Cas/Sam Imagine

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This was requested by _supernaturalgirl21 Don't forget REQUESTS CLOSE IN TWO DAYS GET THEM ALL IN I REALLY WANT TO WRITE THEM!!!!

So there will be 2 imagines for this request. This one will be for my Cas people and the other one will be for all you people who like Sam more.

Imagine: Sam and Castiel are fighting over you and Dean settles it by making you say who you want to be with, you pick Cas and then Sam gets really upset but Cas lets Sam take you to diner so that he can slowly get used to the fact your not Sam's and so he isn't as upset as he was and is happy for the choice you made.

Yelling resonated through the bunker. You came downstairs to see what all of the noise was. When you walked into the kitchen you saw Cas and Sam yelling at each other.

"She likes me more," Cas said. "No she doesn't! Are you always there for her? To protect her?" Sam asked back. Cas scoffed and said, "Protect her? You are just a human, I am an angel. I can actually protect her!" Cas yelled back.

You watched in shock as the boys fought you more, and soon Dean stood next to you. You looked over at Dean. "They are arguing over you, you know," Dean said. You slowly nodded. "I wish they would stop," you said quietly. Dean nodded and Sam and Cas continued to yell, getting louder by the word.

After a few minutes, you and Dean both had huge headaches. "Alright! Enough!" Dean yelled, making both Cas and Sam stop. They both looked at Dean and then at you. You looked down at the ground. Sam and Cas both looked somewhat ashamed and Dean looked at you.

"We are ending this right here, right now," Dean said. "Y/N, choose," Dean continued. You looked at him and furrowed your eyebrows. 'What?" you asked. "I'm not going to live with this fighting any longer, it's not healthy for any of us," Dean said.

You gave a small sigh, and felt the pressure on you grow as Sam and Cas stared at you. "I don't...know who to choose," you admitted. Dean gave a sympathetic smile and said, "Choose which ever one your heart tells you to choose."

You sighed again, for not liking chick flick moments, Dean really knew how to cause them. After a few moments, you looked at both of the guys. "I choose...Cas," you said. Everyone let out the breath they had been holding. Cas tried to hide a smile that was forming.

Sam looked at you, he was clearly hurt, and started to storm out of the kitchen. You grabbed his arm. "Sam," you started to say. He harshly yanked his arm back and walked out of the kitchen. You stood in shock as Dean left as well. You eyes met Cas' and Cas came over and hugged you.

"Thank you for choosing me," he said. You gave a small head nod, and looked up at Cas. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Look, I picked you, but that doesn't mean I want to lose Sam as a friend," you admitted. Cas looked at you with soft eyes and then said, "I will talk to him."

You gave him a small smile and watched as he left to Sam's room. You quietly watched from the hallway and Cas went into the room. You pressed you ear to the door, so you could listen. "What do you want Cas? You already got Y/N," Sam said, obviously still mad.

"I want you to take Y/N to dinner," Cas said. You could tell Sam was extremely shocked as he asked, "What?" "You heard me. Take her to dinner, and have a nice night together. She doesn't want to lose her friend, and after all the times she has been there for you, you owe it to her to at least try," Cas replied. Sam let out a sigh and nodded his head in agreement. You heard Cas start to leave and quickly got out of the doorway.

~Small Time Skip~

The next night Sam came to your room. You both agreed since it wasn't a date you should just wear casual clothes. Sam took you to a somewhat nice diner. You spent the whole night talking about yourselves, but it wasn't like normal.

You seemed happier this time, talking about yourself. A couple of hours later, you and Sam both decided to go home. You had barely reached the car, when Sam pulled you into a hug. "What's this for?" you asked. "I miss my friend," Sam answered. You smiled and hugged him a little bit tighter.

Sam broke the hug a few seconds later, and said, "He is good for Y/N, I can see how happy he makes you. I am a little upset, maybe even a little hurt, that it wasn't me you chose, but you were my best friend long before I had feelings for you. So, I would like us to still be best friends." A smile formed on your face as you hugged Sam again. "Thank you," you told him. Sam smiled into your hair as he said, "Your welcome."

Hello my little monsters! I hope you liked this imagine! Please let me know by voting and commenting! REQUEST PLEASE! ILY all and all of you are amazing!

Always Keep Fighting!


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