Noble Duties

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It felt as if I hadn't gotten any sleep despite having one of the best beds in the mansion. I kept tossing and turn, thinking about the load of information and how Mayuri tied into it. No one but Mayuri and I knew who stabbed me, because it was him.

So that meant he had to have been there when I transformed and saw me, right?

*knock, knock*

I glanced at the door. What time was it? "Who is it?"

"Shihōin-sama, I was tasked with picking you up at 6:00 sharp and have you there by 6:30." Nemu's voice answered softly through the door.

I sat in silence for a moment. I thought I would have more time to collect my thoughts before seeing Mayuri.


"Yes, yes. I'm waking up properly. Give me 10 minutes." I flung the blankets back and made for my bathroom to freshen up.

In no time, I was standing in a ruby red kimono with my hair braided and dangling over my shoulder. I opened the door and Nemu was standing there patiently.

"Alright,  I'm ready." I smiled at her." Good morning!"

Her serious face cracked a small smile. "Good morning, Shihōin-sama."

"Wel-." The silent, but sharp tapping of feet cut off my sentence.

Nemu turned around and looked at the stranger. I stood on my tiptoes to see around her (short kid problems) but recognized the spiritual pressure.

"Bya-kun." I spoke as Nemu stepped out of my view and bowed to the Captain.

"It seems I came right on time. " He disregarded Nemu."Shihōin-hime, I  have been tasked with getting you properly acclimated to Noble life fully."

It hadn't occurred to me that maybe Byakuya knew something about me too. Other than what I had told him myself. Was that why he stopped pushing my zanpakto training?

"Ah, I see. How troubling. I already had plans in place." I sighed softly.

"Your duties as  the noble Shihōin crowned princess must come first before all." Byakuya stated firmly.

Partially relieved to have some time to think before seeing Mayuri, I sighed. " It seems that I have certain engagements I can't refuse. Express my apologizes to Kurotsuchi-sama, Lieutenant." I bowed to Nemu and began to follow Byakuya down the hall.

We walked in silence until we were out of the mansion.

Byakuya broke the silence." I know he told you."

Of course he did, if it was about me Byakuya would find it out." Did you know?"

"After I taught you Shikai, Kisuke came and told me what he knew. Your father probably explained more in detail about your status." He sighed. " I was also there the night you became a Phoenix and Mayuri of all people was the only one able to calm you down."

I saw him clench his fist but quickly relax it. I looked at his broad back as we walked to wherever this training was taking place. He had really changed from the the girly-boy I had know. When had he become a man, just like Kisuke.

"You have changed a lot, Byakuya. I almost feel weird about calling you Bya-kun." I chuckled.

"But only you can." He declared proudly,  acting like he used to. He puffed his cheeks childishly and chuckled. It warned my heart and I smiled.

Before long, we arrived at the Kuchiki Residency.  We walked through the gates and into Byakuya's office that was right beside the pond.

He took a seat at his small table in the middle of the room, instead of his work desk, seiza style so I followed suit opposite of him.

He took a deep breath." We shall start from the beginning. We, as Nobles must-."

And the Noble lessons begun.

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