Research Confirmed

393 20 14

I waited anxiously for Mayuri to show up by the First District Gate. I had finished my lessons about 30 minutes early and, despite his protest, left Byakuya behind at his home. My mind was whirling with all the questions I was going to ask him. It was wheeling with the possible answers and how he would respond to them.

Would he become angry and lash out like he did with Akon or the others? Or would he answer the questions with his signature scientific babble and smile without hesitation. I gave a loud sigh as I tried to blow out my inner worries.

"Have you been waiting long?" I jumped out of my skin as Mayuri's warm breath grazed my ear.

I quickly moved out of his area and turned around to look at him. He wasn't in his typical captain wear. He was wearing a slim fitting royal purple yukata with his Captain's coat draped over his shoulders. He looked nice, but it was strange seeing him in anything that wasn't his captain clothing.

The yukata complimented my ruby red yukata, I was pleased.

"No, I have not been waiting long at all." I deny breathlessly, partially embarrassed by how quick I jumped away.

"Good, I would have been here sooner, but I was busy concocting something." Mayuri gave a sinister smile, which told me he was up to no good.

"Oh well, it's fine. I finished my lessons early so I just came and waited."

"Are you ready to go eat?" Mayuri stepped close to me and offered me his arm.

I closed the remaining space between us and wrapped my arm around his." Yes, I was thinking we could go to that new tea house that opened on the edge of the town."

"Sounds interesting." Mayuri seemed to perk up at my touch as we began to walk through the open gate.

"But since it'll take a good walk to get there, I figured we could do some talking. I have some questions for you."

Mayuri nodded and the normal look on his face turned serious." I know, Akon told me that you would have some for me."

We walked in silence for a few moments. We both seemed equally stiff, which meant he probably knew what I wanted to ask him about.

"So," I broke the silence, "I've found out a lot about myself since coming back. I also found out some disturbing news."

"Which was?"

"My father infused me with phoenix blood which was why I was dying when Kisuke came and found me the night they sent my father to Maggot's nest."

Mayuri looked over at me with intrigued eyes." Is that what he did? That could explain when your cheeks get flushed with redness."

"Yes, but I also learned that the night you stabbed me I turned into a Phoenix. You were the only one able to stop me from rampaging."

I was tugged to a stop. Mayuri had stopped walking and was looking directly at me. His face was solemn, and he remained standing speechless.

"What I want to ask you is, did you know about my condition when you stabbed?"

Mayuri didn't avoid my gaze but looked into my eyes. His eyes were calculating, but not remorseful. I had my answer before he opened his mouth." I didn't when I stabbed you, but after I stabbed you I realized it. I will admit I had eavesdropped and heard the only way to unlock your bankai would be to stab your sword through you, but I didn't know you would turn into a phoenix when I did it."

"But I stabbed you anyway. I didn't know the specifics and I was eager to experiment." He finally broke our gaze and looked down at the ground. He seemed to fidget while he rubbed the back of his neck. He quietly grumbled." I'm sorry, Dalia At that point, I could never imagine you meaning as much as you do to me now. I understand if you are upset that I put your life in danger over an experiment and even hid the results from you."

I took a deep breath as my brain filled in the blanks with his answers. They made sense and for proud Mayuri to bow his head, I felt my anger disperse. Most of it, anyway.

"May-kun, I understand." His face shot up and he looked bewildered.

"How can you be understanding? That night as a phoenix you went on a rampage and destroyed a good amount of the First District because I stabbed you with your sword. You don't remember that, but you were definitely going to try and destroy Soul Society."

I took a deep breath, seeing Mayuri's stunned face eased my heart. How many people got to see this side of May-kun?" Well, you obviously stopped me. Otherwise, I would still be rampaging. I was told that neither Byakuya or Kisuke could stop me, which means you stopped me."

"I did, bu-."

"I'm letting you get away with it," I cut him off and smiled, "I didn't even know The Kurotsuchi would try and apologize. I am happy. I'm probably the only person in the world that has been apologized to by him."

He stood speechless again.

"I guess you'll just have to treat me well to make up for it. Obviously no more experiments on me without my permission. Oh, and I get my pick to work on whatever experiments you got going. That will be retribution for what you have caused me." I declared proudly. I walked right up to him and smiled in his face. "And you can't tell me no."

Mayuri looked down into my eyes with a serious look on his face. We stood there like that for a few minutes as Mayuri searched my eyes for any side of anger or regret. "It can't be helped. My research has confirmed it."

"Confirmed wh-." Hands clasped my cheeks and stopped me from talking.

"I love you." Mayuri's lips smashed down on to mine without missing a beat.

I brought my hands up and clasped them over his as I fell into the kiss. My head rang with bells as the kissed seemed to last for eternity though it was only a matter of seconds before he let me go.

I stepped back and took a deep breath. My cheeks were warm from the sudden affection, but when I looked up to see Mayuri. He was gone. He had left me there feeling lightheaded, confused and hungry.

"Wahh~ what about lunch..." I frowned in a daze.

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