Your Type of Game

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I looked at her in deep confusion and could only mutter. "How...?"

She shook her head as if to ward away my question. "Please, just don't use your zanpakto. Kisuke... he tried to protect you from what happened."

"What? What happened?" I asked as she pulled the pencil out of my chest and quickly healed the flesh there for me.

"I can't tell you. Kisuke made sure that I didn't know all of the details. All I know is that your zanpakto is your worst enemy and it could end your life as you know it." Unohana gave a faint smile before bowing and leaving me in the bathroom by myself.

I stood there thinking about it for what seemed like hours while I carelessly caress the hole in my newest kimono. "She could have moved the fabric." I sighed.

I quietly leave the bathroom and sneak out of the backdoor to head for the first district gate. It took about 15 minutes to get there but once I got near there, I slowed down as Mayuri came into my view.

"May-kun!" I call out to him. He was twitching and looking at the gate as if trying to create a conversation in his head. He froze and turned around to me. His face lit up but he immediately tried to turn it into a scowl – it didn't work out the way he thought it would because the scowl ended up just being a crooked smile.

"It took you long enough to get here." His eyes, even though it's mildly dark, zeros in on the hole in my kimono. "What did she do to your kimono?"

I feigned ignorance." Huh?"

Mayuri walks straight up to me until we're almost chest to chest, grabs hold of my kimono and then carefully shows me the hole. "Here see, there's a hole that wasn't there before you went to the bathroom with Unohana. Did she hurt you? Did she stab you? It looks like a pencil puncture wound? Are you bleeding? That bi-."

"May-kun!" I interrupt him. "I think everyone was looking for you when I left, so we better hurry before they happen to come this way and see us!"

Though I could tell he didn't believe me, he complied, turned around and started to walk towards the gate. The gate was opened wide by some soldiers from above and we entered. The quiet outside of the gate disappears, the sounds of the festival erupt out at us.

Kids were running around with yukata and masks as the festival rages. Teenagers are walking around looking in love and blushing about being out in public together. Adults are walking around observing the little games that there are to play as well as the food stalls. All of the festival seems almost magical, like it was years ago – except that this time Mayuri wasn't tied up. He was here of his own free will. We begin walking slowly.

"So what are we gonna do?"

"I don't know. Let's play that fish game. I saw

"Hey watch out!" Someone calls out.

"Huh?" I spun around but was quickly grabbed by Mayuri and pulled back into him as a flaming ball came screeching thru the air where I once stood. With his other arm, he pulled out his zankpakto and sliced through the flaming ball as if it were nothing. The flames sizzled for a second and then erupted into a small firework. Everybody ooh'd and ahh'd at the sight and started clapping.

"Sorry!" The man called from where he hadn't moved an inch.

"Watch where you're throwing such dangerous things!" Mayuri's hand around my waist tightened. "You could have hurt someone who is very much more important than your whole simpleton life."

The man starts to walk over. I lightly touch his hand on my waist "May-kun, please – tonight is supposed to be fun, please don't do this."

When the man finally reaches us, Mayuri has seemingly calmed down due to my plea but I feared that it was only temporary." Do you got something to say to me, freak?"

I see Mayuri smirk." Freak huh?"

"Yea... freak."

"And what are you?"

"I'm a firework carpenter."

"I'm a Gotei Captain and a research director. Ever wanted to see what the inside of a tube looks like?" Mayuri leaned in and quietly whispered into the guy's ear. "If you don't, walk away."

The guy clears his throat and then quietly walks back to his stand. Mayuri doesn't remove his hand from my waist as we continue on through the festival, allowing the sounds of the festival to lead us around.

"Sir! Care to win something for the lady?" A man calls out to us.

I look around to see who was calling.

"Wha!" I pointed at the man. He hadn't changed in a 100 years. I had the scoop game that I'd gotten the bell necklace and hate from him." It's you!"

The man looks at me confused but realizes who I am and points at me in return." It's you!"

I rushed over to him, though I was sad to leave Mayuri's hand behind." It's been a century."

He chuckles at me." Indeed it has been. I've looked for you but had heard some disturbing things."

"Well I'm back now and I've come to win again!" I declared proudly as I started to roll up my kimono's sleeve.

The man chuckles again." Why don't you let your man friend tr before you go winning all of my great prizes, huh?" He gestures at Mayuri who is standing in close proximity to me now.

"What is the object of this travesty?" Mayuri picks up a paper scoop.

"Don't call it a travesty." I scorned Mayuri, but he didn't respond to me.

The man's gently smile contorts into a grin." If this is not you're type of a game, sir, then may I suggest a better one – with a greater prize?"

A shiver went down my spine and I instantly knew whatever this game was, it wasn't a game. I grabbed for Mayuri's hand." Let's no-."

"Deal." Mayuri's face was contorted into a interested grin that was from ear to ear. "Let's see what this game of yours is, old man."

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