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The lunch goes by uninterrupted surprisingly and we enjoy it. Mayuri glints at me as he eats, afraid of another surprise kiss but the satisfaction from the first was enough. Yet, seeing Mayuri flustered was something I knew I would not get enough of in the future.

As we finished our quiet meal, I wiped my mouth." So, what's your plans for the evening?"

"My plans are your plans." He announced soundly.

"And our plans are?" I looked at him expectantly.

"That dabli-thing, we're going to inspect it today."

He meant the mysterious, once a stall owner, spirit that he had played a dangerous game with. I could see the eagerness in his eyes, but the thought of once being a subject crossed my mind. Being on the other side of the test tube should have given me relief, but the unease I felt turned my stomach upside down.

The research Mayuri and I had done in the past wasn't on living beings but built from chemicals and plants. Testing and probing a real being caused an itch in my chest. As I looked at the eager, almost Boy-like face of Mayuri I wanted to express my discomfort but couldn't stand to. As I looked back at the painted face, I became disillusioned.

"Sounds interesting." I mustered a smile, but it collapsed from my lips quickly.

"What?" Mayuri moved closer, suddenly, causing me to move back slightly.


"Your face, it changed." He blurted out.

"What?" I blinked at him, making a smile cross my face again. "No it didn't. "

"It did." He crossed his arms over his chest as he tilted his head, looking at me.

"Have you been researching facial expressions?"

"I have not." He admitted. "But-"

"Clearly you need more research!" I stood abruptly, embarrassed that he had pointed it out.


"I just forgot, Yamamoto-taicho wanted to see me." I clapped my hands together as I began a speedy exist away from him.


"Wow, the sun has moved this much! I have made him wait too long!" I rushed  to the entrance, barely glancing over my shoulder. "I'll come by the institute when I'm done! Bye, May-kun!"

Before he could start another sentence, I rushed away - leaving him with the check to pay. Even though the occurence with Gin crossed my mind, I found myself speed walking back to the Gate I'd come through. I stayed on alert, waiting for any familiar spiritual pressure to appear.

The guards nodded to me, but gave no verbal response as I greeted them, walking through the open doors. The 1st District was to the West and coming back through the gate meant a beeline past the 3rd division.

I debated taking an alternate route around the 3rd district, knowing that Gin could be waiting for me to walk by. I shook the thought from my head, knowing that I had no reason to fear.

I am the Princess of the Shihōin now. Gin wouldn't be able to cause me harm without extreme backlash.

I reminded myself furiously as the speedwalk in my yukata turned into a small jog as I drew closer and closer to the 3rd Division.

I swallowed hard as the Division building came into view on my left, but continued my jog as if I was working off the after lunch weight - not that I needed to being only 100 lbs.

Perfect Imperfection (Mayuri Kurotsuchi)Where stories live. Discover now