Kisuke's decision

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I stirred in my sleep when I felt the familiar spiritual pressure of Mayuri but turned over in my bed before feeling another ominous yet familiar spiritual pressure. I groaned and debated either to actually go check it out or l-. I sat up immediately realizing that the other spiritual pressure was Dalia's. I quickly got to my feet and rushed with my Zanpakto, Benihime, at my side to the source of the pressures. I'd figured it was Dalia's because the ominous feeling emitted from the other spiritual pressure held the same feeling as when she had transformed into a Phoenix. Despite the feeling that I had ignored then I couldn't now. It was large and dangerous... and I was terrified. Not because of what could happen to Mayuri but because of what could happen to Dalia.

"I have to protect her. I have to protect her." I muttered under my breath as I Shunpo'd over the roofs towards the spiritual pressures.

It wasn't long when I reached them and the sight I saw was shocking. They were both huffing and a little bloody but Mayuri was worse off than Dalia – his left arm was barely hanging on to his forearm as it was obvious she'd almost made a clean cut. Blood continued to drip from the arm and it moved when the wind blew, it was a little repulsing. Mayuri had a smirk on his face though which only meant he had something up his sleeve.  Dalia had a serious look on her face and her cheeks... her cheeks were a blazing red and seemed to glow in the moonlight. She held Umi Sennyo tightly with a scowl on her face as she looked at Mayuri.

"Dalia!" I called to her and she suddenly looked at me.

Mayuri saw the opening and launched forward to attack her with his Zanpakto but I quickly came in between them and grabbed the tip of his Zanpakto." Tch." He glared at me." Get out of the way, Captain. We're fighting."

"I'm sorry but my cute Imouto shouldn't be fighting you." I forced a smile on my sleepy, irritated face.

"Nii-chan, get out of the way. I was about to defeat him and he will never call me a project again." She growled, which shocked me. I looked around at her glowing red cheeks as the look on her face went from angry to upset and straight to sad.

I let go of Mayuri's sword and turn completely around grabbing Dalia up into my arms." Imouto, you aren't a project. You shouldn't let Mayuri-san get to you. He does that just because you broke his Gikongan the first time."

"No, I say it because she's the perfect specimen." Mayuri objected behind me. I wanted to glare behind me but I was slowly calming Dalia down while looking in her eyes.

Her blazing eyes softened even more as I hummed to her the Phoenix song that she knew so well. Umi Sennyo turned back into a katana, the red in her cheeks disappeared, and she dropped her Zanpakto to the ground. She leaned her head forward until it rested on my chest. She stood there silent while Mayuri made his few snide remarks but he didn't matter.

She slowly looked up at me, the moon reflecting off of her face." Home." She said quietly, her voice almost sounding hoarse.

"Anything for my Imouto." I swiped up her Zanpakto before quickly picking her up also. Almost instantly she passed out in my arms. I glared back at Mayuri who seemed more concerned with what was left of his left arm." We'll talk about this later, Mayuri-san."

"Nnn..." He poked at his own broken flesh before a smile broke across his face." Nnnn, a new project."

I shook my head in disgust before turning and Shunpo'ing all the way back to the manor where I called Captain Unohana to check on her.  I apologized to her several times for waking her up at the time of the night after she arrived but she merely waved away the apologies as she knew of what really happened to Dalia that day since she had been there.  She asked me to wait outside so that she could do a full body examination to make sure of everything was alright.

I waited impatiently for several minutes which almost seemed like hours to me. I kept anticipating my Imouto running out of the room and smiling up at me calling me Nii-chan and showing me her oh-so cute face but when the door to her room opened it wasn't her but Unohana coming out.

I rushed forward and stood in front of her anxious." So?"

"It seems that some of her organs have..." Unohana frowned for the first time since I had known her." I don't know how to phrase it because I've never seen it happen... It seems that some of her organs have... transformed into actual bird organs. And I don't mean the odder bird organs I mean her organs moved themselves into bird organ positions."

"Like... where?" I suddenly felt so cold yet relieved.

"Like her lungs are no longer in her rib cage they are in her lower back, but her heart used to be in her lower stomach. Which is why I took so long, it seems the change isn't permanent. Her heart went back to its original place. I'm assuming that she may wake up once all of her organs move back to their original places."

I bowed to her." Thank you, Captain Unohana, for coming out so late at night."

"It is fine, but might I ask what happened?"

I looked at her but quickly casted my eyes down." Byakuya taught her how to bring forth her Zanpakto and... Mayuri provoked her it seems into fighting him. When I arrived on the scene her cheeks were as red as a phoenix feather but when she finally calmed down she passed out."

"I'm assuming the katana you are holding is her Zanpakto?"

I looked down at my right hand and found that I truly did have it." Ah, yes, but the strangest thing is that even though she had her Zanpakto when I found her. Its' sheathe was still in her room, far in the back of her closet."

Unohana frowned again." How strange... I never thought that it'd be possible but maybe... just maybe her Zanpakto answered her distress by immediately going to her by means of teleporting?"

I winced." But if that's the case the-."

"Maybe you should find a way to seal its powers. Maybe a potion or something to make it harmless so that she wouldn't have to worry about using it." Unohana smiled and winked at me before quickly leaving the manor.

I bit my bottom lip, peeked into Dalia's room, closed the door, and found myself headed straight for the Institute to begin research. Mayuri would have to wait for some other time.

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