Chapter 38-The Mother Daughter Talk

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Nina's POV

I went back inside, cleaned up the living room, took a quick shower and opened my closet in search of things to was a lovely, sunny Friday and I was going to spend it with my daughter. As usual I picked out some casual clothes and drove to her school.

She was waiting for me patiently to arrive balancing her weight from one foot to the other. I noticed she tried to dye her hair again and didn't clean the smudges out properly, leaving little stains on her forehead.

"Hun, hey, how are you?"I asked as I opened the car door for her to hop in.
"I'm grand. School was grand and I'm sad..."
"Why? Did anyone bother you at school?"
"'s just that a girl from school went to the last concert of The Script in the UK and I'm sad that I couldn't go...she bragged all week about how she met and hugged the lads and I've been to so many concerts and I couldn't even take a photo with them. It's like they notice some fans and they never notice me..."
"Robin, you know they are celebrities. Do you think they even remember anything about your friend from school? They meet thousands of people and I don't think they have the time to remember everyone. By the way what did you do to your hair?"
"You like? I wanted to have it just like yours. I never look like you and people always say that I'm more my dad's girl than yours and I hate that!"
"Hun I loved your ginger hair. It was nothing wrong with know how I feel about you and hair dye, you're only 15, you still have time to do that...", I said turning left and stopping in traffic at a stoplight.
"Yeah, but I wanna look more like you. You are beautiful, I look dull..."
"You don't, you're beautiful to me and that's what makes me happy. Seeing you not grow overnight."
"How was your night? You look tired...did that pestering neighbour of yours disturb you?"
"Nothing slips past you, eh? No, actually he was okay. He turned out to be a nice fellow.", I replied smiling.
"'re he cute? Are you going to start dating again? Oh please tell me you'll start dating again! You deserve to be happy mum! If Danny from The Script won't be your boyfriend can you at least date your neighbour? Please!!!"
"Hun, me and your idols would never fit together, we come from different worlds...but you know what's funny? My neighbour's name is Danny too. So...."
"He tweeted a selfie! He tweeted a selfie! He's in London by the Thames! Please mum can we go? Can we go? I wanna take a snap of him! Please?"
"By the time we get there he will be gone Hun, and who knows how long he has that picture in his phone and decided to post it...", I said looking at her.
"Pleaseeeeeeeee! It's not far from where we are anyway! Please! And then we can go eat something and then go back to your place, pleaseeee!"
"Okay, okay...", I said turning the car round and following the instructions she gave me.

I parked the car and she hopped out of it, running to the direction she thought her idol was. To her disappointment it was no one there.

"Ah, least we tried...", she said pouting...
"Look if you want we can take a picture together and you can post it wherever you want. I know I'm not your idol, but..."
"You're my hero! Mum you mean the world to me...", she said kissing my cheek as we took the photo.

We spent the whole afternoon enjoying the lovely weather outside and then I drove back to my apartment. All I could hear coming from Danny's place was the mumble of the TV. So he's home, probably hungover still from last night.

Robin was buzzing with excitement halfway through the movie we were watching, making a mess on the couch.

"Hun are you okay? You're shaking. And your splattering juice all over your pyjamas. What's wrong?", I asked pausing the movie.
"He followed me! And he faved the photo we took today? And he REPLIEEEEEED!"

It was my turn to feel all nervous and happy. The two of us engaged into a sort of dance, mixed with screaming and laughter.

"What did he say Hun?", I asked her curiously.
"That he was there too today...and he winked at me...he put a winking emoji!!! And he DM'd me!!!! MEEEEEE!!! JUST NOW!!! HE NEVER EVER EVER WRITES DMs!!!!"
"Really? What did he say?"
"Knock knock..."

Just as she read the message from him I heard a short knock at the door. My head was working up all the connections and tying all the loose ends. It couldn't why now? neighbour can't be her favourite, that is not possible...and if he is...I slapped him...

I opened the door and in front of it was him. Holding a bag.

