Dean Imagine

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Imagine: Dean getting jealous

Dean and Jo are a couple at the beginning of this Imagine.

You woke up early in the morning and went downstairs. You found Dean in the kitchen cooking eggs. "Hey," you said, pouring yourself a glass of water. "Mornin'," Dean replied. You watched Dean for a few minutes.

You couldn't help but take in his features. He was wearing a somewhat tight white T-shirt. His abs clearly visible through the thin fabric. He was in some blue jeans, but what you mainly noticed was his face. He looked tired, but somewhat at peace. You smiled at how vulnerable he looked, because for once it looked like all of the pain that Dean had been through had temporarily been taken away.

You had loved Dean Winchester since the moment you first laid eyes on him. Dean and you were never going to happen though. At least that's what you thought. Dean was dating Jo. He was in love with Jo, or so it seemed. "Hey Y/N, I was thinking about seeing Jo today," Dean said.

Speak of the Devil.

"Ooh really?" you said a smirk forming on your lips. As much as it hurt to see Dean with another woman, you didn't want him to suspect anything. He smiled and said, "Yes. What are you gonna do?" he asked. "I don't know. Probably just go into town," you told him.

And by that you meant go to the bar in town and drink, but Dean didn't need to know that. Dean flashed you a smile and then sat down at the dining room table, eating his eggs. You soon joined him at the table and sat down on the seat across from him.

You took a sip from the cup of water you had poured, and Dean stared at you. He suddenly felt ashamed and asked, "Did you want some eggs?" You shook your head and said, "Nah, it's okay." You gave him a small smile and he smiled back.

After a few minutes Dean had eaten all of his eggs and went to his room to get ready to meet up with Jo. You sighed and went upstairs to your room. You sat on your bed and thought about Dean and Jo. After a while, you hopped in the shower. You got out a few minutes later and changed into some blue jean shorts, and a red halter top tank top.

The top showed a bit of your cleavage, and your shorts were a little too short. But you didn't care, becuase it was about 90° outside. You threw your hair up into a ponytail and pinned your bangs back into a bump. You put eyeliner and mascara on and you were finally ready to go.

You went downstairs and found Dean and Jo making out on the couch. "Oh, I'm sorry," you said, not thinking straight. Dean pulled away from Jo and looked at me. "Oh God! Y/N, I'm sorry. I thought you already left," Dean explained. You looked down at the floor and said, "No, its, uh, its okay."

You glanced back up at Dean and you saw him looking you up and down. You smirked at the way he was looking at you and Jo cleared her throat loudly. She gave you a death glare and looked like she was going to slap Dean across the face for the way he was checking you out.

You smiled politely and asked, "Dean, since Jo is here, can I borrow the keys to the Impala?" He got off the couch and went to his leather jacket. He fished through the pockets until he found the keys. He walked up to you and handed you the keys staring at your cleavage. "Um, not a scratch, okay?" You nodded your head smiling, as you took the keys from him, and left.

You pulled up to the bar and got out. As soon as you got inside all of the men stared at you with lustful looks in their eyes. You ignored them and went straight to the bar counter.

"Get me something heavy," you told the bartender. He nodded and poured you a drink that was heavy on alcohol and horrible tasting. It only took a few minutes for some guy to come and hit on you. "Hey cutie," he greeted.

Normally, you would have pushed a guy like this away, but a picture of Dean and Jo's make-out session popped into your head. You thought for a moment and realized 'Maybe it was time to get over Dean.' You turned to the man who was flirting with you, smiled, and asked, "Do you wanna take a seat?"

Dean's POV

I called Jo over to the bunker thinking that Y/N would be gone. When Jo got here she pushed her way into the bunker and crashed her lips on mine. I walked into the living room, and fell onto the couch. Jo fell on top of me and we continued to kiss. A few minutes later, Y/N came down the stairs.

As soon as I saw Y/N, I immediately pulled away and apologized. I noticed her outfit. Cleavage and a lot of her legs were showing. She looked absolutely gorgeous and I couldn't help but stare at her body. Jo cleared her throat and Y/N asked for the keys to the Impala. I went to my leather jacket, and looked in the pockets for the keys. It took me a few moments to find them, because I was still in a daze from how beautiful Y/N was.

As soon as I found the keys I walked close to Y/N, wanting to get another look at her body. I gave her the keys, and couldn't help but stare once more at her cleavage. "Uh, not a scratch, okay?" I told her trying to sound more like myself. She smiled, grabbed the keys, and left.

As soon as the engine of the Impala had started and left, I heard a woman scream, "Dean Winchester you are such a jerk!" I whirled around to see Jo in my face and pointing her finger at me. "What?" I asked. "You, mister, were totally checking Y/N out!" Jo yelled. "Jo, I," I tried to say, but she cut me off.

"Don't try to make excuses. I know what I saw Dean," she said, anger still clearly in her voice. I wanted to tell Jo, but I didn't want to admit my feelings to anyone, not even myself. But it was time, I had to tell Jo, I was tired of stringing her along.

"Jo, I am really sorry for stringing you along, but the truth is, I am in love with Y/N. I thought being with you would make my feelings for Y/N go away but they didn't," I told her. She looked taken aback and hurt and tears filled her eyes as she said, "Go tell her Dean. She told me one night that she loved you, but that she didn't want to come between us. I'm willing to bet that Y/N still has those feelings Dean," Jo told me.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was it possible that Y/N actually liked me back, maybe even love me? I kissed Jo on the cheek and thanked her. I ran to the Bunker's garage and borrowed a car from there. I sped off to the bar, because I knew Y/N would be there.

Hello my little monsters! Sorry if thizs one wasn't as good as some of my other imagines, I tried. There will be a part two to this, but please let me know what you thought of it voting and commenting. ILY and all of you are amazing!
Always Keep Fighting!

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