Gabriel Imagine

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Requested by: Hannah_claire21 

Imagine: You are Dean and Sam's little sister and dating Gabriel.

It wasn't easy being the little sister of Dean and Sam. They were so protective of you, and you loved them for it, but at the same time, you needed your space. You had grown up in the hunting life, just as they did, and they always looked out for you, but ever since your dad, John, died, they have gotten a tad but clingy. They wanted to know what you were doing every second of the day, and you appreciated their concern for you, but at the same time, you wished they would just trust you for once.


You were on a hunt with Sam and Dean to look for a monster called "The Trickster." It took you and your brothers a little bit to piece everything about the case together, but once you finally did, you made your way to where you all thought the Trickster would be hiding.

You got into the building and stayed hidden while the Trickster played his little mind tricks. Finally, Dean got close enough to stake him. You all watched as the Trickster writhed in pain, and then died Relieved the case was over, you all started to leave the building, but you had this feeling that told you to stay there.

So, you told Dean and Sam to get the car, and you would meet them outside. You then stayed hidden in the shadows, and looked into the room where your brothers had killed the Trickster. You were shocked to see the Trickster standing next to a decoy apparition of himself.

The Trickster had fooled Sam and Dean again, and he was about to get away. Dean and Sam weren't close enough for you to run back and tell them in time, so you pulled out a stake from your left boot that you were wearing.

You then advanced towards the Trickster. "Don't move," you said with authority in your voice. He looked surprised that you were there, and then slightly waved his hand and the false him with the stake in it disappeared. "You snuck up on me, not many people can do that," he told you with a smirk.

"You can't fool me like you fooled my brothers," you stated firmly. "Yes, I know, you are different, you're special," he replied as he stepped closer to you. You held you ground and asked, "What are you doing?" He took another step closer and responded, "Admiring the beauty."

You rolled your eyes and told him, "I'm not afraid to stake you." "Yes, I can see that, but something is telling you not to kill me, so I know that you won't," he replied. "I don't know what you're talking about, I will kill you, because you've killed others."

He chuckled slightly and you couldn't help but love the sound of his laugh. He stepped closer and you froze. He was now only inches away from you. "I didn't kill anyone," he said, barely above a whisper. "What do you mean?" you questioned.

He tilted his head and looked at you with a small smile playing on his lips. "I made your brothers think that they had killed me. Who says that I didn't make them think that I killed all those people just so they would find me," he answered.

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "So this was just another one of the Trickster's elaborate ruses?" you asked. He smiled as he walked behind you. He pressed his chest into your back and moved your hair from your ear. You shivered as his fingers ran slightly across your neck.

"That's another thing, sweetheart. I'm not a Trickster," he whispered into your ear. Your eyes widened at this and you turned around to face him, but he disappeared. You gasped slightly, noticing that he was gone, and you looked around for a trace of him, but there was nothing.

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