Two Parts of an Experiment. . . pt. 1

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I stood up in front of the Shihōin elders, where Byakuya immediately brought me after we came into the Soul Society. I didn't know why I was brought before them, but my father stood among them proudly draped in their clothing. I, then, remembered that my father's mother was originally a Shihōin so it was only natural that once he was and proved he felt horrible for his sins that they would take him back.

The contacts in my eyes and dye in my hair had stayed with my gigai – I was back to my odd colors like before I had left soul society – it felt strange to me, but I wasn't going to question it.

"We have decided!" I jolted as my father stepped forward in front of the elders. "As the remaining daughter of the Shihōin and Murakami clan, despite the allegation against you from 100 years ago for helping a prisoner escape, you will become the crowned princess."

I blinked and looked around at Byakuya and then back at the elders." I'm sorry... I don't understand."

"Yoruichi is no longer here which means she gave up her crowned princess status, which means you – as the last of the pure bloodline – will become the princess status."

"Do... I have to stay in the mansion?"


"Then I accept."

"Good, then you'll proceed with a coronation in two months' time." My father declared. "Dismissed."

Everyone except Byakuya and my father, Kai, left the room. Once we were the only ones, I immediately ran and launched into my father's arms." Papa!!!!"

"MY LITTLE LILY!" He held me tightly in his arms. "OH I'VE MISSED YOU! AND YOU'RE WEARING THE KIMONO I BOUGHT YOU!" He held me at arm length." You've turned into such a fine woman."

I exclaimed and hugged him tightly again. "I missed you so much!"

"Dalia..." He pulled to arm's length again with a sad look in his eyes. "Could you ever forgive me for what I did to you all of those years?"

"Of course!" I exclaimed. "Why wouldn't I?" I blinked at him as he looked at him shocked.

"He... Kisuke didn't tell you?" My father mused.

"Tell me what?" I tilted my head. "About the dangers of using a zanpakto because of the potential reactions it will cause from the experiments? Because he did – a lot."

He hesitated." Well... Sure," He smiled, "Let's go with that." He pulled me into his arms.

"Like I said I mi—"

"WHERE SHE IS?! THAT STUPID GIRL WHO LEFT ME WAITING FOR YEARS! WHERE?!" Mayuri's voice cut me off. I turned around towards the double door entrance and blinked, shocked.

"Taicho, you can't-."

"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT I CAN'T DO! LET ME THROUGH!" BANG! A slightly out of breath Mayuri Kurotsuchi stood there in the busted door way.

He looked around the room before zeroing in on me." YOUUUUU! YOU INSUFFERABLE WOMAN!" He rushed forward, wrapped his hand in my kimono and pulled me close. "DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I WAITED AND YOU HAD TO GALL TO GO AND LEAVE LIKE THAT!"

"Who the hell are you?!" My father exclaimed but remained where he was when I lifted my hand to calm him.

"It's fine dad. Though he has no right to be angry, I can understand why he'd be so upset."

"Then explain it to me before I chop his arm off."

"We worked on many projects in the research institute and we were supposed to start a new one when I disappeared to Earth." I stated plainly.

"Oh w- what?! You were working on a projects? Of the scientific kind?" My father exclaimed pulling me from Mayuri's grasp. "But, I thought you hated science. Did they go well? Do you need any help?... Do you want to start a project with papa?" Dad's eyes glowed with pride.

"I WASN'T DONE YET!" I was spun back around by Mayuri who bore his teeth at me. "WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF HUH?!"

Mayuri's appearance had changed quite a bit, but he was still very strange. The amount of anger flowing from him seemed to die a little more every moment that we stood there looking at each other; I smiled at him. He dropped his arms from my shoulders as a pink tint slipped through his face paint.

"Stupid girl... I'm starting a new project today at 8 p.m. but before that I.... I was thinking of going to dinner, meet me at the West Gate promptly at 6:30 – you don't have a choice." Mayuri declared before he walked past a mildly shocked Akon.

I chuckled. "See you then."

"Tch." Akon stole a fleeting look at me and nodded his head as he followed Mayuri out with two large books in his hand. The door closed on its own.

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