Sixty Four (The End)

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~18 months later~

Joe hopped off the plane his carryon bag around his shoulders. He didn't hesitate to rush into the building where he knew everyone would be waiting for him. Joe spent a little under two years in a residential home working to get himself better so he could lead a normal life, or as normal as it would get with his disorder. Most his personalities have been blanked out. Matt, Gabby and Brandon were no longer present but Joe had decided to keep his child personalities. They were giving him the childhood he should have grown up with. He could now control them a little better now, they would still come up when they wanted but he had more control over it all. He would be going back to work too soon which he was looking forward to, he missed his work. Joe grabbed his luggage wheeling it all over to where he knew everyone was waiting for him. He hadn't been home since he witnessed his first daughter and second son being born. He dropped his luggage running over to them as they cheered smiling as he shared a hug with everyone. He didn't spend any more time with one person as the next. He missed them all. Demi wasn't there.

"Um where's Demi?" Joe inquired.

"She's at home with the children, she offered." Denise answered taking hold of his hand Nick grabbing some of his bags along with Colton.

"Oh okay." Joe spoke holding Emily's hand too as they all left the airport. He was a changed man and couldn't wait to start his life again without having to worry about anything. He now knew what happened in his childhood but it didn't bother him as much. His father was dead and was away from his life and his children's life. It's all that mattered.

Joe arrived home eager to see Demi again along with his children including Kean who was now seven not too far away from turning eight. He was excited to see Thalia and Oliver, they were only tiny babies when he last saw them in person. He often video chatted them with Demi and Kean, they knew who their dad was. He didn't have to worry about that. Everyone laughed as Joe climbed out the car rushing up the path and into the house. He searched downstairs for Demi until he was in the kitchen staring outside the window. She looked beautiful but he couldn't believe his eyes. She was wearing a wedding dress. The backyard was decorated, he knew she had planned all this for him, so they could get married the minute he got back. She noticed him smiling as he stared at her. He didn't hesitate to step outside making his way over to her.

"W-What's this?" Joe questioned.

"Our wedding," She stated leaning up kissing him gently Joe kissing her back straight away. They added as much passion into the kiss as they could before they slowly pulled away from one another. Demi was trying hard not to cry and ruin her makeup."Surprise." Joe laughed kissing her head.

"I love you so much." He took her hands squeezing them gently.

"I love you too," She answered laying her head on his chest her dress getting in the way slightly. They only pulled away from one another when people started entering the yard for the wedding. "Let's get married."

"It would be my pleasure." Joe breathed as he took the tux from Nick which was in a plastic bag heading into the house and up the stairs Demi following not far behind. She was overjoyed to have him back and for good. Joe entered Demi's bedroom his eyes glistening with tears and he saw two children playing but they soon stopped when they noticed him.

"Dad!" Kean exclaimed throwing himself at him Joe hugging him back straight away, Demi smiled shutting the door allowing him to be alone with the two of them. Kean had been calling Joe his father for a year now once Demi had a serious talk about it with Joe. Joe was honoured to be Kean's father. Joe set him back down on the floor kissing his forehead gently lifting Elliot up in his arms.

"You're a big boy now." Joe breathed holding back his tears as he admired his two boys, Elliot had a tight grip on Joe excited to have his dad around.

"Mommy says I don't need diapers no more," Elliot mumbled making Joe laugh kissing his head gently sitting down on the bed Kean climbing up on the bed Joe wrapping his arm around him as Kean snuggled into his side. "Daddy all better?"

"Yeah son, I'm better now," Joe breathed Elliot too burying himself into Joe. Joe only looked up again when the door open and two little toddlers toddled in Demi not far behind them holding out her hand for Kean which he took, he still needed to get changed. "Are you trying to make me cry!" Joe called after her laughing as she didn't reply. He sat Elliot on the bed before kneeling down in front of Thalia and Oliver. They had grown up since he last saw him, grown up loads.

"Daddy?" Thalia questioned Joe nodding his head knowing he wouldn't be able to speak without a sob escaping his lips, he brought them both into his arms standing up again. He understood they must be a little confused with only ever seeing him on the computer screen.

"I'll here now." He breathed as he rocked them both a little bit letting the tears fall from his eyes not able to hold them back no longer.

"Oliver come to mommy," Demi encouraged Oliver reaching out for her taking him from her."You'll see much more of daddy now but he needs to get dressed so we can get married. Joe passed Thalia to her as well wiping his eyes sharing a kiss with Demi before she left the room Elliot running behind her.

"You may now kiss the bride." Joe grinned to Demi making her giggle as he dipped her kissing her lips gently Demi kissing him back as everyone cheered. He stood them both up kissing the side of her head.

"I swear one of the best days of my life." He whispered in her ear.

"Wait until we go on our honeymoon." She winked at him making him laugh grabbing her hand as he led her down the garden path Joe lifting Thalia up in his arms as he went past. Emily was the one who was by his side as he went through everything he did but Demi was the one who stuck around when he was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. He was forever grateful for Demi as Demi was forever grateful for him. They couldn't wait to start their lives out together with their four children and family.


Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading! 

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