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Demi and Joe were silent while Joe noted down any important information that Demi had told him. She wanted to get to Kean wherever they are to make sure that he is okay, she didn't want him to be suffering over this and she certainly wished that he hadn't seen what he had done at the park. She prayed that he would be okay. She looked at Joe as he wrote noticing how young he looked compared to most other officers who stayed in the building, usually young officers like him would be out on patrol and not stuck in the station doing paperwork.

"You look a bit young to be back here." Demi stated starting a conversation up.

"What do you mean?" Joe questioned looking up at her before his eyes went back down to the sheet of paper trying to write as quick as she could go home to her son.

"You look a bit young to be stuck in the office rather than out on patrol catching bad asses." Demi stated again Joe chuckling slightly.

"I just had a baby, they aren't letting me go out for a couple of weeks which is boring but oh well." Joe shrugged his shoulders gently making her giggle.

"Congratulations, you enjoying fatherhood?" Demi questioned.

"To be honest I haven't seen him much, she was my best friend that got pregnant on a drunken night but we had a huge argument and it's hard to go over and just have the door slammed in your face." Joe admitted to her.

"You should fight to see him, Kean's father died and I wish he was still here to be a father to him but obviously that can't happen. Just demand to see your son, she can't stop you and if she tries then take her to court. Surely you know the rules with being an officer," Demi encouraged. "If you don't try then that's something she can hold against you."

"I guess you're right, I'll go over after work." Joe answered.

"How old is he now?"

"A couple of weeks off a month old, his name is Ashton." Demi couldn't help but smile, she imagined the baby being adorable. She missed Kean being that young, she knew she needed to find herself a guy before he got too old and she wouldn't want such an age gap between the new baby and Kean. She always saw herself with a big family.

Demi wondered out of the questioning room with Joe smiling when Kean ran over jumping in her arms. Joe couldn't help but smile too seeing the young boy, his son would be that big one day and he hoped it wouldn't come too quickly.

"What are you doing here?" Demi questioned Willa as she approached too with Carter in her arms but she could tell he was getting sleepy.

"Kean wanted to see you, we haven't managed to eat yet." Willa replied Demi nodding her head kissing Kean's head.

"Your all ready to go if you don't have any questions." Joe spoke to her Demi looking up at him giving him a warm smile as she shook her head.

"Are you a police man?" Kean questioned Joe nodding his head gently. "Do you catch loads of baddies?" Joe laughed.

"Of course," Joe replied. "Good luck with everything Demi, I'll see you around." Joe wondered away to the desk to hand the statement in. The rest happened quickly, Willa managing to get through the door before a man blocked the door a gun in his right hand.

"Alright nobody else leaves the station! Everyone on the floor!" Joe grabbed Demi's hand pulling her down on the floor next to him.

"Mommy what's happening?" Kean questioned as he was kept against his mother's chest, Demi kissed his head trying to keep calm for her son.

"I'll make sure you both get out here safe." Joe whispered, she wished she could trust him but in the situation she couldn't trust anyone when there was a man holding them at gun fire and she had her four year old boy in her arms.


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