Castiel Imagine

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Imagine: Castiel watching a sad movie with you.

"Hey baby," I said to Castiel, who was sitting on the couch in the front room of the bunker. "Hey angel," he replied. "Whatcha doing?" I asked him. "Trying to find something on this box you call a TV," he said. I laughed at how adorable he was and sat down next to him. "Give me this, before you bream the TV," I said taking the remote from him. I flipped through the channels looking for something to watch. "So what exactly are we supposed to be looking for?" he asked me. "Something to watch," I replied. Cas nodded his head and said, "Oh." I kept flipping through the channels but there was nothing on. "Let's get a movie instead," I said. Cas nodded his head in agreement. "You go pick the movie from there," I said pointing to the DVD case we had, "And I'll go cook some popcorn," I said. Cas did as he was told. I came back after two and a half minutes with a bowl of popcorn. "What did you pick?" I asked him. He handed me the movie, and I read the title aloud, "The Notebook. Really, you want to watch the notebook?" I asked. He nodded his head. I handed him the popcorn, and popped in the movie, chuckling at the fact that he picked The Notebook. I came and sat down next to Cas as the movid started. I pulled a blanket over us, and grabbed the popcorn bowl. Cas and I ate popcorn and watched the movie intensely. At the end, Cas was crying and was desperately trying to hide hiz face. "Cas are you crying?" I asked him. "No," he said, putting a hand over his eyes. I moved the hand and saw the tears on the angel's face. This was when he looked most perfect. His showed the human inside of him, and that only made me love him more. He just looked at me look at him. I leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips. He immediately started kissing me back. I finally pulled away breathless, and said, "Cas, please don't ever try to hide yourself from me when you cry. Because when you cry, or laugh, or when you say you love me, that's when I see how amazing you are." Cas smiled at me and kissed me again. "How did I get so lucky with you?" he asked me. "Well it helps that your hot and adorable, "I replied with a smirk. He laughed and said, "Thanks, and you are the most beautiful thing that has ever walked the Earth. Trust me, I know. I have been around for a while." My heart melted at his words, and I couldn't help but give him another kiss. This one was longer, more passionate. After the kiss I curled up on his lap, and put my arms around his neck. "I love you Y/N. Nothing will ever change that," Cas told me. "I love you more Cas," I said. "That is physically impossible," he said. "Really?" I asked. He nodded his head and said, "I can't do the math, but I know that there is a mathematical formula. And if you find that formula, and use it on our relationship, then you will see that it seriously, physically impossible for you to love me more than I love you." I smirk and shook my head at him. He got a dopey smile on his face, and I started laughing.
I'm sorry I haven't been updating on this story, I have been kind of busy. Plus I wrote another story. Its called My One and Only it is basically a really long Imagine for Dean. Please check it out and let me know what you think. If you guys like it, then once I finish the Dean one, I eill make one for Sammy and Cas. Please check it out. Thanks.

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