"Hey...heard you were home...sorry to bother you, but I brought your clothes. All washed and dry..."
"Thanks...uhm...I know it sounds really weird but did you by any chance have any connection to the lead singer of The Script?"
"Mum, who is at the door?? OH MY GOOOOOD!!! OH MY GOOOD!!! Danny!!"
"Knock knock? Hiya Robin."
"How did you know where my mum lived, oh my god, do you two know each other?"
"Kinda...can I come in Nina?"
"Uhm...sure...I think my daughter would kill me if I didn't let you in...", I smiled.

To be honest I wanted him to come in. I liked our chat the other night and he was a nice, intelligent man. And it was nice to have a chat with a man that didn't involve getting into bed half an hour later.

"Are you for real? Can I hug you? Oh I have to change! I'm in my pyjamas!"
"Robin!", I looked at her frowning trying to make her to calm down.

She sat on the couch next to him asking him questions on how and when we met. He looked at me and smiled and I made a gesture of approval, letting him tell my daughter the whole story.

"To be honest I'm your ma's neighbour. I kinda annoyed her with my singing...and she kinda slapped me..."
"Mum!!!", Robin silently put me into place.
"He is a noisy neighbour and he made me go mad...and him being who he is doesn't save him from a slap. Even celebrities get slapped from time to time. And he survived to tell the tale. See? He's in one piece.", I said poking Danny with my finger.
"You two should totally date! You have a lot in common oh my God! Can I tell my school mates? Oh my God they will be sooooo jealous! Please!"
"Let's make a deal. If you don't tell anyone I'll come and pick you up from school on Monday. Deal?"
"Are you kidding me? Yes!!! YES, YES!!! Mum can Danny pick me up from school? Wait...I have to propose you something. If I do that you promise you will take my mum out for a date? You two have a lot in common..."
"Robin!", I said half angry, half embarrassed, looking at Danny who was smiling at the two of us.
"Deal. But only if your mother says yes...Tomorrow evening?"
"I can't tomorrow, I'm meeting the girls at Mahiki...Anda's know Anda, Robin."
"Yeah, all my mum's friends look like supermodels, including her. You'll meet them if you guys are gonna be together.", added Robin.
"Sunday?", he asked.
"Sunday will be grand...what time?"
"Hmmm...8, is that okay?"
"Yeah, perfect.", I nodded.
"Okay then I'll leave you girls to sit and chat..."
"Can we take a selfie? The three of us?", asked Robin with a candid look on her face.

Robin sat in between me and him hugging the two of us, while Dan took the picture. I felt an electric jolt as his arm touched the back of my neck.

"Oh my God thank you sooo so much!", she said hugging him.

For a couple of seconds he was in shock and then he hugged her back. He wished us a good night and went back to his place.

"Mum you and him are so made for each other! Let me print these! I'm so dying to post them right now! Oh my god! The girls at school will die when they'll see him and you on Monday! What are you going to wear? Oh where is my guitar I can't help myself from jumping around oh my Goooood!"
"Calm down hun, please."
"This is so going as my lock screen! Oh my God!"
"Why don't we watch the movie?"
"I'm so happy mum! I'm sooo happy! Please tell me that you like him and you're not going on that date just for me!"
"I wouldn't tell you something like that, even if it were the case. He is a nice guy once you get to know him. And I don't know him that well, but I like how he thinks so far. He is a down to earth lad. Any ways I don't want you to get your hopes up. Now let's watch the movie.", I said hugging her and turning on the movie.

But Robin wasn't paying attention anymore. She was too happy for what happened tonight and I felt too distracted by how Danny looked me in the eyes tonight. So, basically, both mother and daughter had their hearts fluttering over the same man.

She was happy in her childish, adolescent way and I was happy in the adult, possibly romantic way.
When she went to bed I printed out the pictures from her phone, a set for me and a set for her and I started thinking.

The hard thoughts that you could have at 1 in the morning. The thoughts where you would want to surrender your heart, but you have your child to worry about. For me Robin was my priority over any man. And that's how it was meant to be. I had to think of her first and what was best for her. I could be madly in love with someone, but if he wasn't good with my kid I would kick him out in an instant. Without thinking of the fact that I would get hurt in the process.

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