Castiel Imagine

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Imagine: Going on your first date, and sharing your first kiss with Castiel.

I was upstairs in my room, in the bunker, when I heard voices. I came downstairs to find Sam, Dean, and Cas all in the kitchen. "Hey boys," I said. "Hello, Y/N," Cas said with a smile.

"How are you this fine morning?" Cas asked. "I'm great, how are you?" I replied. "I am well," Cas told me. I smiled at him and looked over to Dean and Sam.

I could feel myself blushing a little. I had a huge crush on Castiel, but he didn't really seem to like me back, so I just pretended like we were good friends.

"So what's on the agenda today?" I asked the boys, trying to change the subject. "I am sorry, if I make you uncomfortable," Cas said, before Dean or Sam could answer my question.

I looked to Cas with a confused expression, and then looked Dean and Sam with the same expression. Dean was looking down, and Sam was looking at a wall.

"We're just going to, uh, go somewhere else," Dean said, lightly pushing Sam out the door. "What are you talking about Cas?" I asked. Did he know I liked him? "I can read your thoughts Y/N. I am a celestial being after all," Cas explained.

My jaw dropped a little, and I started having a major panic attack. Please Cas' Father not this. "Um, yo-you can read my th-thoughts?" I asked him.

He nodded his head with a small smile. I put my palm to my forehead, and turned bright red. "Y/N, why did you just hit yourself on your forehead?" Cas asked, tilting his head a little.

This made me blush even more, and Cas asked, "Are you okay, you are turning awfully red." I weakly smiled and said, "Yeah, yeah I am fine. I am going to go up to my room now. I will see you later Cas." I walked out the kitchen, fast, and then sprinted up the stairs to my room, and slammed the door shut behind me.

Cas' POV

I came to what Dean and Sam call the "bunker." I was talking to them in the kitchen, when Y/N came in. I immediately tried to straighten myself up, without making it look to obviously.

"Hello, Y/N," I said smiling at her. "How are you this fine morning?" I asked her, genuinely wanting to know. I wanted to make sure she was feeling alright, because I had plans. I wanted to take her out tonight.

"I'm great, how are you?" she asked me. I let out a sigh of relief, and said, "I am well." There was as a brief moment of silence, and Y/N turned to Dean and Sam.

"This just got awkward, I hate how flustered he makes me," I heard Y/N say, even though she was saying something else out of her lips. "I am sorry if I make you uncomfortable," I told her. Dean and Sam left soon after and she gave me a confused expression.

I explained to her that I could read her mind. She turned red and couldn't speak right. I thought she was getting sick, and got very concerned. I asked if she was alright, and why she was turning red. This made her run off to her room, leaving me standing there in the kitchen.

I scared her off, and all I was trying to do was ask her on a date. I came out to the main room of this "bunker," and saw Sam and Dean. "How'd it go?" Sam asked me. "I think she is sick," I told them.

They both tried not to giggle at me, as Dean asked, "Why do you say that?" "Well, because she turned very red, and couldn't talk correctly," I told them. Dean smiled and said, "Cas, she wasn't sick, she was embarrassed, and nervous." I suddenly realized what I had done, and left to Y/N's room to fix it.

Your POV

I was sitting on my bed contemplating what just happened when I heard a knock at my door. I got up, opened the door, and Cas was there. Luckily, my blushing had gone down a few notches.

"Can I come in and talk to you for a few minutes?" Cas asked me, giving me slight puppy eyes. How could I refuse his adorableness? "Sure, come on in," I told him. I went inside my room, and sat on the bed. Cas followed me, shutting the door behind him, and sitting next to me on the bed.

"I am sorry about what happened earlier," Cas told me. "It's okay," I told him. "There were better ways I could have done what I was going to do," he said. "What were you going to do?" I asked him. "Well, I was going to ask you out on a date," he said, looking down at the ground.

I felt my blush come back, and butterflies in my stomach. "Really?" I asked. "Yes, but now I have just ruined it," he replied, still looking at the ground. I laid one of my fingers under his chin, and lifted it up.

"Cas, you didn't ruin anything. Just ask me," I told him. "Okay, Y/N will you go out with me, tonight?" he asked. I smiled and said, "Of course I will." Cas got a big grin on his face and said, "Great! I will pick you up at seven, okay?" I smiled and nodded my head.

After a few hours it was time for my date. I curled my hair in loose curls, and I was wearing jeans and a beautiful shirt. I put on my make-up, and added some earrings to the outfit. Cas appeared in my room, just as I was looking at myself to make sure I looked good.

He was wearing jeans and a nice shirt, too, and his trench coat. He held roses in his hand, and I turned to him. He stared at me for a few moments, and then said, "Y/N, you look beautiful." "Thanks, Cas," I said, walking over to him.

He handed me the flowers, and asked if I was ready. I nodded my head and he zapped us to a gorgeous field, where a picnic was set up. "Is this okay?" he asked. "This is perfect," I said. Cas and I spent the whole night, eating, talking, and laughing.

Then at the end of the night, Cas zapped us back to the bunker, into my room. "I had a really great time tonight, Cas," I told him. "Me too, I got to spend the night with the most beautiful girl in the world," he told me.

I blushed a little and smiled at him. "I really like you, Cas," I admitted feeling brave. He smiled and pulled me into a kiss. It was long, passionate, and sweet. It was everything that I imagined it would be, and I got butterflies in my stomach, the moment our lips touched.

After a few moments, we both pulled away. "I really like you too Y/N, and I have been wanting to do that for forever. I can't wait for our next date," he told me.

I smiled and said, "Me neither. If you are lucky, I will give you two kisses next time." I smirked and he said, "Oh, I don't think I will have to wait until next time for another kiss."

He pulled me into a kiss, before I could resist, and we kissed once more, just like the first time. Slowly, passionately, and sweetly. Just like I always imagined.

Hello my little monsters. Sorry this one was kind of long, but I hope you liked it! Please let me know what you thought of it by voting and commenting! ILY all and all of you are amazing!

Always Keep Fighting!


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