Chapter 46-The Agony

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Nina's POV

I woke up early, covered in sweat, feeling the instant urge to vomit. My stomach was in a knot and I tried to make as little noise as possible. I hurried to the bathroom and leaned my head on the cold toilet. Something wasn't right...I could feel it.

I stayed with my head on the toilet for a couple more seconds then jumped in the shower. I let the water run down my body as I closed my eyes.

"It's nothing...probably jet lag, plus all the stress from can't be what I'm thinking about..."

A few months after I had Robin I had a massive weight loss. Everyone said it was great I lost the weight that I pilled up during the pregnancy in such a short time, but soon I lost even more and more. I was never a skinny person, I always had a bit more meat. What was a blessing in the beginning, turned into an eating disorder. I couldn't keep anything in my stomach and I needed help, professional help from a nutritionist and a therapist.

I dried myself up and went back to bed where Danny was snoring gently. The second he felt I was next to him, he turned round and placed his arm on my stomach, gently squeezing my thigh. I played with his hair until he opened his eyes slowly.

"Morning...", he whispered.
"Morning.", I said kissing him softly.
"You look a bit pale. Are you okay?", he said pulling me closer to him.
"Yes...the heat is unbearable though..."
"I know, this is Australia. What do you wanna do today? We can go have breakfast and then meet up with the lads, do some sightseeing. How does that sound?"
"Don't you guys have soundchecks or anything?"
"Later on and then the gig and then life on the tour can share my bed with Robin and I will just sleep somewhere else."
"But you have to be rested..."
"I'm used to sleeping basically anywhere...don't worry..."
"Nina....", he murmured pulling me closer to him.

Just as we were getting closer we heard a knock at the door and Mark appeared holding a hand on his eyes.

"All of yez decent?"
"Yes we are. Jesus Mark what if we weren't?" Asked Danny, pulling the sheet on him.
"Then I would've turned around, waited for you to get decent and that basically would've been the end of the story. Morning Nina!", he said cheerfully.
" everything okay?"
"Basically yes, on the other hand I wanna ask you for a favour.", he said sitting on the small sofa in the room.
"What about?"
"Robin is wicked with the guitar and I wanted to ask you if you would agree to let her play the intro of a song alongside with me on stage."
"My kid play on stage? My kid barely speaks to anyone...let alone play on a stage in front of people."
"It would be a great opportunity for her...just saying..."
"I agree, but you will have to ask her, not me. If she says she agrees to that I am good with it."

Just as I said that Robin stormed into the room hugging me tightly.

"Thanks mum! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
"You're welcome lo..."

Just as I said that another wave of vomit kicked in. I pushed Robin away, as I ran straight to the bathroom and Danny followed.

"You are coming with me straight to the doctor.", he said helping me up and handing me over a cap of mouthwash.
"Mum are you okay?", said Robin peering in the bathroom.
"Yes, love why don't you go with Mark and have breakfast? We will be right down.", I said barely looking at her.
"Come on kiddo we can go to the stadium and rehearse after!", said Mark making a short gesture to Danny, meaning that he has the situation under control.
"Do you and Mark communicate by sign language?", I said looking up at Danny.
"Not all the time. Now tell me what's wrong? You're obviously not okay..."
"It's probably just a bug..."
"You're shaking like a leaf. We are going to the doctor.", said Danny gently taking my hand.

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