Chapter 44-The Good And Bad

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Nina's POV

I looked at Robin and then at Danny. No, this couldn't be him...he wouldn't do that...

"Robin, when was this post made? I would never write something like that!", replied Danny calmly.
"Then why is it on your page? Are we charity cases to you? I thought you loved spending time with us! That's why you brought us to Australia to brag about it?! You know I would've been okay with you taking the piss at me! But I would never want anyone hurt mum!"
"Robin, look at me! You're not a charity case for me! I love you and your mum to bits and whoever wrote that and put the picture is fu...Agnes! I would never say that about you, don't you know you two mean the world to me?", he asked her, holding her tightly in his arms.
"But then why?", I asked him.
"I have no idea why but this is way out of control. I get paid for concerts Robin, it's what I do, but I don't get paid to love you and your mum. I love you two because I want to love you, because you're my family. Okay? Now let's get back to the stadium and I will sort this out.", He said pulling out his phone and deleting the stupid post.

He took us both by the hand and we went to the car. Robin was resting her head on my shoulder and she quickly fell asleep. All the hassle and the flight, pilled up and she could barely keep her eyes open. Danny gave me his hoodie and I wrapped her in it. We arrived at the venue and we found a concerned group made consisting in all that the band meant.

"She is ok, found her.", said Danny quickly as he stormed out of the concert hall looking for Agnes.
"So, what's up with him then?", asked Glen frowning.
"Agnes. She posted something on his Twitter page with a photo of us saying that we were charity cases. By the way where is that red haired bitch?", I asked calmly, trying not to cause a scene.
"She went to the hotel.", answered Glen.
"Thanks, Robin is in the car. Please keep and eye on her."

I patted him on the shoulder as I ran to a car parked up the road a bit from the car Robin was sleeping in.

"Give me the keys.", I demanded to the driver.

He complied and I drove back to the hotel, probably breaking at least ten traffic laws on the way.

"Hi I am Mr. O'Donoghue's guest I am looking for Agnes their PR manager."
"Room 3212. Shall I call?"
"No. Thank you."

I ran to the elevator and it felt like ages until I got to the third floor. I knocked at the door and waited for an answer. She answered wearing nothing but a towel on her head and a bathrobe. The rage grew more and more as I saw her dressed like that. For all that mattered someone else might have knocked.

"Oh hello Nina what can I help you with? All good?"
"All not so good.", I replied as I walked into her room, not even waiting for her to invite me.
"What's your problem?", she said astonished.
"My problem is when someone makes my kid feel like shit! That's my fucking problem! You have no right to pick on my kid!", I said raising my voice a few notches.

She looked at me with a grin and at that point I wanted to smack her in the face.

"Well, what is the problem! No one picked on your daughter! She was treated very well, given the fact she arrived in the middle of a soundcheck!"
"A soundcheck? Do you think I'm that idiot?! For real? How can you fucking do a soundcheck when Danny isn't there? Care to explain what the tweet about us being charity cases is? Or do I need to shove the phone down your throat for you to answer?", I asked furiously.
"And isn't that the truth? After all I don't understand what's the purpose of you two being here! Danny is a busy guy! And the fact that you fuck him or suck him or whatever you guys do is a problem to me! Because you fuck up his focus! He isn't doing things the way they are supposed to do!", she replied.
"Look! If you don't want your blue blood being scraped out of these hotel walls you'd better leave my kid alone!  And what me and Danny do in our private time is none of your fucking business! Got that?", I said pulling her by the robe and bringing her closer to me.
"You know I'm not scared of you! I wasn't scared of fucking Olivia Van de Kamp. Do you think a fucking country girl with big dreams can intimidate me?"

And then it snapped. All the pieces of the puzzle went into place. She secretly liked Danny and he didn't pay her any attention. And she became more and more frustrated by that fact. She was out of control. And I was going to put a stop to it whether she liked it or not.

Just as I was screaming loudly, trying to talk some sense into her ill, twisted head of hers, I heard a sharp knock at the door.

