Sixty One

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They could noticeably see that their son was smaller than his sister but he would have to be to hide behind her during the twelve week scan followed by the scan Demi had when she had a scare because he wasn't spotted until a couple of weeks later when she had her twenty week scan. The two babies were sleeping after having a feed just to get them going but Demi planned to breast feed whether it was pumped for the duration of their hospital visit.

"I love them already." Demi breathed wiping away the couple of tears that fell from her eyes.

"So do I." Joe answered laying his hands on her hips seeing that she was struggling to stay stood up, she leaned back against him a little bit.

"I just wish we could take them home now, I don't really want to visit them in the hospital. I will but I don't want to." Demi admitted.

"I know it's not ideal but they will be better off here," Joe answered kissing the top of her head. Demi cracked a small smile as she admired her son and daughter. They weren't allowed to touch them or hold them yet but it was something they could do with time. "Do you want to discuss names now?" Demi nodded her head gently.

"If Kean was a girl I was going to name him Thalia." Demi confessed.

"I like that name, I was going to suggest Faith but Thalia Faith suites her too." Joe replied Demi tilting her head back to face him.

"Thalia Faith Jonas." Joe smiled sharing a kiss with her before Demi's eyes landed on her tiny son who was making small cooing noises in his sleep.

"Oliver." Joe stated his eyes also on his youngest son, Demi couldn't help but cry and the sound of what she knew would be her son's name.

"Oliver suites him," Demi choked Joe smiling kissing her cheek gently as he held her a little tighter. "Oliver Jacob Jonas."

Joe and Demi only spent ten minutes with Thalia and Oliver before Demi made her way back to her room where she needed to settle again. It had been a long and stressful day for her and they both needed to settle down for the night. Demi winced as she stood up from the wheelchair feeling the burning in-between her legs.

"You want some help?" Joe questioned from the couch but Demi shook her head.

"You need to relax." Demi demanded laying down on the bed laughing as Joe rolled his eyes. They would be having visitors tomorrow including Kean who was excited to meet his little sister, he didn't know he had a brother yet. Demi had already pumped some breast milk for Thalia and Oliver over night, it felt weird for them to have their twins here but not being the ones who look after them.

"I have two new personalities." Joe revealed.

"Really? I thought the idea of you going away was to get rid of these personalities." Demi stated as she settled down.

"Marty said it's not unusual to gain a new personality through the process." Joe answered.

"Is it aggressive?" Joe shook his head.

"They're both children, Bethany and Daniel. Bethany is an abused child though." Joe explained Demi sighing slightly.

"Come here." Joe sighed this time getting up wondering over to the bed laying down next to her. They only had a short time with one another and didn't want to waste a night being separated.

"I'm scared I'm going to miss Thalia and Oliver's life." Joe admitted laying his head down on her shoulder as she ran her fingers through his hair like he likes her to do.

"I know but we don't have much of an option." Demi breathed hating to think about her daughter and son growing up without their father.

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