Dean Imagine

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This is for Spark665
Don't forget to follow Lucis_babe Riddler9

Warning! Smut IS in here!

Character Name: Jinx

Imagine: Dean coming back from a hunt.

It has been three weeks since I had seen Dean. Sam and him went on a hunt to kill a group of vampires. They sidelined me for some reason. "It's too dangerous Jinx," I remember Dean saying. I was a badass hunter and I could take care of myself. I knew Dean was just worried about me though. "Please just stay here. We'll be back soon," he soothed.

I said no at first, but Dean had eventually talked me into it. My phone rang through the bunker. I rushed to it and picked it up. "Hello?" I asked. "Jinx?" the familiar voice asked. I smiled and said, "Dean?""Hey baby," Dean said, his voice bringing any even wider smile to my face.

"What's going on?" I asked him. "Well, I just called to let you know that we are going to be home in an hour," Dean said. You could hear the grin on Dean's face through the phone. "What?! Really?!" I squealed. I heard Dean's low chuckle. "Really Babe."

"Well then I guess I will see you soon," I told him. "See you soon Jinx, and baby?" Dean asked. "Yeah?" I replied. "I love you," Dean said. "I love you too Dean," I told him. I quickly ran and got in the shower. I got out and blow dried my hair.

I had to at least look decent. Dean and I had been dating for four months now, but I loved him since date one. I cleaned up the bunker a little bit, and then I heard the low rumbling of the Impala's engine. I smiled and rushed to the front door.

I pulled it open, and saw Dean by the trunk of the Impala. He immediately saw me and dropped the bags he was holding. I ran to him and leaped on him. I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he pulled me into a suffocating hug.

I pulled away momentarily and kissed his soft lips. "I missed you so much," I told him. Dean pulled me into another kiss and said, "I missed you more." I smirked and said, "Not possible." "Well, you know Sammy's going out for a while.

Why don't we go prove how much we missed each other," Dean suggested. I smiled and kissed him on his lips and left a trail of kisses up to his ear. "That sounds like a great idea," I whispered in Dean's ear. I heard him moan a little and grinned.

Dean carried me into our bedroom, kissing me the whole way there. When we finally got into the bedroom, Dean dropped me on the bed and I landed with a small bounce. Dean soon climbed on top of me. He tangled his fingers in my hair as I kissed him passionately.

Within in a minute all of our clothes were off. Dean moved his lips from my lips to my stomach. He left a trail of long kisses up my stomach, stopping at one of my breasts. Dean engulfed the nipple and sucked, while kneading my other one.

I moaned and tugged at Dean's hair, earning a smirk from him. When Dean removed his lips from my breasts, I took the opportunity and rolled so that I was on top of him. I quickly placed my lips on his. I straddled Dean's hips and rolled my against his, pressing against his member.

Dean moaned into my lips making me smile a little. After a few minutes of me being in control, Dean rolled me over again. "I missed you so much Jinx," Dean said in between kisses. "Show me how much you missed me Dean. Please," I told him.

Dean saw how much I wanted him and knew he wanted me just as much. "Tell me what you want to do," Dean said. "Fuck me, please." Dean smirked and leaned over so his face was near my ear. "With pleasure," he growled.

Dean slammed into me, making me grip his back and gasp. Dean smiled and thrusted hard and fast into me. Dean knew perfectly where my sweet spot was and hit it over and over again. I felt the tingly feeling in my stomach.

"Dean, I'm gonna-" I said, but gasped again before I could finish. "Please Jinx, cum for me baby." His words were all I needed. I hit my climax and my orgasm took over me. Dean followed shortly after and after a few moments pulled out of me.

He laid down next to me. After a few minutes, Dean and I got in the shower and washed off. After we got out, we went back to the bed. I laid on Dean's chest and he wrapped his arms around me as we snuggled. "I don't want you to leave again," I admitted.

Dean chuckled and said, "Don't worry Jinx, I'm never going anywhere without you again," Dean replied. I tilted my head up so I could make eye contact with him. "Really?" I asked.

"Really. Jinx I love you so much and the past three weeks have been Hell without you. Plus, you are one hell of a hunter," Dean replied, making my grin. I planted a kiss on his jaw before laying my head back down on his chest. "I love you too Dean Winchester," I told him.

Hello my little monsters! I'm so so so so so sorry this is late! I have really been stresses with school and other personal stuff, but I have a week off for Thanksgiving coming up! So, hopefully I will get more imagines done, but please don't forget to request! I would really appreciate it! Anyways, please let me know what you thought of this one by voting and commenting! ILY all and all of you are amazing!

Always Keep Fighting!


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