The World Outside

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I groaned, stirring from sleep as a hand brushed my cheek. The palm was warm as it cupped and I nuzzled into it.

"I never thought I would be reluctant to go to the lab." Mayuri seemed to whisper to himself.

I chuckled, peeking my eyes open to look at the beautiful tanned man. The relaxed look on his face made me smile. "What time is it?"

The hand on my cheek wrapped around my neck and pulled me into his firm chest. "6 a.m."

"Ughh." I groaned into his neck, making him shiver. "My noble lessons start soon."

"If I disregard the lab today, will you disregard your lessons?" Feather-like sensations brushed up and down my back.

"You're making it really hard to say no." I breathe on his neck.

"That's the intention." He breathed into my ear as he closed the space between our naked bodies.

We laid in each other's arms for a moment enjoying the time together. I felt like we were outside of the world, just the two of us. Hearing his strong, steady heartbeat brought a sense of comfort and relief.

Knock, knock!

We looked into each other's eyes at the knock on his door. The surprise quickly turned to annoyance on Mayuri's face. He didn't have his paint on and we were naked so answering the door...

"What is it?" Mayuri shouted as he sat up and looked at the door.

Though I was wrapped in the cover, him letting go filled me with cold. I sat up, holding the cover to myself.

"It is Byakuya." My eyes widened at his muffled voice. "The Shihōin family alerted me that the Princess did not return last night."

"Is that so?" Mayuri stood up from the bed, calmly and walked to the bathroom. "What does that have to do with me?"

"Yamamoto informed me of the incident at the Barracks last night."

I felt my face warm at the words as I sat on the bed. The odd sense of shame was coupled with being caught, even though Byakuya hadn't barged in. Mayuri had jammed the sliding door shut.

Mayuri emerged from the bathroom, fully painted and dressed in his Taicho clothing. He signaled for me to go into the bathroom and I willingly obeyed, closing the door behind me.

"Is that so? Yet, it doesn't explain why you're knocking on my door at 6 am." Mayuri's muffled voice came through the door as I looked around for my kimono.

It wasn't on the ground, but folded on the side of the tub. I grabbed it. Did Mayuri wash my clothes while I was sleeping?

"Since you follow her around like a pest, I thought she would be here." Byakuya's voice came through clearer. Mayuri had opened the door for him.

I dressed myself at lightning speed as I looked around the bathroom for a place to hide. I wasn't sure why I was hiding, but a part of me felt too embarrassed being caught, and by Byakuya no less.

"Tch," I hear the front door open as my brain turns to static. "YOU'RE the pest that keeps buzzing around her."

"I'm her nobility instructor. And though it is my fault that I didn't instruct her properly. She should not be caught sleeping with any captains." Byakuya's steps struck my heart.

I tipped toed beside the sideways bathtub and crouched behind it. My cheeks burned hot. "Was there ever such a rule or did you come up with that yourself?"

"Where is she?"

"Not here. She slipped out a little while ago. She might even be heading to her lesson." Mayuri shrugged. "I have to get to the lab, so leave."

"Do you think-"

"I think about more things then that girl, stop bothering me over her." Mayuri's sharp words stung me as my legs strained.

I knew he'd only said it to get Byakuya to leave. But he'd spoiled me with sweet words all night, I'd forgot how he was with others.

There was silence before the sound of steps were followed by a closing door. My legs ached as I stood up, breathing a relieved sigh.

I knew I had to head to the  Kuchiki Resident, but knew I would have to stop by the mansion to change my kimono. Byakuya knew I'd been here, but I couldn't bear the shame.

After waiting for a little while longer, I quietly slipped out of the room and took the least busy roads back. I rushed to my room, changed and started to leave again.

"Honey?" My father's voice echoed in the lobby. "There you are, we were worried."

"I'm fine!" I didn't turn around as I made it to the front door." I have to go to my noble lessons! I'll come back after!"

Before he could speak again, I was gone. My body ached from last night as I jogged to the Kuchiki Resident, planning how to explain and ready to take my lashing for being late.

Sorry it's short and (almost) late! I've had a lot on my mind this week! I'll have a better update next week! I promise! Thank you for reading,vote!

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