Castiel Imagine

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Imagine: Castiel and you being really good friends. However, Castiel just fell from Heaven and you both get drunk and end up kn bed together.

The Winchesters and I have been friends for a while. John Winchester took me in when Dean and Sammy were in high school. He brought me into his family when my parents, old friends of John, had died. It was in a vampire nest. I went with them but I couldn't save them in time. So I was an orphan, but John soon introduced me to my "brothers" at least I thought of them like that. I went through a lot with them. I went through Sam leaving Dean and John to go to college. I even visited him sometimes in college. I went on many hunts with the Winchesters too. So when Dean died it hit me hard. Sammy left me and Bobby, and Bobby tried his best. I ended up leaving to Montana and living in a small cabin in the woods drinking my sorrows and sobbing. A while later Sammy had found me and Dean surprised me by coming out behind Sammy. I slammed my door still trying to comprehend what was going on. Sammy kept knocking, "Y/N come on open the door." I just stood there with my back leaning against the door. Then I heard a strange man's voice. "Open the door. Dean and Sam want to see you." I opened my eyes and he was right in front of me. I jumped and gasped. "Wh-Who are you?" I asked. "My name is Castiel. I am the angel who raised Dean from Hell." I let out a slow breath and opened the door. And hugged both of my brothers for the first time in a year and a half.

