Sam Imagine (Part 1)

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Imagine: Sam saving you from a shapeshifter.

You were walking into the kitchen of the bunker when you heard Sam and Dean talking about a case. You sat in between them. "Morning Y/N," Sammy said. "Morning," you replied resting your head on his shoulder looking at what was on the laptop in front of him. It was a news report in Texas. "Gotta case?" you asked them. "Yeah," Sam replied. "We think it's a shifter. It's going after women," Dean explained. You nodded your head and lifted it from Sam's shoulder. He looked sad when you lifted your head up like he didn't want it to move, but you were probably just imagining it, right? I mean Sammy was amazing and all, he was, hot, funny, cute, and a badass, but he thought of you as his sister... or at least you thought he did. After Sam, Dean, and you all ate breakfast, you decided to get ready for the hunt. You packed up all of your gear and changed into some comfy clothes that would be easy to hunt in.

Sam and Dean loaded the car as you got in. Dean was driving, and Sam was in shotgun while you were in back. Sam was looking out the window and you were stretched out in the back looking up at the roof of the Impala when the Impala swerved and you heard a loud car honk. You sat up and looked to Dean who shook his head and said, "Sorry I must have fallen asleep." Sam looked at you and then back to Dean. "Maybe I should drive," Sammy suggested. Dean nodded and pulled over.

Sam got in the drivers seat, you got in shotgun, and Dean laid down in the back. "How much longer do we have?" you asked Sammy after you started driving again. "About four hours," he said. You sighed dramatically and said, "Do you wanna play a game?" Sam looked at you skeptically and asked, "What's the game?" "Okay all you gotta to do is finish the sentence with the first name that comes to your mind, but it has to be the name of somebody we know," you explained. "Okay, I guess," Sam said. You got a smile on your face and said, "Okay let's start with an easy one. My name is __." "Sam," he said. "My father is ___." "Dean," Sam said saying the first name that came to his mind. "My brother is ___." "Castiel," Sam answered. You supressed a giggle. "My brother is___." "Bobby," he answered smiling at his own response as you giggle. "And I'm in love with___." "Y/N" Sam replied. His face turned red and you looked at him right away. He looked up at you for a second and then looked back at the road. "It's just a game, right?" he said, laughing.

You tried to play it cool, but you couldn't you were in love with Sam Winchester but you didn't think he loved you, at least not in that way. You tried to laugh and said, "Yeah...right," but you didn't even convince yourself with your answer. You sat the rest of the way in silence occasionally looking up at Sam. When you finally got to Texas it was about 6:00 PM. "I'm starving," you said. "Me too," you heard Dean say from the backseat. "Well good morning, Sleeping Beauty," you said. Dean sat up and rubbed his eyes. Soon after, Sam pulled into a parking lot of a diner. You all got out and were led to a booth. Sam and Dean slid into one side and you slid in across from them.

Soon a waiter came. "What can I get you guys to drink?" he asked looking at Sam. "Water, please," Sam said. "I'll take a beer," Dean said. The waiter turned to you and said, "And for you cutie?" You felt a small blush rise to your cheeks as you said, "Just a water please." "I'll have those right out for you," he said winking at you. You looked over to Sam who was giving the waiter his best bitch face and glaring daggers into his skull. After you guys ate and many failed attempts of the waiter trying to flirt with you Sam got up and left. "What's his problem?" Dean asked. "I don't know. I'll go look for him," you replied.

You got up and Dean shrugged his shoulders. You went outside and you didn't find Sam, but instead you found the waiter from tonight. "Y/N?" he asked. "Tony?" you said back, "Aren't you working?" "I was, but I just got off," he answered, "Can I walk you home?" he offerred. "I actually have to go find my friend, sorry. Maybe another time?" you asked turning to leave. He grabbed your arm and held it tight. "I don't think so missy," he said.

You looked at him and said, "Oh come on. Your the shifter?" you asked. "In the flesh, even though it looks like someone elses," he replied. "Dammit," you said. Then you saw nothing but black.

Third Person POV

Sam came back into the diner a few minutes later. "Y/N talk some sense into you?" Dean asked him. "What are you talking about Dean? Y/N didn't talk to me," Sam replied. "Y/N left to go find you Sam," Dean said. "Yeah well maybe she found Tony instead," Sam replied. "She did," Tony said as he came up to the table sliding into the side of the booth you had previously been sitting at. "Only it wasn't me. It was some man who looked exactly like me. He wasn't human either," Tony said. Sam and Dean exchanged looks and Sam said, "Dammit Dean, the shifter's got her." Dean and Sam immediately left to look for you.

They went outside and Dean noticed you dropped your purse on the ground next to the purse was a puddle of blood that led somewhere. The boys followed the blood, and it led to an entrance to the sewers.

Yes, my little monsters there is a second part to this Imagine just keep reading ;). Please read the note at the end of the next chapter thank you guys. ILY and you are amazing! Always Keep Fighting.

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