Chuck Imagine (Part 2)

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Imagine: Getting pregnant and staying with Chuck

If you guys like this imagine then thank Riddler9 because she is the one who asked me to make and she is amazing.

It has been 8 amazing days with Chuck. You guys were having the best time each other and by this time, both of you were convinced you were in love with each other. It was the morning of the ninth day. You woke up in Chuck's arms. "Morning," you told. "Good morning. How's the most perfect girl today?" he asked. "Good. How's the most perfect guy?" You counter asked.

Chuck smiled at you and said, "Good." Soon after, he rolled out of bed and you laid on your back for a few minutes. Chuck went downstairs to make you breakfast, and all of a sudden, you got a nauseous feeling in your stomach. You groaned and got up and walked to the bathroom. You went to the toilet and threw up. You sat down on the bathroom floor. "Was it something I ate? No, it couldn't be. Wait, wasn't I supposed to be "on" right now? It has been about a month since my last time, right?" you asked yourself.

You got up off the floor and went back into the bedroom where your phone was. You picked up your phone and went to its calendar, and looked at the last time you were on. "Yep, I was supposed to start about four days ago" you said in your mind. "We need to be sure," you whispered. You came downstairs and found Chuck at the stove making you pancakes. "Hey Chuck, can I use your car to go to the store really quick?" you asked him.

"Of course," he said, throwing you the keys. You caught them and said, "Thanks babe." You got in the car and went to the nearest drug store. You got a pregnancy test and sped back to Chuck's house. You went inside and hid the test in your coat pocket as you passed Chuck. "What'd you get?" he asked you. "It's a surprise," you told him. He smiled and said, "Okay. Well breakfast will be ready in about ten minutes." "Great, I'm starving. I'll be right down, okay?" you said rushing upstairs. You went in the bathroom and peed on the stick. "Okay two minutes," you told yourself as you set an alarm on your phone. You paced back and forth in the bathroom.

"What if I was pregnant? Would Chuck want to keep the baby? Would Chuck be happy? Sad? Disappointed? What would Sam and Dean think? They were coming home today, right?" you asked yourself many other questions until your phone's alarm went off. You looked in the mirror and let out a shaky breath. You finally built up the courage and looked at the stick. On the stick, there was a little pink plus sign. "Oh my gosh," you said.

A bunch of emotions rushed through you. You were happy, nervous, scared, but mainly excited. You walked out of the bathroom and went downstairs to Chuck. "Hey, honey, I got to tell you something," you told Chuck. He put down the spatula he had been cooking with and said, "Sure, what's going on?" he asked. "Chuck, I'm pregnant," you told him, barely making eye contact with him. He looked shocked, and let out a breath.

"Y/N, I know. I mean I had a vision about it, and honestly I couldn't be happier. I knew the minute I saw you, that you were the woman of my dreams, and my soul mate. These past couple of weeks, you have made me happier than I have ever been for most of my life. So, Y/N, I am ecstatic that you are pregnant, and I am more than overjoyed that I am the father," he told you.

You processed everything that Chuck had just said, and after a few minutes the only words that you could say were, "I love you Chuck." That was it. A smile appeared on both of your faces, and Chuck pulled you into a sweet kiss. "I love you more, Y/N," he told you. "Not possible," you told him, kissing him again. It was a long, passionate kiss that was interrupted by a knock on the door. Chuck answered it and it was Dean and Sam.

"Hey Chuck," Sam said as he and Dean invited themselves in. "Dean! Sam!" you yelled with a smile. "Y/N!" they yelled back. You pulled Sam into a hug and then pulled Dean into one. "I missed you guys," you said. "We missed you too! Did you have a good time here?" Sam asked. You looked at your brothers and then looked at Chuck. "Can you guys sit down for a second?" you asked your brothers, leading to the couch.

They sat down and you said, "So here's what you've missed. Chuck and I got together, and we are in love," you told them. "What?!" Dean, total shock covering his and Sam's face. "When?" Sam asked. "About the fourth day, after you guys left," you replied. They both let there mouths hung a little. "There's something else," you told them. "What?" Dean and Sam asked at the same time. "I'm, uh, pregnant," you said. They were both speechless, and stared at you with blank expressions. "Is that a joke?" Dean asked. "No," you said barely above a whisper, shaking your head.

"Well, um, I guess congratulations are in order," Sam said, getting up and pulling you into a hug. "Thanks, Sammy," you replied. He smiled and shook hands with Chuck as Dean stood up. You thought he was going to yell at you, but instead he smiled and hugged you tightly. "Congrats lil' sis. I'm the godfather right?" he asked. You chuckled and said, "Sure Dean, sure." He let go of you and you faced your brothers.

"Guys, I want to stay here with Chuck. We are really happy together, and this baby is going to need both of us," you told them. They nodded their heads, understanding why. "Well, I love you Y/N. Be safe," Sammy said, pulling you into one last Moose hug. You smiled at him and said, "Love you too Sammy. You boys take care of each other."

Dean saluted you and hugged you good-bye. "I love you so much Y/N," he said before letting go. "Love you more," you told Dean. "Not possible," Dean said with a smirk. "Hey, that's the line I use," you told him. He smiled and said, "I know." You walked the boys to the Impala and they climbed in. Dean rolled down the window and said, "Well, Y/N, we'll be seeing you."

You smiled and Dean sped off before you could reply. He blasted Metallica as he drove away. You smiled to yourself and went back inside to Chuck. "It's just me and you," you said coming up to Chuck. "And our baby," he added. You smiled as Chuck kissed your stomach before pulling you into a kiss. You both sat on the couch and talked about your future baby.

Mainly whether it was going to be a boy or girl and what you should name it. Suddenly, all of the worries you had before of this pregnancy was taken away, because you had Chuck. And Chuck was the perfect man. He was your perfect man. What more could you ask for?

Hello my little monsters! How are you guys? I hope you guys liked this imagine. I really enjoyed writing it. So please let me know what you thought of it by voting and commenting. ILY all and all of you are amazing!

Always Keep Fighting!


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