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My zanpakto transformed and dropped to the floor as my stomach mimicked the clashing sound on the floor. I looked at the back of the cheeky scientist's head. My body grew hot as I soaked in his words.

I ask the favor of marrying her. Mayuri was asking to marry me, out of the blue? This had to be an elaborate joke.... a dream? Could it really be that easy? As my heart fluttered, I remembered the rest of what he said, about my virginity. I looked around the room at the shocked faces of the council.

The suffocating silence in the room matched with the piercing, startled eyes on Mayuri  as they looked at him. My father recovered quicker than the others as he closed his mouth. The look on his face was indescribable, but I guess if a man said he took your daughter's virginity it would be.

I struggled not to daydream about marrying Mayuri, as my father opened his mouth to speak,  sounding like white noise." Let me get this straight. The reason my daughter didn't come back last night was because you were de-flowering her?"

I became alarmed at his wording, my eyes dropped to the floor at the words. My father's anger was something I remember from when I was young, but he didn't show it often. I had picked up the habit of being wordy when embarrassed or confronted, because my father was wordy when he was infuriated. The conversation I had steered clear of was back. Mayuri had gone AWOL, even though we'd walked over together to talk about how to handle this. 

"That's correct." Mayuri admitted properly. "I love her and she's mine."

I love her and she's mine. I drilled my eyes into the back of his head. I patted my chest lightly as my heart sped up at his words and the deadly energy of my father. How could he say such fluffy, cute words in the middle of potentially getting beheaded by my father? My father took a deep breath as he turned to walk down the stairs leading down. 

My father scoffed." Oh, is she now? Mayuri, was it? Playing with a girl's body is one thing. Even though I want to rip your guts out, my daughter is an adult who owns her body." 

He dismounted the stairs and began walking towards us. Mayuri said nothing as he watched my father saunter over in a deep red yukata. I had never seen my father's zanpakto in any form, but the hilt caught my attention as he rested a hand on it. The aura and look he gave reminded me of the yakuza boss in movies Kisuke and I would watch in the human world.

He wasn't going to fight Mayuri, right? Byakuya hadn't mentioned anything about that when we talked about royal family marriage. My hair stood on end, waiting to hear what he had to say. I debated bowing down before he could say anything and possibly save Mayuri from his wrath. Why did Mayuri bring out the worse in people?

My dad stopped directly in front of Mayuri as they stood at eye-level with the other. His jaw clenched as he opened his mouth." Messing with my daughter's mind is not acceptable. Before I grant you this favor, if I choose to, why do you want to marry my daughter?"

Mayuri stared into my father's eyes unflinching, but the thin lips turned into an eerie smile."She gets on my nerves less than others."

I tensed, waiting for Mayuri to add something appropriate, but he didn't. Father's pulled back over his gritted teeth." Is that the answer you're sticking with?"

"Did you want a serious answer?" Mayuri turned his head and yawned. "Father-in-law, I've already established that I'm a top tier Captain with the capability of providing the family and Dalia with both scientific and political support if necessary. You shouldn't worry about our affection."

It felt like a war was being raged between them as Mayuri's words ended. I couldn't standby any longer when I noticed my dad's hand tightened on the grip of his zanpakto. I knew I had feelings for Mayuri, that I loved him but was I really ready for marriage? He'd sprung this on me without a warning or a hint of what he was thinking. Would I really be okay with this?

Well, we'll have plenty of time to figure it out. We just have to escape dad's fury first.

"I-I want to marry Mayuri! Father don't glare so strongly. It isn't good for your health or eyes." Wordy.

"Is that so?" Father's eyes clicked over at me. Thunderstorm claps seemed to parade in them as he struggled to come to terms with my answer. "He would make a reckless choice, with how he challenges authority."

"He can learn, just like me! He is one of the smartest men. He makes me laugh and smile." I rushed forward and grabbed dad's hand on the hilt." Please, please? I want to marry him."

I poked my lips into a pout, opening my eyes wide like a puppy in hopes to sway my father. His eyes were steely, but began to ease as he stared at me. I rubbed his hand warmly as I watched the storm clouds fade away within his eyes.

My swirling mind stilled when dad grabbed my hand and patted it with a sigh. "Since we owe you a favor, I will allow this but I'll be watching you. If you do another experiment on my little girl or hurt her in anyway. You won't have your high status for long. Council dismissed."

Without another word, my father let go of my hand and walked away. The council members began down the stairs to follow him in leaving. They quietly congratulated us on their way out. Everything felt like it happened so abruptly. I stood by Mayuri, my to-be husband.

What just happened?

Mayuri moved to stand in my view of the wall adjacent. His jacket sleeves blocked my views as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me. "You seem stressed out." He hummed quietly into my ear as he patted my head.

"You almost unleashed a natural disaster." I groaned. How could the most cruelest, evil scientist turn so sweet in a matter of moments. I inwardly swooned as the smell of disinfectant and cherry blossoms filled my nose.

"I could have taken him." I shook my head against him." My father's zanpakto. I've only seen it once. It's like your zanpakto. He modified it, but... it's a nightmare." I whispered as the old memories of my mother and brother's skin melting onto the concrete floor in the lab.

Something I never spoke about with anyone, not even Kisuke. I placed my hands on Mayuri's chest and attempted to push away from him as the images of my father quickly approaching me came up. 

"What nightmare?" Mayuri attempted tightening his grip, but I dunked below his arms and quickly stepped back. The screams of terror and the evil laughing of my father as I watched, suspended in a tube of liquid. "What's wrong?"

The dark shade that turned into a demon jackal.

I sucked my  breath in. "It's nothing. I... I need to go." I turned to walk away when a hand grabbed mine. "I'll come by later."

"Before you go, -san..."

"-san?" I glanced over my shoulder at him, momentarily distracted from the old reality running through my head.

"I know I did this out of wack and we haven't exactly worked up to, but are you okay with becoming Kurotsuchi-san?" The wild child look Mayuri had worn the whole meeting was gone. He examined my face closely, but the worry on his face told me he hadn't learned facial clues yet.

Kurotsuchi-san? But he is... oh. I was lost of words. Did I actually want to marry Mayuri? Were we to that point yet? We'd been intimate and it was obvious he cared for me very much, but marriage - one that could be overall good for my family... was I ready for this? Even if it was Mayuri? Could I love him to the extent to marry him? 

The look on my mother's face in her last moments reappeared. She had said yes to my father, but look at her now. Yet, I trusted Mayuri. He wasn't like my father... but. My mind continued to run in circles as I watched the worried expression on Mayuri's face turn to panic as I stepped further away from him.

" I... uh. I don't think now is the right time. I have to go." I quickly replied before picking up the ends of my kimono and running out of the side door the council had exited into the main hall of the Family Mansion. 


Another chapter kicks the dust! Mayuri has been out of control the last few chapters. I decided to tackle a little more of Dalia's past, especially dealing with her family and even her marriage issues. Let's see how well Mayuri handles this! 

As always, it means a lot to me for y'all to take the time and read this! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! IF you like the story, like the story! If something interested you, comment! If you want to stay update and informed, follow me and add the story to your library! THANK YOU SO MUCH! :)

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