The Beautiful Coronation (The End) Read AN note!

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Mayuri was standing by his desk when I walked through the door of his office. His mind seemed far away, not noticing as he stared into the desk drawer.

"May-kun?" I knocked on the doorframe.

He jumped in surprise as he looked up at me." Wh- oh, Dalia."

The tension in his shoulders relaxed as I walked over to him." What are you doing?"

He quickly grabbed something out of the drawer and closed it." How was your exam?"

"I'm sure that I will get news very soon of my passing."

"Is that so?" He hummed as put his hands behind his back, hiding the object from me. I stood under him, looking up. "It must have been a simple test for you to pass so quickly."

"Or, thanks to the intelligent man who has supported me." The scowl on his face lessened at my words.

"I shouldn't have supported you so well." He grumbled. "I didn't even get time."

"Time for what?" I leaned my head over, trying to catch a glimpse behind his back. "What are you hiding?"

"We said we would postpone our wedding. After some research." He moved two steps away from me." I realized that I've gone out of normal relationship steps."

"What do you mean?" I tried to step towards him again, but he held his hand out to stop me.

"Marriage." He remarked simply.

I furrowed my brow in confusion as he cleared his throat, adjusting his clothing." What are you-!"

My eyes sprung wide as I watched him begin to kneel on one knee. I gasped, clapping my hands over my mouth as I looked at the strange kneeling man. My heart pounded against my chest as my mind spun in a circle like a dog chasing its tail.

"W..." He cleared his throat again as he pulled a little black box from behind him. "It is a human custom, but... Will you marry me?"

He opened the box carefully, revealing a rose gold ring with three shining heart shaped diamonds." I couldn't imagine what kind of ring you would like. I went to the human world and they told me things shaped in hearts are sure to get a yes."

My eyes stung with tears at the unusually human gesture. I forced a deep breath in through my hands as I stared down at the fidgeting scientist. He looked anxious for an answer as he stared into my face.

"I know I've already gotten the yes from your clan and you said you would marry me, but the internet said it isn't official if I don't do this." Mayuri filled the silence as tears began to pour from my eyes. "Crying and saying no isn't allow. Say yes."

"Yes." I whispered out through my eyes, nodding my head enthusiastically. I stuck my hand out.

The pensive look on his face eased as he grasped the ring, put the box down and placed the ring on my finger." You can't regret now."

"I won't." I smiled as he stood up and pulled me into his arms, tears still falling from my face.

"If you had said no, I was going to lock you away until you said yes." He whispered into my ear.

"It's good that I want to marry you then." I chuckled, burying my face into his warm chest.

knock, knock!" Lady Shihōin." I grumbled a yes, still holding onto Mayuri. "The results of your exam has come in. From this day forward, we will be escorting you as your personal bodyguard. The Head would like to see you at the manor immediately. Please come with us."

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