Chuck Imagine

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This imagine was requested by kaiteboo2

Imagine: Y/N has to stay at Chuck's house while Sam and Dean are on a hunt. While there, Y/N finds out that Chuck has had some dreams/visions about them getting together, and then they make those dreams come true.

"Guys this is stupid," you told your brothers Sam and Dean. "No it's not," Sam said. "I have been on a ton of other hunts with you guys before," you told. "Yeah, well, this one's too dangerous," Dean told you. You rolled your eyes as the Impala pulled up to a house. Sam, Dean, and you got out of the the car.

All three of you walked up to the door and Dean knocked. A few moments later, a man opened the door. He was very good-looking, and you couldn't help but stare. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He was a little bit taller than than you, and he was around your same age. "This is Chuck. Chuck this is our little sister, Y/N," Dean said.

You flashed a smile at Chuck and extended your hand, which he shook almost immediately. In this moment, you realized Chuck also couldn't keep his eyes off of you. "Chuck, Dean and I are going on a very dangerous hunt. Y/N isn't coming with us and we were wodnering if she could stay here for a while," Sam said. Chuck smiled and said, "Yeah, uh, of course. How long until you guys are back?"

"Two weeks," Dean said. Chuck helped Dean and Sam grab your bags and put them inside. "Alright Y/N, we are taking off now," Dean said hugging you. After a few seconds you broke the hug, and hugged Sam. "Be safe you guys okay? I love you," you said to your brothers, letting go of Sam. "Love ya too," they both replied. They left and you sat down on Chuck's couch.

"So," you said. "Sorry if this is really weird for you," Chuck said, with a small smile. "Eh, I'll get used to it," you said, returning the smile.

~3 days later~

It has only been three days since your brothers left for the hunt, and you had to admit you were possibly falling for Chuck. He was always trying to make you feel at home, he always cooked you meals, and he always made you laugh. Not to mention he was really cute.

It was the end of the fourth day, here at Chuck's house. It was about 10:00 PM. You had been in bed for about an hour, but you were thristy. You climbed out of bed and went to the kitchen. On the way, you passed the dining room table. Chuck was there asleep, his head resting on the table, next to his laptop.

You kept walking and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. You started to walk back up to the room you were staying in, when you heard Chuck say, "Oh, Y/N. If only you knew how long I have waited for you." You stopped immediately and looked at Chuck. He was still asleep, and he was dreaming about you. You! You were filled with excitement, but kept quiet.

"Yeah, let's go upstairs," Chuck said, a few moments later. Your eyes nearly popped out of your head they got so big. You walked up to the room and laid on the bed thinking about Chuck until you fell asleep. You woke up the next morning and smiled, thinking about what had happened the night before. You went downstairs, and saw Chuck. He got a huge smile when he saw you, and you smiled back.

"Morning Y/N," he said. "Good Morning Chuck. Have nice dreams?" you asked with a smirk. "Yeah," he said, slightly smiling to himself. "Did you?" he asked. you nodded your head and asked, "What were your dreams about?" Chuck was quiet for a minute and said, "That's not really important."

You smiled and said, "Come on. I really want to know." "They were about you, okay?" Chuck said. You smirked and said, "It's okay Chuck. I knew they were about me," you told him. He looked shocked and said, "Well you know that they aren't just dreams, right. I am a supposed "Prophet of the Lord," meaning that those were visions." You smiled and said, "Really? Well what happened in those visions?"

He looked at the ground shyly and asked, "Do you really want to know?" You nodded your head. "Okay, well, it started out in the morning. You and I were just having a normal conversation when you accidentally said, 'You are really cute, you know.' I, being the person I am, was completely shocked, and I asked you if I heard you right. You nodded your head, and I told you I thought you were cute too. Then you leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back and after a few minutes I told you, 'If only you knew how long I have waited for you,' then you kissed me and asked if I wanted to go upstairs with you. I agreed and well you can imagine after that," Chuck said.

You whistled and said, "That must have been one hell of a dream." He nodded his head and you smirked, "Hey Chuck. You are really cute, you know." Chuck looked up at you and smiled. "I think you are really cute too Y/N," Chuck replied. You smiled and leaned in and kissed him. He kissed back and soon after it turned into a heated make-out session, just like Chuck had envisioned.

You both finally pulled away to catch your breath, and Chuck said, "Oh Y/N. If only you knew how long I have waited for you." You smiled and pulled him into another long, slow kiss. "Hey Chuck, do you wanna go upstairs with me?" you whispered into his ear. He nodded and said, "Yeah let's go upstairs."

A few hours later, you and Chuck were just laying together in bed after your eventful day. You were laying on his chest and he was holding you close. "Wow. I guess dreams really do come true," Chuck told you. You laughed and said, "You wanna hear the best part?" He nodded his head and said, "Tell me." "We still have another week and two days until my brothers get back. That's nine dreams, and I am willing to make all of them come true. How about you?" you said smiling. He returned the smile and said, "That would be perfect."

Hello my little monsters. I hope you guys like the chapter. Please let me know what you thought by voting and commenting. Also, feel free to send in an requests you may have. I really enjoy writing them for you guys :). ILY and all of you are amazing!
Always Keep Fighting!

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