Sam Imagine

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This is for @Destielwhotrash

So its kind of a long story to explain but basically:
Imagine: Sam and you making each other laugh so hard you are rolling on the floor laughing, and Sam pulls you into a kiss. Fluff and possible slight smut at the end.

~3 Years Ago~

It was a cold and rainy night where I lived. I had just gotten home from work, and I tried to dodge the raindrops as I ran inside. Once I got inside my house, I took off my coat and went to the kitchen. I was hungry so I fixed myself some soup.

I put it in the microwave, and looked out of the kitchen window. I watched the rain fall onto the window as they made a soft pitter patter noise and I soon drifted off into a daydream. A few moments later, the microwave beeped, snapping me out of my trance.

I pulled the soup out and placed it on the counter. "Mommy?" I heard a squeaky voice ask behind me. I turned around to see my three year old son, Harry. "Hey baby, what are you doing out of bed?" I asked him. "Hiding fwom Nanny Carrie," he told me. Carrie was the nanny I hired to take care of little Harry while I was at work, since Harry's dad was out of the picture.

"Why are you hiding from Nanny Carrie?" I asked him. "Becwas she killed Fwuffy," Harry said. Fluffy was our four year old cat. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at him. "Har-ry, come out, come out, wherever you are," I suddenly heard Nanny Carrie say in a sing-song voice.

A few seconds later, Nanny Carrie came into the kitchen. Her clothes were drenched in red blood that dripped to the floor, and her eyes were pitch black. "Oh look. Now I get to kill the baby, and the mommy," Carrie said, a devilish smile forming on her face.

It was in that moment that I realized she was holding a sharp, kitchen knife. I went to grab a knife off of the kitchen counter, but somehow, Carrie flung me across the room with a swipe of her hand. I hit my head on the wall and was knocked out for a few minutes. "I don't think so," Carrie said, clutching her knife and approaching Harry.

A few minutes later, my eyes fluttered open and when I looked around, I saw Nanny Carrie, the knife in her hand, and my son's lifeless body covered in blood laying on the ground. I gasped and screamed, "No!" This made Carrie turn around and start laughing. "I killed the pet. I killed the baby. Now it's time to kill the mommy," Carrie said, laughing harder.

I tried to get as far away from her as possible, but the wall behind me made it impossible. She came closer and closer to me. "Carrie, please. Don't do this," I pleaded. She smiled and raised the knife to plunge it into my heart. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact.

All of a sudden there was a bright light. I opened my eyes to see Carrie light up, and an orange glow was coming out of her. She fell to the ground and behind her stood two men. One was around my height. He had short brown hair and a green eyes.

The other man was very tall and towered over me. He had long brown hair that clung to his face. He also had gorgeous green eyes. Every feature about this man was defined and perfect. He also held the knife, which I presume he used to kill Carrie with. The tall man dropped the knife and rushed to my side.

"My name is Sam, that is my brother Dean. Are you okay?" he asked me. I nodded my head and leaned against him and the wall to push myself up. Once I was in a standing position I slowly walked over to my son with Sam holding my arm to help me walk.

Once I saw my son I started crying. "Oh my god," I said letting tears stream down my face. I felt my knees give in and collapsed into Sam's arms. He held me and I sobbed into his chest. "I am so sorry," he said. I couldn't say or do anything.

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