Castiel Imagine

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For the wonderful _supernaturalgirl21 thanks again!

Imagine: Cas saves you and you see his wings.

You were hunting a nest of vampires. You were a little in over your head, but as soon as you saw the hunting opportunity, you couldn't help yourself. You took in three machetes. One was in your coat while the other two were in both of your hands.

You went into the nest ready to kill all of the vamps. However, when you got in there, you saw that the nest was double the size you expected it to be. "Crap," you muttered. You held tight onto your machetes as you fought off the vampires that came at you.

You killed about ten, but the rest were just to much for you to handle. One had hit your head, hard, and you fell to the ground. Your machete flew out of your hand, and you watched as a vampire picked it up. He raised it above your head, and you you looked down, preparing yourself for the end.

All of a sudden, there was this bright light. You covered your eyes, and when you opened them, all of the vampires were dead. There was a man in a trench coat standing above you. He offered you a hand and you graciously took it.

Within seconds, you were standing in the middle of a living room. "What the hell?" you muttered. You looked around and saw two men in front of you who look extremely shocked. "Hello, Sam and Dean," the man who saved you.

That's when it clicked. This was Sam and Dean Winchester, and their angel friend Cas. "Who is this?" Dean asked. "A girl I saved, " Cas replied. Dean and Sam looked at you and you nervously looked down. "Cas, can we talk to you for a sec?" Sam asked.

Cas nodded and Sam pointed to the couch. "Make yourself comfortable," Sam said. You nodded and sat down on the couch. The three men walked into another room, and even though they were whispering, you heard every word.

"Why did you rescue her?" Dean asked. "Because she needed rescuing," Cas replied. You smiled to yourself, and thought about the angel. You had done some research on angels when you first heard about them, but you never met one.

You looked back up at Cas as he continued to answer Dean and Sam's interrogation. Suddenly, you realized a sort of transparent substance around Castiel's back. You're eyes widened as you suddenly realized that they were Cas' wings.

Due to all of your research, you knew that if you saw Cas' wings then that meant he was your soulmate. You gasped and stood up. "Well, I'm going to go now," you said, looking for the exit. The three men looked at you confused as you found the exit and raced towards it.

You barely made it out of the bunker when Cas appeared right in front of you. "What's the matter?" Cas asked, tilting his head. "Nothing, I just, uh, have another case," you lied. "I know you aren't telling the truth," he said. "How?" you asked.

"Well, I am a celestial being after all," Cas said. You sighed knowing you weren't getting out of this one. "Fine," you said. "Please just tell me what you are thinking about," Cas said. "I, uh, saw your wings," you said so quietly you didn't think Cas heard you.

But he had and his eyes widened. "Really?" he asked. You slowly nodded. "But that means we are," Cas said, but couldn't finish. "Soulmates," you finished for him. Cas looked at you and said, "Well then I am very lucky." "Why's that?" you asked.

"Because my soulmate is the most beautiful girl in the world," Cas replied. You felt a blush rise to your cheeks and Cas said, "Please just come back inside." You nodded and followed Cas into the place that would change your life forever.

Hello my little monsters! I hope you liked this one! Let me know by voting and commenting! Thanks for reading! ILY all and all of you are amazing!

Always Keep Fighting!


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