Dean Imagine

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Requested by: MrsThorinOakenshield

Imagine: You are Dean's daughter and you get injured on a hunt and have to be taken to a hospital.

You were fifteen years old, and the daughter of the infamous Dean Winchester. You were born from one of Dean's one night stands, but your mother wasn't able to support you, so she left you on Dean's doorstep with a letter.

Dean took you in and raised You, but even though hunting was his lifestyle, he was determined to keep you away from it all as long as possible. After the way Dean and Sam were raised, Dean wanted you to have a normal childhood.

Surprisingly enough, Dean got his wish. You had a pretty normal childhood, except for the fact that your Uncle Cas was an angel and your father and Uncle Sammy were hunters. But, you never hunted a day in your life.

In middle school, you got curious of your father's lifestyle. You started reading the lore books in the Bunker, and researched and took notes on every creature you had ever heard of. You started asking Cas and Sammy questions about hunting, but, because of Dean's wishes, they gave you single answers. So, soon you started asking Dean these questions.

Dean, not wanting to shut his daughter out, did his best to answer your questions without going into too much detail. By freshman year in high school, you had required a lot of information about the supernatural.

You felt like you were ready to go on your first hunt. So, nervous, you went to Dean. "Hey, dad," you said walking into the dining room, where he was eating breakfast. "Hey, what's up sweetie?" Dean asked. "Nothing much, just had a quick question," you replied, sitting down at the table.

"Okay, what is it?" Dean asked. "Well you know that I wouldn't do anything without thinking about it a lot, and that I am an extremely cautious person," you told him. "You have a boyfriend, don't you? Sammy! Get my shotgun," Dean said.

You chuckled slightly at your father. "No, dad, I want to go on a hunt," you told Dean. Dean's face fell, and his jaw dropped. "What?" Dean questioned. "I want to go on a hunt dad, you know, like you do," you replied.

"Why would you want to go on a hunt? Why don't you just want to stay here, where it's fun, and safe," Dean said. "Dad, please, I'm old enough now, and I know how to shoot and knife," you replied giving him puppy eyes.

Dean just stared at you as Sammy came into the room, with Dean's shotgun. "What's going on?" Sam asked frantically. "Y/N wants to go on a hunt," Dean replied. "What?" Sam asked.

"I know, that's what I said," Dean told his brother. "No, I mean why did I have to get your shotgun for that," Sam explained. Dean opened his mouth as if he was about to speak, and then realizing what Sam said, he closed his mouth and looked at his brother, with the word "Really?" written all over his face.

"Uncle Sammy would you let me go on a hunt with you?" you asked Sam. Sam looked puzzled for a moment and replied, "Look, Y/N, I'm not your father, and Dean doesn't want you to go on a hunt, so we should respect that."

You let out a small sigh, and then turned back to Dean. "Dad, please let me go. We can bring Uncle Cas for protection, and this would really  make me happy," You told him, exaggerating the word really.

Dean let out a small sigh, and finally agreed to letting you go, because he would do anything to make his little girl happy. "Sammy, go see if there are any cases, please," Dean told his brother.

Sam looked between you and Dean and then nodded his head and left.  You smiled at your father and gave him a tight hug. "Thank you," you told him. "Your welcome," Dean replied.

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