Cas Imagine

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This imagine is for viamaria *self-promo please check out my new book Dead End and give be feedback :) Don't forget to follow @Lucis_babe and @Riddler9

I have been with the Winchesters for about two years now. You'd think I had feelings for one of them by now, right? Wrong. The truth is no matter how sexy or hot Dean and Sam may be, I think of them as my brothers.

But then there is Cas. I had a major crush on Cas, and I had a pretty good feeling he loved me too. Of course, neither of us would ever admit it.

"Lexy," I heard Dean call. "Yeah?" I asked him, coming to where he was. "We have a case," Sammy said. "What is it?" I asked. "Demons," Dean replied.

A few hours later, we were in the road. We got to an old factory, and went inside. There was a group of five or four demons, and they surrounded us.
Just as I was about to to kill my demon, I saw two demons attacking Dean. One was about to kill Dean but I quickly pushed Dean out of the way, and the demon plunged the knife into my heart. I felt cold and passed out.

I woke up in a room that was completely white. "Hello?" I asked looking around me. "Lexy," I heard a familiar voice say. "Cas?" I asked. He came into my view with a small smile.

"Am I dead?" I asked him. He nodded his head and I asked, "Am I in Heaven?" "Yes," he replied. "Why am I in Heaven Cas? I should be in Hell, because I was a hunter," I told him.

"You could not go to Hell," Cas said. "Why not?" I asked him. "Because you're an angel," Cas explained. I was stunned and my body froze. "Lexy, are you alright?" Cas asked me.

"Yeah, you just surprised me," I replied. "Well, you know there are perks to the angel thing," Cas said. "What kind of perks?" I asked him. "Close your eyes and think of a place," Cas said.

I did as I was told and opened my eyes a few seconds later. When I opened my eyes, I saw the same place I imagined. I gasped and smiled at my new teleportation skills.

"See, angels have amazing powers," I heard Cas say from behind me. I turned to face him. "What other powers do we have?" I asked Cas. He smiled and snapped his fingers. All of a sudden we were in an old house.
"Where are we?" I asked Cas. Cas remained silent and I suddenly noticed a man in front of me. "Who are you?" I asked. The mans eyes suddenly turned black, and I reached for my blade, but it wasn't there.

A look of panic washed over my face and faced Cas. "I don't have my blade Cas," I told him. Cas smiled and said, "Lexy, you're an angel now, you don't need your blade to kill this demon. Just smite him."

"How?" I asked him. "You just have to feel it," Cas said. The demon and I attacked each other multiple times, and I kept trying to "feel it." I couldn't feel anything though.

The demon pinned me down and plunged a knife into my heart. The demon ran off, and I fell to the ground. I pulled the knife out and said, "Cas. Please help. Im dying!"

Cas chuckled and sat down on the floor next to me. He leaned over me, and grabbed my . He placed my hand on my forehead and said, "Lexy, you can heal yourself now that you're an angel."

I closed my eyes and imagined my wound healing. When I opened my eyes, I saw Cas smiling over me, our lips only inches apart. My heart skipped beats and Cas said, "Look."

I looked down to where my wound once was, but the wound was completely healed now. I smiled and let out a small giggle. I was so proud and happy, so I pulled Cas into celebratory kiss.

To my surprise Cas kissed back. After a minute, we both pulled away and Cas said, "I have to tell you something." "Okay, what is it Cas?" I asked him.

"I don't really understand human emotions, but I think I'm in love with you Lexy. I think I have been since the day I met you," Cas said. I was smiling on the inside and the out when I heard Cas say those words.

I pulled Cas into another kiss. "I love you too Cas," I mumbled against his lips. Cas smiled and so did I before leaning into another kiss.

Hello my little monsters. Thanks for the 2.5k reads! Don't forget requests are open. I hope you liked this imagine. Please let me know what you thought about it by voting and commenting. ILY all and all of you are amazing!

Always Keep Fighting!

~ Caela~

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