Crowley Imagine (Part 2)

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So a couple of you wanted me to do a part 2 to my Crowley Imagine so here ya go. Hope you guys like it :D

Imagine: Ruling Hell with Crowley.

You woke up in Hell after those Hell Hounds had gotten to you. Surprisingly, your body was intact, with no cuts or scrapes. When you woke up you immediately saw Crowley who kissed you slowly and passionately. "Hello love," he said. "Hi," you said a smile beginning to form on your lips.

"How are you feeling?" he asked. "Honestly, never better," you said. "You know Squirrel, Moose, and the angel miss you," he said. "I know, and I feel bad for leaving them, but it was better than losing you," you told Crowley. He smiled at you and said, "Thanks love, but it hurt me seeing the hounds devouring you. "I know, and I am sorry, but I am happy that I did it," you said. "Why?" he asked. "Because now I get to be in Hell with you," you said. Crowley chuckled at that and said, "Come on my Queen, we have Hell to rule."

You gladly followed Crowley to his throne. He snapped his fingers and immediately another throne chair appeared right next to him for you to sit in. "For me?" you asked. He nodded his head and said, "Unless you would perfer to sit in my lap."

You put on a smirk and said, "Maybe I would. But that would make killing demons a lot harder," you said taking a seat in the chair. Crowley looked at you with an amused look on his face and a small smile. You stared back at him with love in your eyes.

Then a knock on the doors interrupted all the staring. "Yes, what is it?" Crowley asked. Soon the doors opened and three men walked in. One was handcuffed and was being partially dragged by the other two men. "Sir this demon has several different charges being held against him. Would you like to have his trial now?" One of the demons who was standing up said.

"Well Y/N, are you ready to see your first demon trial?" Crowley asked. You looked at him and said, "Yes my King, I am." Crowley smiled back at you and told the demon to proceed.

"First off, this man is being charged with treason. Recent evidence has been discovered proving that he leaked information about where you were and what you were doing to Abaddon. He is also a cross-roads demon and therefore has made a lot of deals. However, awhile after the deal was made, he goes back on the deal. Shortening their lives," one of the demons explained.

Crowley looked to you and asked, "What do you think we should do with him, my Queen?" You thought about it for a moment, and then said, "Burn him." Crowley's eyes lit up in excitement and he said, "Do what she said." The demons quickly nodded and dragged the cross-roads demon away.

"I think you will fit in well here," Crowley told you. "Yeah? Well I am liking it so far. Especially because I am with you," you told him. He smiled at your remark and leaned in to kiss you again. You immediately kissed back. You didn't think it was possible being the King and Queen of Hell, but that kiss held so much love in it.

"You are by far the best thing that has ever happened to Hell, and me," Crowley told you. "Thanks babe," you replied. A few minutes later, two more demons came in with another trial. Crowley again let you pick the punishment. The whole day was filled with punishing demons. It was actually pretty tiring, and in the end, you ears were hurting. After all, with every demon you condemned, a whole new loud scream came with it.

"What do you want to do now, love?" Crowley asked you. "I kind of want a tour of hell. Will you be my tour guide?" you asked him. "It would be my pleasure," he told you. You smiled and Crowley led you out the doors to the rest of Hell. Touring Hell took a couple hours, and honestly you paid more attention to Crowley than you did to the tour.

When you finished the tour, you both went to the bedroom. Demons didnt need sleep, but still it was nice to have a bedroom. You laid on the bed and Crowley soon joined you. Once he was laying down, you laid your head on his chest and he cuddled you back. "I never thought I'd say this when I was a human, but I love Hell," you told Crowley. "Yeah, but I love you more Y/N," Crowley responded.

This made a smile form on your face and you said, "I love you too Crowley." You looked up at him and planted a slow, long kiss on his lips. Then you laid your head back down his chest and you guys stayed like that for a while, because the truth is neither of you had ever been more comfortable in your entire lives, and neither of you ever wanted to leave.

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