Don't You Like Me. . . ?

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We walked in silence but halfway back I stopped. He looked at me." I want to go see Byakuya."

"Imouto... you know that you and Byakuy-."

"I know I'm not fit to be a soul reaper but... you are always busy. I just want someone to talk to me." I interrupted him and squeezed his hand tightly.

He sighed heavily pulling me into his arms with a smile on his face." Of course, Imouto. Let's go to the Kuchiki household."

He let go of me and we walked on through the Seireitei to the Kuchiki Manor in a comfortable silence but as we walked I thought of the weird man named Mayuri... why did he have to do that? My heart skipped a beat but not from some kind of happiness but from fear... what if he intended to use me as a project? I visibly cringed; Kisuke looked down at me and stopped.

"Are you alright? What's wrong? Are you sure you don't want to go back to the Shihōin Manor instead." I squeezed his hand.

"No... I just." I gave my sweetest smile. "We're halfway there already. Going back to the Manor will leave me with nothing to do since you have Captain Things to do Nii-chan."

He blushed before continuing on to the Kuchiki Manor." O-o-of course. Imouto, you are so cute."

I chuckled and leaned on his arm wrapping my free arm around the arm that I also held the hand of." Nii-chan, I am not cute. You are oh so cute when you blush."

I looked up to see him blushing even more." So cute... too cute for words."

I chuckled as we came to the gate of the Kuchiki Manor with guards standing in front. I let go of his arm and we both bowed to the guards.

The burliest guard looks at us." What business do you have here?"

"We came to see Byakuya Kuchiki. We saw him with Ginrei Kuchiki-san earlier and they expressed a wish to see us again."

The smallest guard scoffed but turned to the door." I'll go confirm it with them."

We watched him walk in as we waited with the big guard. He stared at me intently but I kept my eyes straight at the door. Suddenly the small guard came back through the door with a pale face.

He stutters. " Are you... Dalia Shihōin-sama?"

My lips thinned." Yes."

"I-I apologize Shihōin-sama! If I had known it was you, I would have sent you in immediately. Ginrei and Byakuya are coming however." He apologized quickly.

I sighed and smiled at him." It is fine. You didn't know and I understand. I would have done the same thing."

The guard blushed and bowed to me." Again, I apologize Shihōin-sama."

"It is fine, guard-san." I assured him.

The gate door opened wide with Byakuya and Ginrei standing in the doorway. Upon seeing me a pink tint came to Byakuya's face. Ginrei smiled at me." Ahhh, Dalia Shihōin-chan you have come."

I bowed quickly and they bowed in return. Kisuke cleared his throat and we all looked at him. He smiled." I'm sorry to seem rude but I have to go back to my squad. Please take care of my Imouto." He bowed quickly, gave me a hug, and left with Shunpo.

I chuckled a little returning my gaze back to Ginrei and Byakuya." Please take care of me."

Ginrei suddenly turned and started walking into the Manor." I have some things to deal with right quick. Byakuya, take her to the compound and I'll be there with you later."

"Yes Grandfather." He bowed to Ginrei before turning to me and turning even pinker." F-f-follow me, Dalia Shihōin-san."

"Just call me Dalia-chan." I chuckled." Your grandfather isn't around. It should be fine."

"Ah... ah, right." He turned around started walking and I followed.

We walked in silence for a while before he finally spoke." I-... I heard we couldn't be engaged but I didn't hear why."

"Hm? Oh because I can't become a soul reaper." I shrugged when he looked back at me in shock. The truth was I didn't want to be engaged to Byakuya. We had been friends since I'd first come to live at the Shihōin Manor. It had been a rather odd day but back then he didn't blush and stutter like he does now.

"W-why not?" He jumped from the wooden floor onto a grassy place that was the compound and looked at me. The cherry blossoms fell  behind him creating a mystical scene.

I shrugged and struggled down off the wooden floor before Byakuya moved forward and helped me down." Nii-chan said I'm not allowed to."

"Ehhh? Urahara is stupid. I'll teach you Zanpakto!" He declared pulling out his own Zanpakto proudly.

"Ahhh, I'm not so sure." I hesitated.

"Don't you like me?" Byakuya questioned.

"Yea, you are my best friend. Why wouldn't I?"

He suddenly blushed more." N-no! I mean like... like, like me."

I was confused." Of course."

He turned red." Then you have to learn your Zanpakto!"

"Ah... okay." I smiled sadly. Then the long lesson began but I only thought of the time when we had first meet.

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