sammy?" He gave a small smile and said, "Hi." "How did you get out?" you asked him. "I don't know yet," Sam said. His voice was cold and something was different about him.

You reached your hand out and tried to place it on Sam's but he pulled his back before you could. "I've missed you Sammy," you told him after a couple of seconds.

"I'm not here to get back together with you Y/N, I'm here to say goodbye," Sam told you. You felt heartbroken and asked, "What do you mean? I already lost you once, please don't make me lose you again," you pleaded.

Sam sighed but instead of telling you he was sorry he just got up and left. You felt a tear slip down your cheek and you stayed at the diner for a couple of hours. You couldn't move, you didn't want to. You were hoping Sam would come back but when it was around seven o'clock you lost hope.

You paid the bill for the several things you ordered just to keep the table and left. You were walking to your car and the cold night air made you shiver. You were almost to your car when you heard heavy footsteps behind you. You quickly turned around, ready to fight, but the attacker was quicker.

He landed a punch to your jaw and you heard a sickening crack. You quickly got up only to be struck down once more. This happened over and over again and your vision began to get blurry. You collapsed to the ground and stayed there. You couldn't fight anymore.

The demon picked you up and made you walk to his car. Just as he was about to push you in it, you saw someone else through your blurry vision.

The man attacked your attacker and you fell to the ground. Once the demon who attacked you was down the man came over to you. You now saw that it was Sam and your eyelids grew heavy. You tried to close them but Sam wouldn't let you.

"You have to stay awake, okay Y/N?" Sam told you and picked you up bridal style. He carried you and you wrapped your arms around his neck. "I thought you didn't care about me anymore," you softly croaked out.

Sam looked at you and didn't say anything. He got to his car and set you in the backseat and he got in the drivers seat. "What happened to you in Hell?" you asked Sam during the drive. "I lost my soul," Sam told you.

You knew that he actually meant it and your eyes went wide before giving Sam a sympathetic look. You couldn't begin to imagine what Sam was going through.

You started to drift off but you were lightly shaken awake by Sam. You looked around and saw that you were at a motel. Sam helped you out of the car and once more carried you.

He laid you down on the motel bed. He then got up and turned around to leave, but you stopped him. "Sammy, please don't go," you begged. Sam looked at you for a moment and then came back to the bed.

He laid down next to you, and you laid your head on his chest. He was hesistant at first, but wrapped his arms around you. "I need you to know something Y/N," Sam said. You waited in silence for him to continue.

"I can't feel anything. I don't feel sad, or happy, or even mad. But when I saw you hurt, I felt sad and angry. You made me feel, and I don't know how because I don't have my soul, but I know that I can't lose you," Sam explained.

You smiled at what Sam was saying and planted a kiss on his lips. Even if he didn't have a soul, the moment was perfect. You had waited too long to see him again, too long to kiss him again, too long to know he was okay. And now that he was here, you weren't ever going to let him go, and he promised he would never let you go either.

Hello my little monsters! I hope you guys liked this one! Don't forget about the contest and please vote and comment! Thanks for the reads seriously! ILY all and all of you are amazing!

Always Keep Fighting!


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