True Form

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I wasn't nervous when I made it to the Kuchiki residence. Though my mind was running through what to say, I was calm. After rushing out of the mansion I realized that I felt different, I'd lost my virginity but this was... well, different.

When I entered his office Byakuya didn't bother to lift his head from the document he was reading. I sat across from him at the low table and waited quietly.

He neatly placed the book to the side after several minutes. I gulped as he looked at me. I waited for him to speak, but Byakuya stared at me for a long time without saying anything.

The look in his eyes was a mixture I'd seen before, but in Kisuke's eyes. Even though, he tried to hide it with a stiff face I could see it.

I stared back at him. I had nothing to hide, right?

He repeated the words he'd said to Mayuri. "The Shihōin family informed me you did not return to the mansion last night."

"Nobility are typically married off by your age so I'm sure you'll be allowed to pick, but the Shihōin doesn't want a bad public image. No staying out all night."

I clasped my hands over my mouth as I realized. "Kuchiki-sama, I'm sorry for being so late and careless. I will definitely apologize and make sure to not do this again." I scooted away from the low table and bowed. "Please forgive me this once. "

I lifted my head and he looked at me bewildered. Even though I was tired from last night, it felt like immense spiritual energy coursed through me.

"I'm really really sorry." I gave a pained smile.

His grey eyes stared into me, asking the question. "Since you feel apologetic, explain the reason for what caused this?"

"I didn't retain my lessons well." I attempted to dance around the question. "As the princess of Shihōin, my appearance is the public opinion of the Soul Society but I presented poorly."

"You get wordy when you're uncomfortable." Byakuya's stone face cracked on one side.

"Wordy? I wouldn't say wordy, eloquent maybe." I smiled.

"So, you're not going to confess what you did?" Bya-kun put his chin in his hand.

"Did what?"

"Mayuri told me." He glanced over at me.

"Am I not being served tea today for the lesson? I still haven't mastered the pinky out method."

"Pfft. Wordy." Byakuya got up. "I'll grab a servant to have some made, and some snacks. Your eating habits are atrocious."

"HEY!" Byakuya slipped out of the door.

I scooted back up to the low table and laid my head down. I felt like a bundle of nerves with the bent up energy. I'd never felt this before, was this love?

I hadn't noticed because of rushing around, but my palms were really warm. So warm they were almost itchy.

I picked my head up and looked at my hands. I turned them palm up and gasped. The flesh was a hot red on both palms, matching the warmth. What was going on? 

Call to us. You've changed, we changed. Call to us. The familiar voice from my youth spoke.

Unohana-taicho's previous pencil wound said not to, but the urge won.

"Lead them, Ka Sennyo (Fire Nymph)." The words fell off my tongue.

The warmth in my hands turned hot and I yelped. I turned my eyes away as my palms began to shine with heat. The heat disappeared before my hands became heavy with cool metal.

I whipped my head around and saw a lance. Its appearance and style much different than my original Shikai. In the center was a slight gap. I gripped the two sides of the split hilt and pulled.

The lance became two. The hilts were red but the lining of the blades were an iridescent blue.

I looked at the dragon etched into the steel of each sword in awe. I hadn't turned into a Phoenix yet, so was Unohana lying about using my zanpakto?

"Are you ok-?" I looked over at the surprised Byakuya.

Seeing the weapons was probably as suprising as it was for me. I was dumbfounded and wasn't sure how to explain.

I could see the raging questions in his eyes." Your cheeks?"

"My cheeks? Are they red?" My cheeks didn't feel warm.


"What's wrong with that?" I placed the two halves together and admired the weapon. "No red cheeks, no problem."

"That is a problem."

I didn't look at Byakuya." I haven't turned into a Phoenix, my cheeks aren't red and my Shikai changed. I've been feeling so much energy too."

"Dalia, you can't conclude it isn't harming you because you haven't turned into a Phoenix. It could still be harming you."

I sighed at Byakuya's sound argument. I will the Shikai away and it turned into a plain sword. I put the sword on the table and looked at him.

"I'm going to call Unohana." Byakuya turned to leave.

"No, don't!" I complained. "She won't know what to do if something is wrong."

"What are you saying?"

"I'll..." my thoughts shot to Mayuri. "I'll have Mayuri run some tests and make sure I'm good after class, okay?"

"You trust that maniac to not run you through with your own sword?"

I sucked in a breath as I thought of the rough words from this morning, but it was blocked by the sweet words from last night." Yes I do."

"Summoning your Shikai has made you mad." Byakuya took a step outside of the room.

"I-I... I invoke the one deep secret!" I yelped as the door started to close.

"That's childish, "Byakuya glared over his shoulder at me.

"Its fair, unless you want me to tell the WHOLE Soul Society about th-."

"Fine." He slammed the door open and walked in, sitting across the table from me. "But I should be the first to receive the information from the testing."

"Yes, Kuchiki-sama." I smiled.

The silence and dissatisfied look on his face as he pulled out the scrolls for the lesson told me I had soured his mood. Him or I never thought I would have to use the deep secret card.

The secret I almost mentioned was something Byakuya never wanted to speak of again, even though it was pretty funny. I smiled to myself as Byakuya began the lesson, the tea and snacks arriving.

Chapter 40 has arrived! Thank you for your patience and kindness! I appreciate everyone who reads this story, really! If you liked it please vote, add it to your library and comment! If you have some extra time, follow me! Thank you!!!

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