Castiel Imagine

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This imagine is for @CourtneyLelionis. It will use her name, so if you are not her and are reading this, feel free to just put your name in for hers. So the imagine is...

Imagine: Castiel seeing you at a party at a place that Dean Sam and him are hunting at, and him recognizing you and falling for me.

~Castiel's POV~

It has been a while since I have last seen Courtney Nichole Miller. She was the only perfect human who I had seen. Dean and Sam were hunting some demons, and Courtney was a victim. of them. These demons were very powerful. They threw Sam and Dean against walls, and they were both knocked out cold. They started torturing Dean, Sam, and Courtney. Dean and Sam called for me and I had heard their pleas. I came as soon as I had heard, and smite those demons, and untied Sam and Dean and healed them. They told me to go find Courtney, who they had heard being tortured as well. I went to go find her, and she was a bloody mess. Still, she made jokes, trying to make herself feel better. I healed her and she leaned on me still a little queasy. She made jokes with sam and Dean about what had just happened, and we all laughed. She was perfect. But I would never see her again. Besides, even if I wanted to, she wouldn't like me anymore. I was not an angel anymore. I was human. Thanks to Metatron.

~Time Skip-4 months later~

~Courtney's POV~

It has been some time since that monster attack where I met the brave Dean and Sam, and the amazing and hot Castiel. They saved me from the demons, Castiel especially. I was still afraid sometimes at night, but I had to move on with my life. I mean after all, you look more vulnerable and suspicious, by not doing anything to fit in, right? So I went to college, joined a fraternity, and was living in a dorm room with my two best friends, Siani and Payton. I had my dream car, and the best of friends. We always had great parties and hung out just listening and karaoking to our favorite Rap/ Hip-Hop and Rock songs. "Hey Courtney, guess what," Siani came in telling me. "What?" I asked as if already knowing the answer. "The girls and us are having a party tonight," Payton said joining us. "You're coming right?" She asked me. "Of course, do you know me?" I said with excitement tonight was going to be a good night. I picked out one of my favorite outfits, and quickly put it on. It showed some of my stomach and back. I loved this shirt because it made my tattoo on my back really pop. I also wore my hair up to show off the heart tattoo I had behind my ear. I did my usual make-up which didn't take too long, and I picked out some flats for shoes. I wore skinny jeans with my top, and for accessories, I wore hoop earring and a diamond necklace. I also wore a gorgeous silver bracelet, to make out the tattoo on my wrist, which was the words, "Smile, Hope, Believe, and Dream." I looked at myself, and I looked hot. I met my friends downstairs in our fraternity's main room. "Where is everyone?" I asked shocked to see that there was hardly anyone there. "We decided to have the party in an abandoned warehouse, we thought it would be cooler," Siani said. "Cool," I replied. "Well, let's go get our party on!" Payton said smiling enthusiastically. We got to the warehouse and it was bursting with lights and loud music. Siani, Payton, and I all got out of the car and went inside the warehouse. I looked around, and there was already a ton of people there, with drinks in their hands who were buzzed. I grabbed a drink for myself, chugged it, and grabbed another. I had a few more, and I was just walking around mingling, when I saw this football jock beating up some poor kid in the corner. I hated bullies. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked the jock, pulling him of the poor kid. "This isn't any of your business, bitch." Oh hell no. I let people get away with some things, but calling me a bitch was not one of them. Luckily, I was buzzed so I wasn't thinking straight. I right hooked his jaw, and I knocked him out cold. The kid was bleeding everywhere so I helped him up and took him out. He just wouldn't shut up about everything. Sometimes, that wasn't a bad thing, but this guy was definitely making it a bad thing. He just kept talking about how that was a rush, and about how he had a perfect GPA and something about the Pythagorean Theorem. I finally pawned him off on some people, and grabbed another drink. I found my friends, they were smoking, and I joined them. We were just sitting there smoking and flirting with some guys, when I noticed three familiar faces come into the warehouse. I quickly looked down and tried to get away without them noticing me, but of course they did, and they came up to me. "Courtney? What the hell is going on?" Dean asked. "Dean? Heey. Oh you know we're just having a small get together." I said smiling and slurring a little bit. "Courtney, are you drunk?" Sam asked. "Psh, no. Of course I'm not...I'm not. What were we talking about again?" I asked him. "Okay, Courtney. That's enough we are getting you out of here," Sam said grabbing my arm. "No!" I yelled yanking my arm back. "I am partyyying. If you loosers know...wanna loosers, fine but I am staying." Just then my favorite song came on and I left the boys with shocked looks on their faces.

~Castiel's POV~
I have been trying to be a hunter with Dean and Sam ever since I fell from Heaven. That was a couple weeks ago. I was trying to be a hunter, ai thought it was something I could really be good at. So I've been tagging a long on all of their cases. It also helped me forget about Courtney. Dean and Sam found this one case where there a ghost hunting this abandoned warehouse. So I went with them. When we got to the warehouse, it was bursting witg loud music, and drunk people. "This is where the ghost is supposed to be?" I asked Dean. "Yeah, which means all of these people are gonna die if we dont shut the party down." We got inside and that's when I saw Courtney. She was even more beautiful than I remember. Especially when she told Dean off, she was really cute. I watched her grab her friends hands, and yell, "I love this song!" and started singing to it. She danced and laughed with her friends. She even did what I beleive humans call...twerking. She was perfect. Courtney motioned for me to come dance with her. So I did. Soon enough, I lost control and couldn't help myself. I placed a kiss on her lips. Kissing her as a human was amazing. She kissed me back, and unfortunetely the police showed up. "Dammit," Courtney said. She took my hand and we ran away. We finally got to her frat home, and she led me to her room. She pushed me down on the bed, and put a scrunchie on the door. She sat next to me and kissed me. "Youre perfect," I told her. She smiled at me and said, "So are you." Then she leaned in for another kiss that took both of our breaths away.

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