Cas Imagine

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For Supernatural-24 who gave me the idea.
Imagine: God Castiel saves you.

You knew Castiel. Any angel knew Castiel. Especially after he tried to be God. That's when everyone heard about him. That was a couple of years ago. Between then and now a new angel arose from the shadows. His name was Metatron, and he was your father.

You weren't proud of some of the things your father had done, so that's why you left Heaven. You fell to Earth hoping to find peace and serenity. But, ever since you fell you have been on the run. Angels were angry at you because you were Metatron's daughter. They were looking for revenge. Running was pretty easy until now.

You see, Castiel somehow obtained the same godlike powers he once had. Now he was not only the biggest angel but he was the most respected, or for some angels like you, the most feared. You spent endless days running from the angels, but one day you couldn't run anymore. They caught you and took you to an abandoned place.

Your hands were bound in special chains that kept you from using your power, and you were hanging from the ceiling. "Where am I?" you asked. "We'll ask the questions," you heard someone say. There was no doubt the people who took you were angels. So you prepared yourself for the worst.

"Where's Metatron?" you heard a voice ask. "I don't know," you told them honestly. That earned a hard punch across your face. You whimpered from the pain, but you tried to stay strong. "We know that you know where he is, so why don't you make this easier on all of us and just tell us," the angel said.

All of the angels knew you fell from Heaven, but some believed with all their heart, well soul, that you were planning something big and bad with Metatron. I mean after all, he is your father. Several hours passed, and when those hours were gone, they turned into days.

You had been punched, kicked, slapped, and even stabbed. Every inch of your body was covered in blood, and liquid that was a mixture of sweat and tears dripped down your face. You lost hope of finding peace. You didn't talk because you didn't know what to say.

You knew nothing of Metatron or his plans, but no one believed that. You were starting the fifth day of torture when you heard the door to the place you were held in open. A figure came into the building, but through your blurry vision, you couldn't see who it was.

"Castiel," you heard an angel say. "What is this?" you heard a deep, serious voice ask. "She is conspiring with Metatron and he must be stopped," the angel explained. "You know for certain that she is conspiring with Metatron?" Castiel asked. "Well no, but she is his daughter," the angel said.

"You do not go after the innocent until they are proven guilty. If you do then you are no better than Metatron," Castiel lightly scolded. The angel nodded and Castiel came over to you with a small, comforting smile. He put his hand up to you and you flinched away, scared of what he might do. "Please, let me help you," Castiel said.

You hesitantly nodded and Castiel released you from the chains that bound you. You fell and Castiel caught you. He carefully laid you on the ground and then placed two fingers on your head. He healed the pain, slowly but surely. It hurt a bit so you closed your eyes from the pain.

When he was done, Castiel said, "You're going to be alright. What's your name?" "Y/N," you said in a soft, quiet voice. "Well Y/N, I will not let anything happen to you alright?" You slowly nodded your head and when you felt the strength, you used Castiel to help you stand up.

"Thank you for your help Castiel, but shouldn't you be ths one who wants to kill me the most?" you asked confused. "I don't believe in that. I also don't believe that your family describes you as a person. If that were true, then all of us angels would be the same. I see the innocence in you Y/N, and that is something worth fighting for," Castiel said with a smile.

You smiled back and placed a kiss on his his cheek. "Thank you once more," you told him. He gave you a slight nod of his head before you left, knowing you would see Castiel again.

Hello my little monsters! Thank you all for reading! I hope you liked this chapter. Please let me know what ypu thought of it by voting and commenting! ILY all and all of you are amazing!

Always Keep Fighting!


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