Chapter 25-After the Words Come Out

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Olivia's POV

I went into my bedroom and threw myself on the bed. There...I said it...I was sick of keeping secrets from him, I was sick of this constant torture...I wanted to be free, free from all those chains that over the years became heavier and heavier. I heard a knock and saw his head appear through the cracked door.

His face was red, probably because of shame, and his eyes were sparkly.

"Why do you love me?"

Why did he continue the torment? Why did I leave that can of worms open? Why?

"I don't know why? Don't ask me for a reason, I just do...and it's not because you are famous, it's because of you. But I never knew the reason, now please Dan end this subject..."
"And why do you wanna leave?"
" will be okay soon, and recovered and...what's the point of me staying here?"
"Maybe because I want you to stay here."
"I can't Dan....I just can't...why should I stay?"
"Because I want that. When you will leave I'll be all alone, and I..."
", I think it's best this way...I think it's best if I call in a friend of mine to take care of you...he is as good as I am...I just can't stay here anymore, it's killing me..."

With a quick gesture I got up from the bed and started throwing things in my bag. He tried catching me but with no success...he still didn't have a proper grip and I moved too fast.

I pulled my trolley to the door and left the key in the bowl. Without looking back and crying. Him calling my name broke my heart, but I didn't look back...

****A Few Hours Before Prom Night***

"Liv, I'm so proud of you!"
"Yes, too bad mom and dad wouldn't be Laurel...", I sighed.
"I'm so glad I talked you into this! But still, why are you so sad? Don't tell me it's because of that guy you've been fantasising for the last six years! You have to let it go!"
"I wish I could Laurel, but the heart wants what it wants. He liked me, for who I was, I felt we had a connection!"
"Liv, this guy is way too complicated! From what you told me he is going through a divorce. Yes, you got along well as friends! As his nurse and that's it. Get over it! Mom and dad would never like him!"
"I don't give a shit on what mum and dad would want! I'm sorry, you know I think Joseph is a offence..."
"None taken...but please take that guy out of your mind Liv."
"I will try my best, but considering I have no date for tonight, that is kinda hard to work out."
"You have the most beautiful dress, you are a Van de Kamp and you are the sweetest and kindest person I ever known. You will find a man who deserves you and who sees all that..."
"Yeah, you can wipe out the Van de Kamp part sis, I don't wanna live under our parent's shadow for the rest my life..."
"Okay sis, now let's get you ready for prom."

I looked at my reflection in the mirror after my sister finished with me. She straightened my hair out, added some make-up( in my opinion more than necessary) and helped me dress up.

"You are stunning, the most beautiful thing I ever saw in my life! I'm so jealous you inherited the eyes from grandma, the old Rhodes charm..."
" too...don't I look overdressed?"
"No! And there wouldn't be a whole outfit without this...", my sister said pulling from her jewellery box a diamond choker and draping it around my neck.
"No, I don't want this...I want this...", I said pulling a heart pendant from my bag.
"Are you sure?"
"I just don't wanna be a Van de Kamp for tonight...I wanna be Olivia, the girl who wears ripped jeans, boots and checkered shirts, the girl who plays guitar and dances and helps people."
"And I couldn't be more proud of you!", she said putting on my necklace.

I hugged her tightly, looking at her and I was proud she was so supportive. To get things clear, I come from a rich family, and I'm not talking middle class rich. No, I'm talking mansions and fancy cars and business and soirées. I never fit in though, I was so different from the whole family. For example all the women in my family had blonde hair, I died it black. All the women were either doctors, lawyers or business women. Or socialites... I was everything they loathed and despised. But I didn't care. My sister had her rebellious times but she became a version of my mom, with a cooler attitude.

I got in the car and arrived at the venue. It was brightly decorated, with balloons and a drink table and for a second I thought this would look nothing like all the parties I have been dragged and I smiled. The first smile in the last two weeks.

"Yo Liv!", I heard Mike calling me from the other side of the room.

Mike was the only colleague I had that actually talked to me. And that actually liked me for me. For the rest I was an outcast and I actually enjoyed that lack of attention. But him, he was different. Apart from him being gay. He knew who I was and he liked the fact that I was secretly rebelling against all that my family legacy meant.

"What's up?"
"You look like a Van de Kamp and less like Liv..."
"That's when my sister and the make up kit get involved..."
"Well I like the are beautiful...wait is that Danny from The Script? What is he doing here? What a hottie! Heard he was free..."
"Wait what?"

I turned round and there he was. Trying to walk normal, scanning the room, until he saw me and Mike. He walked towards us and produced one of the killer smiles ever. I didn't know whether to run or to hide. The combination between the two sounded so good. Everyone was looking in our direction, whispering and elbowing. Fortunately Mike took control of the situation.

"Hi, I'm Danny."
"Mike, nice to meet you. What brings you to our prom?"
"Can I have a word with you Liv?"
"Wait, you two know each other?"
"Yes...sort of..."
"Okay...awkward...I'll let you two talk..."

As Mike went to the DJ booth I whispered to Dan.

"What the hell are you doing here?"
"You didn't have a date to the prom and I came...Ewan did a pretty good job, didn't he?"
"He did...I see you got a bit of your mobility. Good for did you know where the prom was?"
"I have a few connections, just like you do Olivia Van de Kamp..."

I looked at him with the weirdest look on my face. Was he from C.I.A or what?

"How did you know? How the hell did you find out?"
"When you have nothing to do but read papers, because your friend quit her job because she had feelings for her friend you find out a great deal of things. By the way you were at the Brit Awards?"
"Yes...okay what are you talking about?"
"About you...don't run away from me again...please Liv...I don't give a fuck about where you come from, I just want you...and my friend back and what we had..."
"We had nothing Dan..."
"What if I want to have something?"
"No...Alexis is gone...stop that! Okay? She has been gone over a month, I am divorced, well...technically in the process of divorcing and I want a fresh start. And I want it with you, only if you want it too..."
"Dan, I don't wanna be your rebound girl...give it some time..."
"I gave it enough time and enough thinking over the last two weeks, I don't want more time. I am ready, ready for whatever is coming. Let's take things slow, see how it goes...", he said gently touching my waist and taking a slow dance position.

I leaned my head on his chest as we slowly started to move alongside other couples that we're starting to fill the dance floor.

"I will give it a think...", I replied softly.
"Let's take things slow, get to know each other properly. I already threw myself in a disastrous marriage in which I thought I knew her, I don't want to risk hurting neither one of us.", he told me as he kissed my hair.
"Thank you for showing up tonight...thank you for all this...for not thinking I am crazy..."
"Well I have seen worse than this...on so many levels...would you like to come tomorrow with me to the studio?"
"I would love that, but I have this thing with my grandmother first. I will call you okay?"
"Okay...I will be in there the whole day anyway...I will meet with the lads and..."
"Glen too?"
"Yes, Glen too...Liv, I'm not mad at Glen. I always knew he liked Alexis so in a way I knew that it will happen one day. They were always very good friends so...any ways I'm not mad at him...he wasn't to blame...and I bet he feels miserable."
"You always say I have a kind heart but did you see yourself lately? I would have never forgiven my best friend if he did that to me..."
"Well, I wish them both well, all the best...seriously, I don't mind. He has the woman he always wanted and she has the life she always wanted and that's that. And I have a whole new life to look forward to. With you...and I am happy and at peace."
"I'm glad you are happy, I really am..."
"Now, shall I get you a drink Liv?"
"Well...why don't we do it together?"

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