Out of His Mind

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Author Note: Sorry this chapter is so short, but the next chapter will start from Mayuri's PoV. I will be trying to make weekly, if not twice weekly updates to the story now that I've downloaded the wattpad app to my phone! Please follow, comment and like the chapter if it pleases you! I would love feedback to keep this story going! Thank you - Cookie🍪

"SHERIDAN!" Violent fist slamming followed my name as I struggled to stir from my unintended slumber.

My eyes were blurry as I struggled to sit up at the banging continuing from somewhere.

The last thing I remembered was screaming and crying my eyes out with Yamamoto, but must have passed out. Yamamoto was long gone, but had wrapped me tightly in a cover. I rubbed my eyes as dim moonlight shone through the narrow windows and the voice became familiar.

"I WILL DESTROY THIS ENTIRE DIVISION, I KNOW YOU'VE TAKEN HER! GIVE. HER. BACK! SHE'S MINE!" The shrill voice that could only be Mayuri bounced off of the walls.

I was alarmed by his words, but the heavy tiredness clung to my shoulders. I rubbed my forehead as my dark surroundings attempted to lure me to lay back down.

"Kurotsuchi-taicho, don't you think you're acting childish. She is resting." Yamamoto's calm voice cleared my mental haze.

"You! You're just like Byakuya, trying to keep her away from me!" Mayuri spat at Yamamoto." She wouldn't say she was coming and then not!"

The tone of Mayuri's voice caused me to scramble to my feet, launching forward to find the door out of the room. I was shocked as I clumsily found the sliding door to enter another room, closer to the loud outbursts of Mayuri.

"You have till the count of ten!" Mayuri declared, his voice echoing through the room. I stumbled over furniture, trying to make it across the room to the slightly open door leading outside.

What's gotten into him?


"You're acting unreasonabe." Yamamoto's voice became stern as I fumbled over a low table.


I groaned softly, rubbing my aching shin but not slowing my pace to the door.


I reached the door, partly limping as I threw the door open. "May-kun, stop! I'm fine! I fell asleep!"

The wild, glowing gold eyes clicked on me. I probably looked as weird as him. I could feel my auburn kinky baby hairs standing on end. My reddish-blue eyes were probably lit with fear and astonishment, yet half-lidded with the exhaustion I felt.

The vengeful eyes that stared at me through the five Division 1 Shinigami, not including Yamamoto, crinkled at the corners.

"I'm fine." I reassured him again as I slipped through the ranks of Shinigami, stepping into the moonlight.

"Are you really okay?" Cool, clammy hands clasped my face as Mayuri's angry voice soothed to worry. "You moron, how could you not tell me you were going to be late?"

I blinked as golden eyes leveled with mine, despite our eight inch height difference. I was speechless at the physical touch, his fingers gingerly caressed my face.

"You're so stupid." He spat at me, but continued to touch my face and look me over. "Imbecile."

"Your words aren't matching your action." Yamamoto commented. "Shinigami, dismissed."

In moments, it was only us. I stood in shock and spoke bewildered. Though I knew Mayuri could be very demanding, I didn't know it was this extreme." Are you out of your mind?"

His hands dropped to his side as his eyes narrowed into a glare." Am I? Aren't you?! You didn't show up!"

"I didn't mean to fall asleep!" I shot back, but took a breath. I didn't have the energy to argue as I recalled the hours of crying before passing out. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I don't want to fight. We can try and experiment some other time."

My emotions were raw as I averted my eyes from Mayuri. Without waiting for him to respond, I gathered the edges of my yukata and gave him a small bow. I straightened my back, but kept my eyes down as I started to walk beyond Mayuri on the narrow walkway.

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