Chapter 22-Destiny?

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Olivia's POV

I looked at the time on my phone and I realised panicked that I overslept. Fuck! This is what staying with Dan up all night means. Fuck! But we couldn't stop talking and singing and laughing. It felt good for him to have company and I didn't quite have the heart to tell him that I have to wake up early in the morning.

He was a bit down when I saw him first, but he eventually turned around. I believed in him, even if his wife stopped doing that in a very long time.
Cynical? No, not me. The poor guy doesn't realise that his wife is a two faced, back stabbing bitch and as much as I would like to confess to him what I heard the other day when she hired me, I just couldn't.

The first impression that Alexis O'Donoghue, a.k.a the wife from hell gave me was that she didn't intend to be around too much. She was a cold woman and I don't even wanna think what was going on in that head of hers. Yes, the woman I met wasn't the one that smiled happily at the arm of Dan on the red carpet. They looked the same, but she was a totally changed person. Only a fool could not add two and two together and realise that. For Dan, she was his angel, his rock and his support. What a heck of a support, I huffed as I dried myself with the towel.

I picked up some clothes from the open suitcase, a suitcase which was a mess, and which, in my opinion was an invisible middle finger towards the almost disturbing organisation of the room. I pulled my hair up and forcefully tamed it into a ponytail and ran to the living room area where Dan was struggling to put butter on a slice of toast, cursing all the way as he was buttering his hand instead of the toast.

"Dan, Jesus I'm sorry for oversleeping. Here let me help you with that."
"Ah, morning Liv! Nah, don't worry, i am to blame for keeping you up, plus, I already buttered my whole hand, my blouse and my pants, you'll get messy too."
"No worries, I'll survive that tragedy.", I replied taking the knife from his hand and wiping it with a towel.

I looked at his hands. They were big and strong comparing to mine and you could see how much he worked by the way they felt. For a second our eyes locked and I could feel my cheeks blush.

"Quit it Olivia! He will think something is wrong with you!", my inner self said as I finished cleaning up his hands.

"What are we going to do today?", asked Dan cheerfully as I handed him a slice of toast, properly buttered...
"The main goal is for you to eat and then I assume I have to help you get changed. And then we can start the therapy."
"You will help me get changed? Uhh you naughty girl, he said cheekily, Liv it was a joke! I know you have to do that, don't be ashamed!"
"Yeah I know...the blushing part blew the whole deal in me being an actress...", I joked back.
"Aren't you gonna eat anything?"
"Nah, I'm good, I can't eat in the morning..."
"Why? Afraid you'll get fat or what?"
"I just can't...It's a thing I have ever since I was a kid. My mum forcefully fed me until she realised I just won't do it and she just gave up."
"I'm changing part...", he said, slowly getting up.

I helped him to his bedroom and pulled out some sweatpants and a t-shirt from where he showed me.

"Jesus you're so organised!", I exclaimed as a turned to him with what he asked me.
"I'm not, my wife couldn't find anything if it was for me."
"Okay now, how do you feel today?"
" usual...", he answered slowly lifting his hands up so I could pull off his blouse.

I helped him take off his blouse, revealing his beautiful torso, which to my surprise had a bit of muscle on it. It wasn't a six pack but it could catch any woman's eye in a second. I helped him put on his t-shirt and then proceeded to his pants.

I'm sorry no details here, I just can't. I'll just say that some parts of him were working just fine.

"Okay, I'm all dressed up. Now, where to?"
"To the car!"
"But Al didn't leave me any car keys."
"What makes you think I don't have a car?"
"Sorry never occurred to me...where are we going?"
"To a place I like to spend a lot of time in."
"A studio?"
"I wish, no, it's a gym. And we have a lot of room to exercise there. Now wrap one arm around my shoulder and the other around my waist. You can squeeze me as hard as possible, because starting today I will be your support."
"But I'm heavy. I'll squish you."
"Dan, trust me, you are not that heavy. I work out a lot, and you're not my first patient so I'm used to heavy lifting. Now do as I asked you."

He nodded as he leaned on me and I went to the door. For a man who said that he will squish me, he wasn't doing a great job. Probably in his head he thought he weighed a ton, but in reality he was light as a feather. I could feel his muscles contracting and I thought that was a good sign. But also his face contorted in pain, which wasn't a good thing. It will be hard work, but we will get round.

As he sat in the car he asked me to open the window so he could feel the air hitting his face. Poor guy, he must've forgotten how it felt, being all stuffed in the house.

"We are here!", I said happily as I showed him inside.
"There aren't people exercising..."
"Well, this is the place where people get better Dan, it's not a proper gym, it's a recovery centre. Now here is the mat, let me help you lie down and we will slowly work up your muscles. Okay? It will hurt a bit, I must warn you but it will be highly effective. In time.", I added as I helped him lie down on the mat.

He gave out the best he could, sweating and cursing and I believed him. It hurt like hell working with muscles, trying to stretch and squeeze.

"Fuck you said it will hurt, but I didn't imagine it will hurt like this!", he said trying to wipe his sweat from his forehead.
"The pain is your friend Dan, focus on that."
"Can I slap my friend?"
"Well, let's get you first to move, then you can do that.", I said helping him stand up and taking him to a ballet pole.
"Ballet? I'm gonna learn ballet? Throw in a tutu while you're at it!"
"No Dan, Jesus no! You're gonna learn to move properly again.", I said stretching a leg on the pole and balancing myself.
"Wow, you are elastic woman! Any other hidden talents I should know about?"
"Not that I know about."
"So, you sing, you're very fit, judging by how you look, you are funny and smart. And not to mention patient. So anyone special in your life?", he asked me as I helped his leg up.

I looked in his eyes and smiled. He was in my life and that basically covered up everything. The fact that I had to stay with him didn't quite give me free time. Not that I minded. I was really happy to discover how many things we had in common but I kept the distance, the professional distance.

"No...I don't, I am happy the way I am."
"Yeah, torturing me for now..."
"Well if you think this is torture wait till you see what will come next, in a couple of sessions."
"For real? You really wanna do this?"
"Don't you? I thought your goal was to get better..."
"It is...but I feel really bad right now."
"Okay we're done for the day. Now relax and we will get home soon."

I barely finished the sentence when I was attacked by a group of children. I was tackled to the ground and pulled into a group hug. I started laughing as I knew who they were and how much they meant to me. I loved children and someday I wished I had one or two of my own. But in order to have them I would actually have to have sex, something I didn't do, because to face it I didn't have any serious relationship.

"Liv, you're back! Tell us you're here to stay! We don't like miss Alice too much."
"No sweethearts, I have a friend to take care of and then I will be back."
"Is he your friend?", asked a girl.
"Yes he is, now did you kids do your warm up?"
"Yes we did.", answered all in a group.

I then started dancing with them underneath Dan's bemused look. After I finished dancing with them o hugged each one tightly and then turned to Dan to help him up.

"I didn't know you were so good with kids."
"I love kids and these are special ones, kids with disabilities. You can't see them at first sight but they have a deficit in talking or moving and dancing is a way in which they feel normal."
"You know you are pretty damn special. Now take me home and then we are going out again."
"Not today Dan, it has been too much and I don't wanna work you out too much."
"Okay then I'll call someone, you don't mind having some more company don't you?"
"Uhm no...I have something to do anyways."
" we are sorted. Thank you Liv, for what you did today for me. Made me feel normal again."
"Thank me when you're all recovered. Okay?"

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