Twenty Two

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"Come here then Kean." Demi encouraged the next morning, it was Saturday so he didn't have kindergarten but they were meeting with Colton and Willa with Carter later on which he was looking forward to. He didn't see a lot of Carter now that he had started going to school during the weekdays. Kean ran over to his mom allowing her to help him sit up on the couch next to her, she passed him a picture frame.

"This my daddy?" Kean questioned Demi nodding her head.

"His name was Liam, you met him when you were a tiny baby but when you were Elliot's age the angels took him away from us." Demi explained.

"So I don't have a daddy?" Demi sighed slightly shaking her head. "That's not fair, Carter has a daddy and do does Elliot." Kean mumbled.

"Sometimes things like this happens this way but you'll always have a man in your life like Colton..." Demi begun but Kean cut her off for a moment.

"Joey?" Demi cracked a small smile, she was glad he liked Joe because he would be coming over a lot more. He wasn't going to miss much of the pregnancy or anything of his child's life when he or she arrived, he's shown her already that he does want to be around. He just had some mixed feelings in the beginning which she could understand.

"Or Joey and they will help you like daddy would have done, they won't replace your dad so please don't call anyone daddy because to us grownups mommy and daddy isn't just a name. It has a meaning behind it." Demi told her son.


"Because mommies and daddies love little boys and girls in a different way to others and we only do to our own sons and daughters." Demi answered kissing the side of his head but smiled when he snuggled into her side.

"I love you too mommy but I wish daddy was my daddy." Demi frowned slightly but held him tighter to comfort him.

"So do I little man," She replied kissing his hair again as she stared down at the picture of Liam in Kean's hands. "How about we keep this next to your bed?"

"Can I?" Demi nodded her head getting up helping him off the couch holding his hand as they made their way up the stairs and into Kean's room. Demi lifted him up onto the bed then sticking the picture frame on the bedside table.

"There now daddy will always be close to you." Demi stated kissing his head gently.

"Thank you mommy!" He exclaimed standing up on the bed wrapping his arms around Demi's neck, Demi smiled wrapping her arms back around her son.

"I told you to relax today." Joe lectured as he opened the door to Emily who just gave him an innocent smile leaning up pecking his lips gently.

"I came to see you, not Elliot." She stated but Joe rolled his eyes.

"I don't believe you one bit," Joe replied Emily giggling as she wrapped her arms around his middle Joe smiling as he laid his hands on her hips. He leaned down kissing her gently Emily kissing him back straight away, it didn't take long for the kiss to become slightly heated as they made out. Joe pulled away from her but only by a couple of inches. "Elliot is asleep." Emily nodded her head gently smiling as Joe lifted her up into his arms making his way upstairs into his bedroom laying her down on the bed hovering over her as their lips connected together once again. Joe pulled away leaning down kissing her neck gently. Emily tried to get into it as was Joe but soon pushed him away.

"This is weird." She stated.

"I agree, let's stay friends." Joe agreed as he got off her leaving the room.

"Best friends!" She called to him Joe laughing as he made his way back downstairs.

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