Searching for the Truth

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We sat in silence at a small table Nemu had pulled from the closet and placed in the middle of Mayuri's office. She made us tea, set up the table and everything in no time flat. The guy who had come with her to save me and went back to bed, claiming he didn't feel good. But I think, Mayuri threatened him.

It was an odd feeling; to think that the girl sitting across from me was Mayuri's greatest creation. She casually sipped from her cup and sat it back down on its saucer. I was partially speechless because I didn't know what to say. She seemed content with the silence which made me believe that Mayuri probably bullied her a lot.

"So, Nemu, thank you for taking the time to come and rescue me." I picked up my teacup. "To think Mayuri made such a nice daughter."

Nemu blushed partially. "Nnn."

Utter silence...

I took a sip and put the cup back in place." So, I'm sure Mayuri hasn't changed. Still loud, mean and aggresive. He used to be really aggressive with one boy. Akon, was it? Does he still work here?"

"... He was the one who helped me save you."

.... awkward silence....

"My stars, how could I not notice?" I turned away slightly. "AM I truly turning into Mayuri after all?"

Where was my head? I have acknowledged Akon more than once since I've been back. Am I truly becoming like Mayuri?

"Pft." I turned my head around and looked at Nemu. Nemu had chuckled. "How can you make such a joke so lightly about Mayuri-sama?"

Her chuckle seemed to ease the mood and maybe even her stiffness. We had similar origins and that gave us a baseline for trust.

I smiled and looked down at my cup." I don't know. Because it's true? Kisuke once told me that my name was the only name Mayuri remembered right off the bat." I smirked. "According to him I was too annoying to not remember."

"Sometimes he forgets Akon's name."

We shared a laugh.


We looked at each other at the sound of heavy footsteps and then at the door in anticipation.


The door slid open. Mayuri stood peering down at us with those golden eyes. I stood up and smiled.

"Hi May-kun!" I stepped toward him but he held up his hand.

He was slightly breathless like he had run the halls to get here. Once he caught his breath, he showed the bottle to me with the spirit in it. I jumped for joy and smiled at him.

Mayuri looked down at me. "Did you wait long?"

"Huh?" I blinked. "No, we didn't wait long."

Mayuri glanced behind me and saw Nemu. His face became neutral, he addressed her dismissively.  "You were here."

"Of course she was." I looked back at her and smiled. "She gave my wonderful company while I waited. She even made me a wonderful cup of tea."

"Such praise is not necessary." Though she accepted it with a small blush on her face." Excuse me, I must go take care of other business." She bowed her head.

She left without another word. I looked at Mayuri. "Because of our Cherry Blossom project, I was able to make such a perfect being. You have got to see the formulas for her."

"Indeed, but I think after all the excitement tonight, we should rest." I ran a hand over the hole in my kimono.

Mayuri frowned. "Only if you answer one question for me." Mayuri stated firmly.

"As long as its within reason." I eyed him, cautious.

"Did she really stab you?" He was staring at the hole.

"Yes, but she did it to prove a point."

"About what? That she can bully girls smaller than her." Mayuri scoffed.

"No. That using my zanpakto has caused some biological changes in my body. Like my heart isn't where a heart should be."


"Thinking about it. It could have happened that night someone stabbed me." I looked at him and he blinked twice. "I wouldn't know because I  passed out."

"Sheridan, I-."

"Save it. I got over the fact you stabbed for an experiment." I walked passed him and started down the hall. "Later."

Okay so I might still be mad. Did he have to stab me to put me in a test tube or whatever?

But I really need to ask dad about what happened that night when I was a kid. Only then will I really know what's going on with me.

It wasn't long until I was back at the mansion, but on my walk home I felt a presence. Spiritual pressure that was familiar and emitting enough threat to put my hairs on end.

It disappeared once I walked inside. The foyer was dark but further down the long hall I could see a lamp in the main library. It was the second place dad spent most of his time.

I steeled my nerves and headed forward down the hall and into the library. My dad was sitting the furthest corner with several books open on a long table.

"Dad." My voice poked through the silence.

He looked up. "My little Cookie, you have returned safely?"

"Well, yes and no."

"What?" He stood up and rushed around the table. "What happened?"

I pulled on the hole in my kimono." My heart isn't in the right place. I got stabbed to prove that tonight. And warned that my zanpakto is my worse enemy. "

"We-" I held up my hand.

"Since I lived with Kisuke he was adamant about me never using a zanpakto and being careful not to over exert myself. I've even been told my cheeks turned red before." I walked up to my father.  "Dad, please, what happened that night?"

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