Seven Years Later. . .

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"Imouto~!" I groaned as Urahara called to me and poked me in my side.

"Nii-chan, why do you wake me up?" I grumbled trying to put my pillow over my head but he took it from my hands.

"I want you to come meet the newest addition to my team~." He chuckled hitting me with the pillow.

"Team of what? Weirdos?" I finally turned on my back and sat up on my elbows looking at Kisuke in his captain jacket.

Hard to believe it has been seven years since that fateful night." Ha, ha, very funny. I actually went and got him out of Maggot's Nest. He has been out two solid weeks."

I tensed up and my mind raced to my father. Seeing the panic in my eye, he quickly corrected himself." Not your father! He did say hello but it was someone else I chose. A said to be extremely dangerous boy named Mayuri Kurotsuchi."

I relaxed and sighed in relief." Is he odd?"

"Weelllll..." He looked off while rubbing the back of his head.

"He is, isn't he?" He sighed.

"Yes BUT come on! Get up and come meet him!" He smiled and forced me up out of my bed before immediately turning around with a blush on his face." S-s-such indecent clothing!"

I looked down at my sleepwear – some dark blue shorts and a dark blue spaghetti strap shirt – but saw nothing wrong with it." How?"

He walked over to the door and stood beside it." Just... change."

I sighed heavily walking over to my closet." Yes Nii-chan."

"Change into one of your special kimonos." Kisuke chuckled.

"Yea, yea." Reluctantly I pulled out my most exceptional blue and black kimono with a flower design on the right side of it.

I checked myself in the mirror as my long auburn hair fell well beyond my shoulders with my odd reddish-blue eyes blaring against my chocolate brown skin; I looked just like a little kid but I was seventeen despite what I looked like – the result of my father's perfection experiments.  I fixed my hair quickly and turned around to see Kisuke smiling at me.

"I really like that kimono on you."

"This was the only kimono father ever bought me." I replied stiffly.

There was a small silence before he walked up to me and hugged me tightly." That's what makes it so beautiful, now let's go. To the Institution!"

He grabs my hand leads me out of my room trying to rush towards the Shinigami Research and Development Institution. Everyone we passed gave us polite hellos and even bowed as we passed. It was Late Winter-Early Spring in February and the cherry blooms were blooming early causing such a blissful sight in Soul Society.

Halfway there we were stopped by Byakuya Kuchiki and his grandfather – Byakuya was about my age at this time and he showed me "attention". They stopped before us and bowed to us as is the custom in the Soul Society. Kisuke and I stopped while bowing with trained smiles.

Byakuya's cheeks turned a soft pink." I-it's nice to see you, Dalia-san."

"Byakuya, correctly address her." His grandpa scorned him.

"Ah, yes Grandfather." He bowed to me again." It is nice to see you, Dalia Shihōin-san."

I had come to be known as the second child of the Shihōin but I never gave up my original last name, Murakami. It was my father's family name and I would not give it up. I gave Kisuke's hand a small squeeze. He looked at me and gave my hand a squeeze that comforted me as I thought of my father.

I bowed to him again." Indeed, Byakuya Kuchiki-san and you as well, Ginrei Kuchiki-sama."

His grandfather bowed slightly, a soft smile crossing his face." Dalia Shihōin-san, have you chosen a husband yet?"

"Ahh, no Ginrei Kuchiki-sama." I casted my eyes down never meeting either of their eyes; it isn't proper for a non-noble to meet noble eyes." Not being an actual child of the Shihōins nor their princess, I am not actually allowed to marry any other nobles. Besides with my background, no noble family is willing to have me."

"I'm sure that we can make an exception for you, I'm sure." Ginrei insisted.

"I doubt you would want my... background in your family. The Mu-."

Kisuke cleared his throat." I'm sorry to interrupt but we were on our way to the Research Institute and we were in a hurry."

"Ah, I understand... Another time maybe." Ginrei agreed.

Byakuya's pink cheeks turned pinker." M-m-maybe we could hang out later, Dalia-chan."

"Byakuya." Ginrei scorned. He lowered his head muttering an apology.

I chuckled softly." I would like that, Byakuya Kuchiki-kun."

His ears turned red before he and his grandfather bowed to us and we bowed in returned. We quickly departed from them and made it to the Institute without any more interruptions. We began to walk through several halls before coming to a door. Kisuke peeked into the door before putting himself in the doorway still holding me hand behind his back." Ohhhhh Mayuri Kurotsuchi~." He chuckled softly.

"Captain... is there something you need?" A slithery voice asked sending a chill up my spine, I shivered.

"Yes, yes, I would like you to meet my cute Imouto. She's the cutest little sister there ever was." He boasted which only made me shake my head sighing.

"... Alright." There was a small clatter from within the room and then silence.

Kisuke looked back over his shoulder at me before pulling me into the room but I shyly stayed behind his back." Aww, my Imouto is shy <3 she is so cute."

In a second he moved around to stand behind me and pushed me forward almost making me fall but I catch myself quickly and bow to him before actually looking at him. He was largely painted white except for the black paint which was arranged around his eyes like a large domino mask. He had gold cones covering his ears and blue hair combed back on the top of his head. It shocked me but I couldn't really talk about him, I was a sight myself. Seeing him made me feel at peace with my own looks but oddly reminded me of my father.

The guy scanned me over. Kisuke cleared his throat." Now don't get any bad thoughts, Mayuri-san, my Imouto is innocent.  Her name is Dalia Murakami-Shihōin. She is to be treated kindly. And Dalia, Mayuri-san is to be treated likewise."

The guy looked me over again." Mayuri Kurotsuchi."

I bowed again." Nice to meet you, Kurotsuchi-san."

There was a creepy silence between us but it only stayed there for a few moments before I walked over to the counter and looked at a beaker." Was this what you were working on before we came?" I reached out for the beaker but quickly withdrew my hand when the scar on my wrist showed; a scar made from all those I.V.s my father once put in.

"You were a test subject at one point." Mayuri stated.

I cringed and stood there in silence looking down at the beaker. Kisuke quickly tries to change the conversation." Mayuri-san, how about showing Dalia our newest project?"

"You were that girl who was a project by her very fa-." I looked around and hit the nearest beaker to the ground – that wasn't what I wanted to hear... not from someone who wasn't there when it all happened... I still wasn't ready.

"Hey! The beginning stages of my Gikongan!" Mayuri yelped and attempted to catch it before it hit the ground but didn't succeed.

I quickly turned to Kisuke who had a shocked look on his face." I want to go home."


"Now Kisuke." Shocked into silence by my use of his first name, he reached his hand out for me to take. I quickly grabbed it and he started to lead me out but something grabbed the back of my kimono as I walked through the door.

I looked around and saw an angry Mayuri." H-h-how dare you mess up my research! I worked countless hours on that!"

I smacked his hand away." It is rude to touch a lady." I quickly exited behind Kisuke leaving Mayuri to cuss loudly.

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