"That must be security. Now this will put an end to your crazy act!", she said with a smirk on her face.

She marched to the door happy and opened it. And we both stood in shock as a familiar face appeared in the frame of the door. A blonde set of hair, a tall, slender figure and a pair of steel eyes looked both at me and her. I recognised the person from the video call. Olivia Van de Kamp.

"I couldn't help but hearing the argument from my room.", she said as she got inside, filling the room with an expensive smell of perfume.
"Olivia???", said Agnes in shock.
"Miss Van de Kamp for you. And while you're at it, go and get me a double macchiato, decaf, skimmed milk.", she said as she sat on a fluffy chair and lit herself a cigarette.

She was even more beautiful in real life than in the video call. Her blonde hair was tied in a loose bun, framing her heart shaped face and enhancing her facial features more.

"Olivia...", I murmured.
"Nina.", she said smiling as she took a puff from her cigarette.
"But how did you, where and..."
"I have to present an award here love. And I wanted to rest and I heard the fight. Since I knew the lads were in the hotel already, I could only assume. I guess my assumption was right. Oh and while you're at it with the coffee, get yourself sorted out.", she said throwing a cold glance to Agnes who was staring at both of us in shock. Seems like she wasn't so rough and courageous now.
"Jesus I'm really sorry...", I started.
"Do you want anything Nina?", she asked me politely.
"I'm okay. Again I'm sorry..."
"No worries. I heard the conversation. Thin walls. And I understand, all too well. As for you...Agnes right? You can forget about the coffee. Start packing your bags, I want you out of here in half an hour. You're fired."
"Don't try to make up excuses. I know who hired you and from what I know, I have the power to fire you. Start packing."

I was shocked at how calm and cold in the same time she could be. She kept her smile throughout the exchange of lines, without even flinching.

"Now. Would you like to go for a coffee? I know it's late but I could use one now. Call Dan, let him know you're okay."
"Uhm...okay...", I said pulling out my phone.

There was something intimidating in her presence. Even though she was a lot younger than me, I couldn't help but nod and do as requested. I looked at my phone and I had a text message from Danny saying he took Robin in the hotel room and he put her in bed.
The second I sent him the text he called me.

"Yes...I am okay...don't worry...I will be in the room soon...sure, don't worry...I will be okay...yes...Sorted the problem out with a bit of help...I love you too...", I said looking in Olivia's eyes.
"Thank you for realising that I don't want Dan to know I'm here. Now let's go.", she said pointing me to the door.
"But why? He would be happy to know..."
"I don't want him to know. I think it's best for him not knowing I'm here. I will explain to you when we get that coffee."
"I feel like I'm in a spy movie now.", I smiled.
"Something like that. You are so beautiful. Even more beautiful than I remembered.", she replied, pressing the elevator button.
"Look whose talking! That camera didn't do you justice!", I exclaimed.

Just as we got to the hotel restaurant she waved a waiter and he nodded. Seems that Olivia was a regular here.

"So, I saw the whole thing, must've affected your daughter.", she began.
"It has...but why don't you want Danny to know that you're here? He cares a lot about you, and, to be honest, I like you a lot. And you two are so close...", I asked.
"Because it's better for the two of us. I love him to bits, but I know it wasn't meant to be. I tried denying who I was and my legacy far too long. And we don't fit in each, other's worlds. Don't give me that worried look, he loves you far too much and your daughter too to do something crazy."
"Should I be worried?", I tried forcing a smile.
"Not at all. Look, Nina, I'm sorry Agnes was a pain in the ass. She was hired by my grandmother, to take care of anything that could leak in the press, due to my status.The woman knows her scheming all too well. Sorry for all the inconvenience. As for me, I'm happy to know he is happy. I asked him once if he loved you. He loves you to bits. All he talks about is you. And I know him all too well."
"I don't quite follow..."
"What do you want to know?", she asked me.

I wanted to know a lot of things but I was too shy to ask Danny. There were some aspects of his life he didn't want to talk about. And I wanted to know...

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