Sam Imagine

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For StichestheWolf
Imagine: Studying with Sam and it leads to some "extracurricular" activities.

"Damn it," you said slamming your book up closed. You looked at one of many of the bookcases filled with books in the the library of the bunker. But, no matter how many books there were, you still couldn't find the one that you were looking for.

"Having a hard time?" the youngest, and hottest in your opinion, Winchester asked. You looked up to see your crush and through your exasperation, you still managed to smile at him.

"Hey Sammy," you said in a sweet voice. "What's going on?" Sam asked. "I'm just trying to find out some information on the Leviathans, but there is only old information," you explained to Sam.

Sam let out a small sigh, looked at a few books, and then grabbed one of the books and sat down in one of the chairs that was next to you. "What are you doing?" you asked Sammy.

He gave you an innocent look and said, "You need the help, and I'm willing to help. Plus, it will go way faster with my help." You gave him a slight chuckle and nodded your head agreeing to his help.

You and Sammy spent an hour looking at the same books, but still, nothing even remotely interesting was in the book pertaining to Leviathans.

It was a bit uncomfortable for you to sit with Sam in silence, after all, you had a major crush on him. But, Sam was enjoying his time with you alone, because little did you know, Sam had a crush on you too.

You and Sam shared a few glances at each other and made eye contact a few times, but you and him barely spoke a word. Finally, after about ten more minutes, you found some thing intersting in your book.

"Sammy, come here look at this," you told him. He got up from his chair, walked behind your chair, and leaned down so that his head was right next to yours. He put his arms on the armrests of your chair, locking you in, and pretended as if it are totally normal.

You took in a shaky breathe and tried to regain yourself as your heart fluttered and butterflies flew around wildly in your stomach. " says something about the Levianthan's greatest weakness here," you said as you pointed to a paragraph on the page.

Sam leaned in closer to you and made a slight humming noise. He continued to read the page, and then he stared at you. You turned your head to make eye contact with him, and as soon as you did, you realized how close you were to him.

You could feel his breath on your face, and then he slowly leaned in. He placed his soft lips on yours gently, at first, but then the kiss became much more passionate.

You stood up from your chair, never breaking the kiss, so it would be easier for you and Sam to move. He walked around your chair so that he was right in front of you, and then he placed his hands on your cheeks.

You wrapped your arms around your neck, and Sam moved his hands down to your legs. He lifted you up, and you swiftly wrapped your legs around his waist.

He carefully leaned down, and laid you on the floor. He placed his knees on both sides of your hips and continued to kiss you passionately.

He trailed his kisses down your neck and he sucked and nibbled your soft spot. You let out a soft moan as you ran your fingers through his hair.

He moved his fingers down to the hem of your shirt and lifted it up. You sat up a little to help Sam pull your shirt off. Then, he popped off your bra, and kissed down to your left breast. He sucked and nibbled your nipple as he kneaded your other breast.

Then, he switched to your right breast, showing it the same attention. He took of his shirt, showing off his abs and muscles, and you traced your fingers over every crease in his upper body. Meanwhile, Sam ripped off both your pants and panties in one quick motion.

He ran his hands up your legs, and then spread your legs open. He kissed up both of your inner thighs, and then softly licked your pussy. You moaned as he continued, and after a few minutes, he pulled off his jeans and boxers.

He rubbed the tip of his cock against your clit, and then slammed into you. You gripped his shoulders as rammed into you over and over, each time going deeper, until he hit your soft spot.

You moaned loudly, as he continued to thrust, and after a few more thrusts, you finally said, "I'm gonna cum, Sammy." Sam smirked a bit and said, "Cum for me Y/N."

You felt your stomach tighten and screamed out Sam's name as you came, and he came inside of you. He did a few more sloppy thrusts, and then he pulled out of you.

He laid next to you, and pulled you to his chest. You laid your hand on his chest, and he wrapped his arm around you.

"I love you, Y/N, and I just thought now would be a good time to tell you that," Sam said nervously. "I love you too, Sammy," you replied, with a smile. You leaned up and kissed Sam and he smiled at you.

Hope you liked it!

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