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Denise let go of Joe's hand when his body begun to shake violently. She held back her tears as she was led out of the room by a nurse who was attempting to comfort her but all she could do was stare into the window her husband's arm around them both seeing their son dying at a young age. All she thought about was her son as a baby, as a kid when he was so sweet and needed her attention but she also thought about her Grandson and how little of him he had seen. He didn't deserve to die when he had a lifetime with his son. It had been a long night Joe fighting for his life Denise and Paul being by his side the whole time not wanting him to die alone. Joe's body settled down as his heart gave up on him Denise able to hear the flat line.

Joe's eyes fluttered open twelve hours later a groan escaping his lips as he felt how heavy his chest was and how much he ached. The room was spinning as he blinked a couple of times to try and make out where he was, it didn't come to a surprise when he saw he was in the hospital. He felt a hand squeeze his knowing it was his mother's touch.

"Joseph are you okay?" She questioned but Joe couldn't find the words to speak, the room was still spinning and he was in a lot of pain. He had no energy at all, if he was being honest it felt like he was drunk. "Go to sleep." He heard his mother and that was the last thing he heard before his eyes dropped closed again instantly falling asleep.

Joe woke up about five hours later feeling a lot better, his parents were still by his side not wanting to leave him in case his heart gave up on him again. They didn't want their son to die alone but things were looking good. Over the twelve hours Joe's heart stopped four times and both parents agreed if it were to happen again they had no option but to let him go, they didn't want him to suffer but it hadn't. He remained unconscious for that time going into surgery to get the bullet out and now he was awake feeling a lot better but he still ached on his chest and he couldn't remember anything.

"What happened?" Joe mumbled holding onto his head but his mother soon moved his hand stroking his hair gently as his father held onto his left hand.

"You were held hostage with about nine others and being you you decided it was a good idea to be a hero and try and stop it. You were shot just shy of your heart and left to bleed out for an hour, much longer and your would have died on the stop." Paul answered squeezing his hand when he let a tear slip from his eyes. He didn't like the thought of dying.

"But your okay now Joe, that's the main thing but you won't be going to work for a while." Denise leaned over kissing his head once she had moved some hair out of his eyes.

"A-Ashton." He managed to stammer.

"He's fine at home with Emily, you need to relax." Paul demanded softly Joe shutting his eyes but the tears still escaped his eyes.

"Joe!" He heard a shout opening them again looking towards the door way seeing his best friend stood there or at least she used to be his best friend. "Are you okay?" She rushed to his side as Denise and Paul left the room so they could be alone.

"I-I think so," He answered allowing her to help him sit up a little bit. "I want to see Ashton." Emily nodded her head.

"You can see him whenever you want, he needs his daddy," Emily smiled wiping her eyes. "I want you back Joe, I want my best friend back. I'm sorry for fighting with you, I don't want to lose you." Joe shushed her gently taking her hand.

"You won't lose me Emily and I missed you too, I just want us to go back to old times." Emily nodded her head kissing his cheek gently.

"You can see Ashton just as soon as you get out of hospital." She stated Joe sighing but nodded his head, he knew he needed to get better before he could see his son.



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