Lucifer Imagine

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This Imagine was requested by Lucis_babe and she also one first place in my Halloween Contest so please go follow her. Also please follow the second place winner Riddler9

This imagine contains smut and fluff. Enjoy!

"That son of a bitch," I heard Dean say. Him and Sam have been obsessed about Lucifer. I have been with Dean and Sam for a while now, but I knew Lucifer from before. Before I became human, I was a demon, and Lucifer and I were friends.

He would kill me if he found out I was working with the Winchesters now. Still, I couldn't help but cringe when Dean and Sam talked bad about him, because Luci and I were best friends. We were driving to Mississippi, where Lucifer was supposed to be.

We pulled up to an abandoned warehouse. I was going to wait behind one of the walls while Sam and Dean went to talk to Luci. I was waiting out of sight silently when a demon saw me. He held my arms behind my back, and forced me to walk into the room where Lucifer was.

Lucifer wasn't paying attention until the demon said, "Sir, this one was waiting outside. She is with the Winchesters." Luci looked at me and his jaw dropped a little. "Y/N?" he asked. "Hey, Luci," I replied. "You're working with the Winchesters?" he asked. Here it comes, my death.

"Yes," I told him truthfully. "What's going on here? How do you two know each other?" Dean asked. "We were friends in Hell," I told Dean, all of my secrets were coming out. Dean looked surprised and kind of angry. Sam looked hurt and sympathetic, and Luci looked confused and happy.

"Take the Winchesters out for a few minutes, I want to talk to Y/N," he told the demon who brought me in. The demon nodded and tied the Dean's and Sam's hands behind their back, taking them to another room. "I've missed you Y/N," Luci said. "I missed you too, Luci," I told him.

He smiled and said, "So why the Winchesters?" he asked. "I don't, because they were there," I replied. He smirked and said, "You know sometimes you can be a very bad girl." "I know, but you're the only one who reminds me how much of a bad girl I am," I replied, smirking.

"Well then, why don't I remind you for a little bit?" Luci said, stepping closer to me. I felt my heart skip a beat and I said, "Only if you think you can handle it."

Luci smiled and roughly pulled me into a kiss. The kiss turned into a heated make-out session when Luci roamed his hands from my shoulders to the top of my butt. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

"I can handle it, baby, trust me," Lucifer said, breaking the kiss momentarily for a breath. Luci grabbed my thighs and lifted my up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and Luci rammed me up against a wall. He quickly stripped out of his shirt, and took off mine.

"Luci," I said as he pressed against. I felt his growing member through his jeans, and he quickly slipped his jeans off. He pulled my jeans off and popped off me bra. "Y/N, you're so beautiful," Luci said. I smiled and pulled him into a kiss. He rubbed one of his hands over one of my breasts, and broke the kiss, to envelop the other one with his lips.

I tugged at his hair, as we both moaned. "What do you want me to do?" Lucifer asked. "I think you know," I told Luci smirking. He smiled and removed his boxers, and my panties. I grabbed his member and pumped it, as his hands moved to my bare sex.

I left purple marks on his neck, and moaned as his hand roamed over my bare sex. "Are you ready?" Luci asked me. I nodded and let go of his member, as he pushed it into me. He pushed it in slow, making sure I felt every inch. "Oh my god. Luci!" I moaned, as he went further and further in deep.

"Y/N, you're so tight," he said, pushing himself further in. He thrusted and I moaned. I dug my nails into his shoulder, earning a moan from him too. He hit my sweet spot ever time and I was getting closer and closer to my climax. "Luci, I'm gonna," I said, not being able to finish my sentence before I moaned again.

"That's it baby. Be my bad girl, and cum for me," Luci growled into my ear. His voice sent me over the edge, and I climaxed, letting my orgasm come. Luci followed after my lead, releasing himself into me. We both caught our breaths, and Luci pulled out of me.

We got dressed and I looked up at Lucifer. "What does this mean?" I asked him. He leaned down, and pulled me into another kiss. This one was different though. It was slow and sweet, and passionate. "I love you Y/N," Lucifer said.

"I love you too, Luci," I replied, kissing him again. "So, will you stay with me?" Luci asked. I thought for a moment and smiled as I said, "Yes." Luci got a big grin on his face and hugged me tight.

"You're the only perfect woman in the world, you know that right?" Luci said. "Thank you Lucifer. You're are the most perfect guy to me," I replied.

All of sudden, Dean and Sam came in. "The least you could have done is kept it down Sammy and I didn't want to hear you guys having sex," Dean said, with a scowl on his face, which made Luci and I chuckle.

Hello my little monsters! Okay so this was my first smutty imagine, so sorry if it wasn't good, I really did try. Don't forget requests are open. I hope you liked it and please let me know what you thought of it by voting and commenting! ILY all and all of you are amazing!

Always Keep Fighting!


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