~Time Skip: 5 Years~

I screamed and ran down the stairs. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me, which unfortunately led me to fall down the stairs and land flat on my back. I groaned a little and noticed he was coming down the stairs. I got up quickly and started running but I was to late. He picked me up and threw me on the couch. "No. No! Cas stop!" I screamed trying to catch my breath as Cas was tickling me. Castiel and I are the best of friends. We have basically the same relationship as Say Dean and I. Except a little different. Over the years, I may have developed a little small crush on Cas, and sometimes I think he has developed one on me. However, everytime I try to flirt with him, he is always like, "I don't understand that reference" or "I havent heard that one before. Thats different." Castiel has fallen now though. Maybe he could understand more now. Maybe things would change a little bit for the better now. He finally stopped tickling me and I struggled to catch my breath. He came to the side of my head and lifted it ever so slightly. He sat down on the couch and laid my head on his lap. "So how do you lile being a human?" I asked him. "It's interesting. I am hungry all the time now. I need sleep. But I am adapting." he replied "Yep, being a human sucks doesn't it?" I said. He laughed a little and nodded his head. "I don't think Sam and Dean understand though. I don't even think that they want me in the bunker anymore. I dont Y/N. Maybe I should just leave." I sat up and said, "No Cas. You aren't leaving. Dean and Sam are just dealing with some things. They are always distant when thry have some problems. They don't even let me in. But dont worry they will let you in eventually. Besides I want you here." He looked up at me and smiled. I smiled shyly and looked down. "Have you done anything fun since you fell?" I asked him. "No I've been too busy adapting and trying to get Sam's and Dean's...I dont know...approval, I guess." he said. I smiled and said, "Well you already have mine. Now get ready for the best day od your life." He looked at me, "Oh. I dont know Y/N." He looked kind of embarrased so I enticed him, "I promise you'll have fun," basically singing the word fun. "Well, okay. I guess," Cas said. I smiled and jumped off the couch. "Okay. Let's go buy you a swimsuit," I said. We went to the store and bought Cas some swim shorts with Ths Avengers on them. Then we went back to the bunker and I packed some things. Then I took Cas to a water amusement park, like Water World. "Okay go take off your shirt and put these shorts on," I told Cas. His face turned a little red but obeyed. I put the bag in the locker and then went to go change into my swimsuit. It was a blue, the color of Cas' eyes, bikini. When I came out I saw Cas looking for me. When he finally saw me he stared at me in awe. "You ready?" I asked him smiling. He nodded his head and started walking. "Wait," I said grabbing him by the arm. "You neeed sunscreen first." I said. I grabbed a handful and rubbed some all over his back. Okay now get your front. He looked confused sp I took some sun screen and rubbed it all over his bare chest and stomach. He was just looking at me intensely. I looked up at him and we just stared into each others eyes for a few moments. When he said, "Oh, thats what you meant. Do you need me to do you? Uh, I mean your back. Do you need me to do your back?" he asked turning red. I handed him the sunscreen, chuckling, and said,"That would be great. Thanks." He grabbed some sunscreen and rubbed it on my back. Then we went into the wave pool and rode on some of the water slides there. We splashed and played for hours. Then Cas'stomach grumbled. "I think I am hungry," he said. We got our towels and dryed off. Then I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was 6:00PM. "Yeah. Lets go get something to eat," I said. I grabbed my clothes and Cas grabbed his and we changed. I brought my comfy shorts that were a little short, and a tank top that showed a little bit of cleavage. It was really hot that day, so I also through my hair up in a ponytail that really brought out my best facial features. I put on a little bit of make up and went out of the bathroom. I saw Cas. He had changed into his jeans, but he was still shirtless. He saw coming and immediately came up to me. "Hey Y/N. I was just wondering if I need some sunscreen for the next place we are going to," he said smiling. I laughed and shook my head no. He put on his shirt and followed me out to my car, a Pontiac FireBird. We got in and I turned on the radio. Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi was playing. Cad and I both secretly loved the song, but neither of us sang. "So where are we going to eat," Cas asked after the song had ended. "A bar," I said. He looked at me with a blank expression on my face. We went to a local bar that had the best burgers. We got to the bar, went in, and sat a the bar counter. We looked at the menu for a few minutes, and then waitress came. "Can I get you guys anything?" she asked. "Yeah. I'll have a double cheeseburger and vodka," I said. She looked at Cas waiting for him. "I dont know what to get. I have never even heard of most of these drinks," he said. "He'll have the same," I told the waitress, and she poured us our drinks. Many drinks later, Cas and I were very drunk. So drunk we got up on the bar counter and started singing. "Take my hand, and we'll make it I swear. Ooooh living on a prayer." Cas and I sang off key. The bar manager finally had to tell us to get down. The waitress ordered us a cab knowing that we wouldn't be able to drive home. The cab took ud to a nearby hotel and checjed us into a hotel room. Cas helped me stumble into the hotel room, stumbling himself. "Only one bed," he said. "I'll sleep on the floor," he sighed. I giggled and pulled him by his shirt. I led him to the bed, kneeled at the edge of it. "Noo, your sleeping with me," I slurred. He smiled and chuckled a little. A pulled him into a kiss, and he kissed back. I ran my fingers through his hair, and he ran his hand up and down my back. He laid me down on the bed and we continued to kiss.
I woke up the next morning with a huge headache. I groaned and rolled over to my other side, where Cas was. I opened my eyes and realized both Cas and I were in bed, and both of us were naked. As if an alarm went off, Cas woke up and looked at me. He realized what we had done and turned red. "Did-Did we uh you know?" he asked me. "I think so," I said. He looked at me, smiled, and said, "Well you sure know how to help s guy have fun." This made me laugh a little and Cas smiled. "Is this okay?" I asked him. He look a little confused. "Is what okay?" he counter asked me. "Us," I said. He smiled and said, "Of course Y/N. Look I never told you this, but I really like you Y/N." he looked at me for my reaction, but I just stayed there for a moment. "I really like you to Cas," I said. "No you dont get it. I like you. More than a friend. Like I really--" he started. However, I cut him off with s long and passionate kiss. We finally broke away breathless and I said, "I know Cas. And I really like you too, more than a friend." "Really?" he asked looking for any sign that I may be joking. "Really," I said, a smile forming. He grinned and kissed me again. We decided to pay to stay in the hotel for a few more days.

If you know what I mean fot the last sentence lol.
Hope you liked it.

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