Becoming a True Princess

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I casted my eyes over at Mayuri's unapologetic, standing frame in front of the Shihōin family counsel with my dad standing as the head.

I was kneeling in my kimono beside my love, out of respect and sincerity. My father's face was contorted from rage. I could only guess because he was left out of the experiment loop. I knew there would be some backlash, but I didn't think my father would drag the council in.

"Mayuri Kurotsuchi, you performed unauthorized examination of our princess. How do you plea?" My father's voice resonated around the hall as he clicked his eyes to Mayuri.

"It was authorized." Mayuri seemed bored with the procession. He took his right pinky finger and dug it into his ear. "I'm certain the princess owns her body."

I grimaced at his answer. My father shouted." Ya! Who do you think you are?"

"Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Captain of the Twelfth Divsion and President of the S.R.D.I." Mayuri plucked his finger from his ear as he added, "I also write a pretty popular article in the Sereitei Communications, at least that's what I'm told."

I tightened my lips to keep from smiling. I peeked up to my father and the council. If he could blow steam out of his ears, he would look like a chimney during the winter. One thing I learned was mad scientists had the same bad, belligerent temper.

I scooted forward on my knees and laid my head on my hands, bowing deeply. "Father, please forgive him. He is not noble and is being disrespectful but he is right. I gave him permission."

Mayuri began to open his mouth, but I tossed him a glare from my bowing stance. The devilish smile on his face didn't disappear, but he remained silent.

"As the Princess, you must run these kind of decisions by the council." My father spoke softly, despite the anger that laced his tone.

"It was a decision I would make it if presented." I lifted my head and looked my father in his eyes. "The decision was acute and neccessary with the extenuating circumstances. "

"What were the circumstances that would have you leave us uninformed?"

"I actually sent a messanger the moment the decision to do the experiment was made. I did not leave you uninformed in this instance." I bowed again. "As of last night, it was my mistake for not recalling my learning well. Please forgive me and I will not allow it to happen again."

My father cleared his throat, but I remained bowing. "Should I praise Byakuya for your eloquence? You can be forgiven. So the results - sweetheart, stop bowing." I straighten up as maids rush forward to help me from seiza style sitting.

I reached my hand out to Mayuri, smiling, expecting him to give me the experiment results paperwork. He seemed to relax when I turned to face him, my hand still stretched out. We stood eyeing each other and for a moment, no one else mattered.

He looked at me and my hand before gripping one of my fingers. Our nonverbal communication needs work. "May-kun, may I have the results?"

"Nn." Mayuri pulled the scroll with the results from his Taicho jacket pocket and handed it over.

I took it in my hands and beamed up at my father." Today, my results will change the fates!" I walked confidently over and handed my father the scroll for him to read.

The Shihōin council crowded around ny father, trying to make sense of the scientific writing. An elder spoke to dad." Well what does it say?"

Between looking at me and the paper, dad didn't respond. He seemed breathlessly and overtaken with emotion as he read the results of his daughter's experiment.

He stared down into my eyes before the sword on my waist caught his attention. Tears were making his eyes glassy.

"Shihōin-sama?" One of the members lightly touched my father, bringing him out of his haze.

"Ah, yes. It would seem a demonstration is in order." My father cleared his throat and he rolled up the scroll." Our Princess has regained physiologic stability and increased spiritual capacity."

The council gasped and began to stare down at me expectantly. I was relieved that the main fire of the situation, Mayuri, had been put out. All I had to do was show my zanpakto.

I pulled my sword out from its sheathe and laid the blade on my opposite hand. ""Lead them, Ka Sennyo (Fire Nymph)!"

The room erupted with awe as my zanpakto turned into the enamoring two-part lance. I twirled the center and split the lances. My father covered his mouth, tears spilling from his eyes as he stared at me and my weapon.

"This is great news! She can really inherit the throne and the squad!" One the council exclaimed.

"What a great day for us! Let us have a festival!" Another rallied.

"Indeed, we must announce to all of Soul Society!"

"This scientist deserves a little reward too, right? He ran the tests on her and we were all about to throw him into a pit." One of the more quiet spoke.

"You are right." My father resolved, clapping his hands to calm the chatter." Kurotsuchi-taicho, we owe you a favor. Give it some thought and tell me what you want in the future, okay?"

I glanced over at Mayuri and smiled, tossing him two thumbs up. My father turned around to talk happily with the council about preparations for a festival. Mayuri's face was indescribable as I walked in front of him.

"Congratulations! You get a favor from the clan! What are you gonna use it for?" I smiled at him.

His face remained stone as he looked down at me. It alarmed me a little as I reached out for his jacket sleeve, but he moved it at the last minute.

My mind seemed to slow down as Mayuri walked passed me and towards the council. "Shihōin-sama, I have taken the virginity of your Princess which led to the stabilizing of her physiological nature. I ask the favor of marrying her."

"What?!" I hear my father shout.

My hearing turns to white noise and the word marry plays over and over and over and.... Mayuri wants to marry me?

What a twist! Wow! Even I wasn't expecting that out of Mayuri! Haha, he keeps surprising us. You know I'm very appreciative for you reading my story! If you like it, like it! Feedback, comment! Weekly Updates, I got that! Thank you!!!

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